理解React Simplified的简化思维。





而是开始在React Simplified中引导你以组件的方式思考——这就是React开发人员的思考方式。

This course is your passport to thinking like a React developer, thinking in components, thinking React Simplified. Say goodbye to traditional programming methods and hello to a new way of tackling problems—illustrated brilliantly through the sandwich analogy.
This course, packed with over 11 hours of content, ensures you not only learn React but become a React developer.

The Beginner Course lays the foundation, and the Advanced Course elevates your skills.
Learn, Connect, Practice, Build—ensuring each step builds on the last without overwhelming you.
Take control of your React journey, stop mere tutorial following, and start thinking in components with React Simplified—where React developer thinking is simplified.

  • 教程编号:0356959655
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:9.76GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─React Simplified
│      ├─React Simplified - Advanced (2023)
│      │      01 - Welcome.mp4
│      │      02 - Portals.mp4
│      │      03 - forwardRef.mp4
│      │      04 - Modal Introduction.mp4
│      │      05 - Modal Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      06 - Error Boundaries.mp4
│      │      07 - Advanced Key Uses.mp4
│      │      08 - Capture Event Listeners.mp4
│      │      09 - Date Picker Introduction.mp4
│      │      10 - Date Picker Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      11 - useLayoutEffect.mp4
│      │      12 - useDebugValue.mp4
│      │      13 - useId.mp4
│      │      14 - useImperativeHandle.mp4
│      │      15 - useCallback As Ref.mp4
│      │      16 - Infinite Scroll Project Introduction.mp4
│      │      17 - Infinite Scroll Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      18 - useEffectEvent.mp4
│      │      19 - CSS Modules.mp4
│      │      20 - CSS In JS.mp4
│      │      21 - Utility CSS.mp4
│      │      22 - CSS Frameworks.mp4
│      │      23 - Comparing CSS Options.mp4
│      │      24 - PropTypes.mp4
│      │      25 - TypeScript Setup And Props.mp4
│      │      26 - TypeScript useState.mp4
│      │      27 - TypeScript useRef.mp4
│      │      28 - TypeScript useReducer.mp4
│      │      29 - TypeScript useContext.mp4
│      │      30 - TypeScript Generic Components.mp4
│      │      31 - Google Calendar Clone Introduction.mp4
│      │      32 - Google Calendar Clone Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      33 - Dev Tools Profiler.mp4
│      │      34 - React.memo.mp4
│      │      35 - PureComponent.mp4
│      │      36 - Handling Large Lists.mp4
│      │      37 - Setup Vitest And React Testing Library.mp4
│      │      38 - Vitest.mp4
│      │      39 - React Testing Library.mp4
│      │      40 - Mocking API Calls.mp4
│      │      41 - Component Testing Project Introduction.mp4
│      │      42 - Component Testing Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      43 - Hook Testing Project Introduction.mp4
│      │      44 - Hook Testing Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      45 - Router Testing Project Introduction.mp4
│      │      46 - Router Testing Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      47 - As Prop.mp4
│      │      48 - Context Organization.mp4
│      │      49 - Toast Project Introduction.mp4
│      │      50 - Toast Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      51 - Use Less useEffect.mp4
│      │      52 - Controlled Vs Uncontrolled Components.mp4
│      │      53 - Compound Components.mp4
│      │      54 - React Folder Structure.mp4
│      │      55 - Suspense.mp4
│      │      56 - React.lazy.mp4
│      │      57 - useDeferredValue.mp4
│      │      58 - useTransition.mp4
│      │      59 - use Hook.mp4
│      │      60 - Async React Router.mp4
│      │      61 - Async Routing Project Introduction.mp4
│      │      62 - Async Routing Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─React Simplified - Beginner (2023)
│      │      01 - Course Introduction .mp4
│      │      02 - React Is Hard .mp4
│      │      03 - Don't Get Discouraged .mp4
│      │      04 - What Is React.mp4
│      │      05 - Download Tools.mp4
│      │      06 - Prettier.mp4
│      │      07 - Your First React App.mp4
