通过Bootstrap 5从头到尾打造漂亮且功能强大的响应式网站。
我们将涵盖Bootstrap 5的所有要点,包括其网格系统、组件和实用工具。你将学会如何创建表单、导航栏、下拉菜单等等。
你将学会如何定制Bootstrap 5模板,打造独特且引人注目的视觉吸引力网站,使其脱颖而出。

Build beautiful and functional responsive websites with Bootstrap 5 From Start to Finish.
If you’re a web developer looking to create responsive websites without spending countless hours on design, this course is for you.
We’ll cover all the essentials of Bootstrap 5, including its grid system, components, and utilities. You’ll learn how to create forms, navigation bars, dropdown menus, and much more.
You will learn how to customize your Bootstrap 5 templates to create unique and visually appealing websites that stand out from the crowd.
You’ll learn how to use CSS variables, JavaScript, and other modern web technologies to take your web development skills to the next level.

  • 教程编号:0249640228
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:4.7GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─Bootstrap 5 From Start to Finish
│      │  Syllabus.png
│      │  
│      ├─01 Course Introduction
│      │      01.01 Introduction.mp4
│      │      01.02 Why Learn Bootstrap 5.mp4
│      │      01.03 Who This Course Is For.mp4
│      │      01.04 What This Course Covers.mp4
│      │      01.05 What This Course Does Not Cover.mp4
│      │      01.06 What Outcomes Should You Expect.mp4
│      │      Section10Lesson10.zip
│      │      
│      ├─02 Setup
│      │      02.01 Introduction.mp4
│      │      02.02 VSCode Extensions.mp4
│      │      03.03 VSCode Configuration.mp4
│      │      03.04 VSCode Tips and Tricks.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─03 Installation
│      │      03.01 Introduction.mp4
│      │      03.02 Compiled Files.mp4
│      │      03.03 CDN.mp4
│      │      03.04 Npm.mp4
│      │      03.05 ASP.NET Core.mp4
│      │      03.06 NuGet.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─04 Layout
│      │      04.01 Introduction.mp4
│      │      04.02 Containers.mp4
│      │      04.03 Grid System.mp4
│      │      04.04 Responsive Columns.mp4
│      │      04.05 Gutters.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─05 Customizing Bootstrap with SCSS
│      │      05.01 Introduction.mp4
│      │      05.02 Changing Global CSS Settings.mp4
│      │      05.03 Setting up SCSS.mp4
│      │      05.04 Changing Theme Colors.mp4
│      │      05.05 Adding Your Own Styles.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─06 CSS Grid
│      │      06.01 Introduction.mp4
│      │      06.02 Enabling CSS Grid.mp4
│      │      06.03 Using CSS Grid.mp4
│      │      06.04 Customizing the Grid.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─07 Styling
│      │      07.01 Introduction.mp4
│      │      07.02 Normalization.mp4
│      │      07.03 Text Styling.mp4
│      │      07.04 Image Styling.mp4
│      │      07.05 Table Styling.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─08 Forms
│      │      08.01 Introduction.mp4
│      │      08.02 Form Basics.mp4
│      │      08.03 Form Layouts.mp4
│      │      08.04 Common Controls.mp4
│      │      08.05 Form Validation.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─09 Components
│      │      09.01 Introduction.mp4
│      │      09.02 Alerts.mp4
│      │      09.03 Breadcrumbs.mp4
│      │      09.04 Buttons.mp4
│      │      09.05 Collapse.mp4
│      │      09.06 Modal.mp4
│      │      09.07 Navbar.mp4
│      │      09.10 Hidden Sidebars.mp4
│      │      09.11 Pagination.mp4
│      │      09.12 Popovers.mp4
│      │      09.13 Progress Bar.mp4
│      │      09.14 Spinners.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─10 Helpful Classes
│      │      10.01 Introduction.mp4
│      │      10.02 Colors.mp4
│      │      10.03 Dark Mode.mp4
│      │      10.04 Flexbox.mp4
│      │      10.05 Margin and Padding.mp4
│      │      10.06 Opacity.mp4
│      │      10.07 Position.mp4
│      │      10.08 Sizing.mp4
│      │      10.09 Text.mp4
│      │      10.10 Visibility.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─11 Conclusion
│      │      11.01 Conclusion.mp4
│      │      
│      └─_Code Include Bootstrap 5 From Start to Finish
│              Section03Lesson02.zip
│              Section03Lesson03.zip
│              Section03Lesson04.zip
│              Section03Lesson05.zip
│              Section03Lesson06.zip
│              Section04Lesson02.zip
│              Section04Lesson03.zip
│              Section04Lesson04.zip
│              Section04Lesson05.zip
│              Section05Lesson02.zip
│              Section05Lesson03.zip
│              Section05Lesson04.zip
│              Section05Lesson05.zip
│              Section06Lesson02.zip
│              Section06Lesson03.zip
│              Section06Lesson04.zip
│              Section07Lesson02.zip
│              Section07Lesson03.zip
│              Section07Lesson04.zip
│              Section07Lesson05.zip
│              Section08Lesson02.zip
│              Section08Lesson03.zip
│              Section08Lesson04.zip
│              Section08Lesson05.zip
│              Section09Lesson02.zip
│              Section09Lesson03.zip
│              Section09Lesson04.zip
│              Section09Lesson05.zip
│              Section09Lesson06.zip
│              Section09Lesson07.zip
│              Section09Lesson08.zip
│              Section09Lesson09.zip
│              Section09Lesson10.zip
│              Section09Lesson11.zip
│              Section09Lesson12.zip
│              Section10Lesson02.zip
│              Section10Lesson03.zip
│              Section10Lesson04.zip
│              Section10Lesson05.zip
│              Section10Lesson06.zip
│              Section10Lesson07.zip
│              Section10Lesson08.zip
│              Section10Lesson09.zip
│              Section10Lesson10.zip





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