





OpenAI’s tools and models are super easy to use, and give impressive results even with the most basic of prompting.
In this course, you’ll learn how to apply best practices to your prompts for OpenAI’s GPT models.
You’ll explore the art and science of writing clear, concise instructions.
You’ll discover the benefits of using reference text with your prompts.
You’ll learn to split complex tasks into smaller parts, and how to look into the “thought processes” of GPT models.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of prompting best practices to be more productive and effective using OpenAI’s tools and models.

  • 教程编号:0149610170
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:388MB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│      └─OpenAI - Prompt Engineering Best Practices
│          │
│          │  playlist.m3u
│          │  
│          ├─1. Course Overview
│          │      1. Course Overview.mp4
│          │      1. Course Overview.vtt
│          │      1. Overview.mp4
│          │      
│          ├─2. Crafting Clear Prompts for Generative AI Models
│          │      1. Taking Your Prompting to the Next Level.mp4
│          │      1. Taking Your Prompting to the Next Level.vtt
│          │      2. Getting Specific and Descriptive.mp4
│          │      2. Getting Specific and Descriptive.vtt
│          │      3. Working with Personas.mp4
│          │      3. Working with Personas.vtt
│          │      4. Using Delimiters to Separate Parts of the Input.mp4
│          │      4. Using Delimiters to Separate Parts of the Input.vtt
│          │      5. Specifying Steps to Complete a Task.mp4
│          │      5. Specifying Steps to Complete a Task.vtt
│          │      7. Specifying Length and Other Explicit Constraints.mp4
│          │      7. Specifying Length and Other Explicit Constraints.vtt
│          │      
│          ├─3. Using Reference Text in Prompts
│          │      1. Providing Reference Text to the Model.mp4
│          │      1. Providing Reference Text to the Model.vtt
│          │      2. Asking for Citations from a Reference Text.mp4
│          │      2. Asking for Citations from a Reference Text.vtt
│          │      
│          ├─4. Breaking Tasks Into Smaller Parts
│          │      1. Decomposing Tasks and Using Intent Classification.mp4
│          │      1. Decomposing Tasks and Using Intent Classification.vtt
│          │      2. Summarizing and Filtering Previous Dialogues.mp4
│          │      2. Summarizing and Filtering Previous Dialogues.vtt
│          │      3. Summarizing Long Documents.mp4
│          │      3. Summarizing Long Documents.vtt
│          │      
│          └─5. Giving GPT Models Time to Think
│                  1. Instructing a Model to Find Its Own Solution.mp4
│                  1. Instructing a Model to Find Its Own Solution.vtt
│                  2. Using Inner Monologue or a Sequence of Queries.mp4
│                  2. Using Inner Monologue or a Sequence of Queries.vtt
│                  3. Asking a Model if it Missed Anything.mp4
│                  3. Asking a Model if it Missed Anything.vtt





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