我最可靠的 4 种在线创收方法为我带来源源不断的利润!


发现我的秘密 YouTube 脚本,
制作可 24/7 全天候为您销售的简单视频。



  • 教程编号:0243680153
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:959MB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   ├─1) Pillar One - No Product Cash Method
   │      a) Cash_Pillars_-_Introduction.mkv
   │      b) Pillar One Warrior Plus.mkv
   │      c) Pillar One JVZoo.mkv
   │      d) Pillar One Clickbank.mkv
   │      e) Pillar One Muncheye.mkv
   │      f) Pillar One Putting it all together Part 1.mkv
   │      g) Pillar One Putting it together Part 2.mkv
   │      h) Putting it all together part 3.mkv
   │      i) Putting it all together part 4.mkv
   │      Link(s) under a) .txt
   │      Link(s) under b) .txt
   │      Link(s) under f) .txt
   │      Link(s) under g) .txt
   │      Link(s) under h) .txt
   │      Link(s) under i) .txt
   │      说明.txt
   ├─2) Pillar Two - YouTube Cash Attack Method
   │      a) PILLAR TWO INTRO.mkv
   │      b) YouTube Endscreens.mkv
   │      c) YouTube Video Elements.mkv
   │      d) YouTube Cards and Final Thoughts.mkv
   │      e) YouTube Cash.mkv
   │      Link under b).txt
   │      Link under c).txt
   │      Link under e).txt
   │      Reviews-Generic-Video-Script.zip
   │      说明.txt
   ├─3) Pillar Three - Money Geyser Cash Method
   │      a) Pillar Three Intro.mkv
   │      b) Autoresponder Free VS Paid.mkv
   │      b1) Top_4_FREE_Autoresponders.pdf
   │      b2) Top_4_Paid_Autoresponders.pdf
   │      c1) Landing Pages and Freebies Part 1.mkv
   │      c2) Landing Pages and Freebies Part 2.mkv
   │      d) Solo_Ad_Vendors.pdf
   │      d1) Misconceptions about Solo Ads.mkv
   │      d2) Wayne Crowe Interview.mkv
   │      d3) Facebook Solo Vendors.mp4
   │      d4) Udimi.mkv
   │      d5) Udimi Customer Reviews.mkv
   │      e) Best_Email_Subject_Lines.pdf
   │      e) Killer Headlines and Subject Lines.mkv
   │      e1) The_BEST_6_Headline_Generators.pdf
   │      e2) 42_headline_templates.pdf
   │      f) List Hygiene and Maintenance.mkv
   │      f) List_Hygiene_and_maintenance.pdf
   │      Link(s) under b).txt
   │      Link(s) under d3).txt
   │      Link(s) under d4).txt
   │      Link(s) under e).txt
   │      说明.txt
   ├─4) Pillar Four - Continual Cash Method
   │      a) PILLAR FOUR INTRO.mkv
   │      b) Andy Waring Interview Continual Cash Method.mkv
   │      c) Website Membership.mkv
   │      d) Master Mind Groups.mkv
   │      Link(s) under b).txt
   │      Link(s) under c).txt
   │      Link(s) under d).txt
   │      说明.txt
   │      Things_You_Need_To_Know_About_Marketing.pdf
   │      说明.txt
   └─6) 3 Cash Pillars Bonuses
           3 Cash Pillars Bonuses.txt





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