│      │      08 - Your First Vite React App.mp4
│      │      08.5 - Vite ESlint.mp4
│      │      09 - Thinking In Components.mp4
│      │      10 - JSX Basics.mp4
│      │      11 - Creating Components.mp4
│      │      12 - Props.mp4
│      │      13 - Declarative Vs Imperative.mp4
│      │      14 - Importing Non-JS Files.mp4
│      │      15 - User Card Introduction.mp4
│      │      16 - User Card Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      17 - useState Hook.mp4
│      │      18 - State In Class Components.mp4
│      │      19 - Input Event Listeners.mp4
│      │      20 - Array State Project.mp4
│      │      21 - Counter With Name Project Introduction.mp4
│      │      22 - Counter With Name Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      23 - Virtual DOM.mp4
│      │      24 - Component Lifecycle.mp4
│      │      25 - useEffect Hook.mp4
│      │      26 - useEffect Hook Exercises Introduction.mp4
│      │      27 - useEffect Hook Exercises Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      28 - Class Component Lifecycle Methods.mp4
│      │      29 - Class Component Lifecycle Methods Exercises Introduction.mp4
│      │      30 - Class Component Lifecycle Methods Exercises Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      31 - StrictMode.mp4
│      │      32 - Fetching Data From An API.mp4
│      │      33 - React Dev Tools.mp4
│      │      34 - Conditional Rendering.mp4
│      │      35 - Rendering Lists.mp4
│      │      36 - Fragments.mp4
│      │      37 - User List Project Introduction .mp4
│      │      38 - User List Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      39 - Spread Props.mp4
│      │      40 - Render Raw HTML.mp4
│      │      41 - Simple Todo List Project Introduction.mp4
│      │      42 - Simple Todo List Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      43 - Hook Rules.mp4
│      │      44 - useRef Hook.mp4
│      │      45 - Refs In Class Components.mp4
│      │      46 - useMemo Hook.mp4
│      │      47 - useCallback Hook.mp4
│      │      48 - Custom Hooks.mp4
│      │      49 - useFetch Custom Hook Project Introduction.mp4
│      │      50 - useFetch Custom Hook Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      51 - useArray Custom Hook Project Introduction.mp4
│      │      52 - useArray Custom Hook Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      53 - useLocalStorage Custom Hook Project Introduction.mp4
│      │      54 - useLocalStorage Custom Hook Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      55 - Form Basics.mp4
│      │      56 - One Way Data Flow.mp4
│      │      57 - useState vs useRef.mp4
│      │      58 - Basic Form Validation Project Introduction.mp4
│      │      59 - Basic Form Validation Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      60 - Form Libraries.mp4
│      │      61 - React Hook Form Implementation.mp4
│      │      62 - useReducer Hook.mp4
│      │      63 - useContext Hook.mp4
│      │      64 - Context In Class Components.mp4
│      │      65 - Local State Is Best.mp4
│      │      66 - Never Store Derived State.mp4
│      │      67 - Environment Variables.mp4
│      │      68 - Advanced Todo List Introduction.mp4
│      │      69 - Advanced Todo List Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      70 - Routing Without A Library.mp4
│      │      71 - React Router Basics.mp4
│      │      72 - Nested Routes.mp4
│      │      73 - Dynamic Routes.mp4
│      │      74 - Loaders.mp4
│      │      75 - Basic Routing Project Introduction.mp4
│      │      76 - Basic Routing Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      77 - Actions.mp4
│      │      78 - Advanced Routing Project Introduction.mp4
│      │      79 - Advanced Routing Project Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      
│      └─React Simplified - Bonus Project
│              01 - Introduction.mp4
│              02 - Team Lead Introduction.mp4
│              03 - Backend Lead Introduction.mp4
│              04 - Navbar And Light Dark Mode.mp4
│              05 - User Authentication.mp4
│              06 - Create Edit And Delete Job Listings.mp4
│              07 - Stripe Integration.mp4
│              08 - Public Job Listing Page.mp4





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