
利用Smart Google Ads解锁全球最大的流量来源的潜力。

Smart Google Ads提供了包括8个模块和91个视频的全面培训,适合各种类型、规模、技能水平和预算的企业。

Google Ads提供了六个流量渠道,包括搜索广告、展示广告、购物广告、性能最大化、发现和Gmail广告。

Unlock the potential of the world’s largest traffic source with Smart Google Ads.
This platform combines six powerful channels into one easy-to-use platform, allowing you to execute full-funnel marketing campaigns for any business.

Smart Google Ads offers comprehensive training with 8 modules and 91 videos, suitable for businesses of all types, sizes, skill levels, and budgets.
Whether you’re an eCommerce store, a service provider, a small business, or a large enterprise, this course equips you with the knowledge and tools to run profitable Google ad campaigns effectively.

Google Ads offers six traffic channels, including Search Ads, Display Ads, Shopping Ads, Performance Max, Discover, and Gmail Ads.
Each channel serves a unique purpose, from strengthening existing strategies to generating new leads and maximizing bottom-of-funnel sales.

  • 教程编号:0045199997
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:14.98GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

  └─Smart Google Ads
      ├─00-Smart Marketer Workbook Overview
      │      Smart Google Ads Workbook.pdf
      │      Smart Marketer Workbook Overview.mp4
      ├─01-Crucial Cornerstones of Google Ads
      │      01-The Goal.mp4
      │      02-“Why Your Business Needs to Beef Up Google Ads”.mp4
      │      03-Demand Generation v. Demand Capture.mp4
      │      04-Google Ads and Your Media Mix.mp4
      │      05-4 Pillars of Google Ads.mp4
      │      06-Strengths and Weaknesses of Google Ads.mp4
      ├─02-Preparing to Run Traffic on Google
      │      01-“Conversions Are the Oxygen of Those Campaigns”.mp4
      │      02-Charting Your Direction.mp4
      │      03-Getting Familiar With the KPIs.mp4
      │      04-Conversion Tracking.mp4
      │      05-Setting Up Your Conversion Tracking.mp4
      │      05-SGA - Module 2 OMG Event Snippet For Shopify Thank You Page.pdf
      │      06-Attribution Models and Your Source of Truth.mp4
      │      07-Getting Your Ass(ets) in Order.mp4
      │      08-Getting Your Ass(ets) in Order Messaging.mp4
      │      08-SGA - Module 2 Checklist for Ensuring Google Ad Approval .pdf
      │      09-Getting Your Ass(ets) in Order Images.mp4
      │      09-SGA - Module 2 Checklist for Ensuring Google Discovery Ad Approval .pdf
      │      09-SGA - Module 2 Checklist for Ensuring Google Image Ad Approval .pdf
      │      10-Getting Your Ass(ets) in Order Videos.mp4
      │      10-SGA - Module 2 Checklist for Ensuring Google Video Ad Approval.pdf
      │      11-Creating Remarketing Audiences.mp4
      │      12-Types of Targeting.mp4
      │      13-“What Do You Want Google To Do For You”.mp4
      ├─03-Google Search Ads
      │      01-“Intent and Volume Are Really Just Understanding What Mode Someone Is In”.mp4
      │      02-Search Ads and Your Marketing Funnel.mp4
      │      03-Targeting the RIGHT Keywords.mp4
      │      04-Conducting Keyword Research.mp4
      │      05-Leveling-Up with Quality Score.mp4
      │      05-SGA - Module 3 Google Ads- Landing Page CRO Checklist.pdf
      │      06-Segmenting Campaigns.mp4
      │      07-Structuring Ad Groups.mp4
      │      08-Search Ad Copy.mp4
      │      09-Utilizing Search Assets (aka Extensions).mp4
      │      10-Manual Bidding v. Smart Bidding.mp4
      │      11-Building Out Your Search Campaigns.mp4
      │      12-Optimizing Your Search Campaigns.mp4
      │      13-Advanced Tools and Tactics.mp4
      │      13-[TOOL] Google Ads Editor Bulk Upload.xlsx
      │      14-“Search is Where Google Got Its Start”.mp4
      ├─04-Google Shopping Ads
      │      01-“A Billion Shopping Experiences Every Day”.mp4
      │      02-Google Shopping and Your Marketing Funnel.mp4
      │      03-Merchant Center Overview.mp4
      │      04-SGA - Module 4 Google Shopping- Manual Feed Bulk Uploader.pdf
      │      04-Types of Product Feeds.mp4
      │      05-Elements of a Product Feed.mp4
      │      05-[RESOURCE] Google's Product Data Specifications.txt
      │      05-[RESOURCE] Google's Product Taxonomy.txt
      │      06-Product Reviews.mp4
      │      06-[RESOURCE] Google's List of Approved Aggregators.txt
      │      07-Google Merchant Center and Promotions.mp4
      │      08-Google Shopping Bidding.mp4
      │      09-Building Out Your Google Shopping Campaign.mp4
      │      10-Google Shopping Optimizations.mp4
      │      11-“It All Starts With Your Products”.mp4
      ├─05-Performance Max
      │      01-“The More You Scale The More It’ll Start To Do Those Other   Things Right”.mp4
      │      02-Performance Max and Your Marketing Funnel.mp4
      │      02-SGA - Module 5 Checklist for Launching a Google Performance Max Campaign .pdf
      │      03-Elements of an Asset Group.mp4
      │      04-Performance Max Ad Copy and Assets.mp4
      │      05-Performance Max Strategies and Best Practices.mp4
      │      06-Performance Max Bidding.mp4
      │      07-Building Out Your Performance Max Campaign.mp4
      │      08-Performance Max Optimizations.mp4
      │      08-SGA - Module 5 PMax Asset Group Report Custom Script.pdf
      │      09-“The Machine Will Make It Better Over Time”.mp4
      ├─06-YouTube Ads
      │      01-“Don’t Sleep on YouTube”.mp4
      │      02-YouTube and Your Marketing Funnel.mp4
      │      03-7 Must Have Elements of a Winning YouTube Ad.mp4
      │      04-8 Winning YouTube Ad Templates.mp4
      │      04-SGA - Module 6 OMG’s YouTube Ad Bible.pdf
      │      05-Laying the Foundation with Remarketing.mp4
      │      06-Building Our Remarketing Audiences.mp4
      │      07-YouTube Remarketing Strategies.mp4
      │      08-YouTube Bidding Strategies.mp4
      │      09-Building Out Your YouTube Remarketing Campaign.mp4
      │      10-Using YouTube for Top of Funnel Ads.mp4
      │      11-Building Top of Funnel Audiences.mp4
      │      12-Building Out Your Top of Funnel YouTube Campaign.mp4
      │      13-YouTube Optimizations.mp4
      │      14-“It All Starts With Your Video”.mp4
      ├─07-Display and Discovery Ads
      │      01-Display and Discovery and Your Marketing Funnel.mp4
      │      02-Google Display vs. Google Discovery.mp4
      │      03-Display and Discovery Campaign Types.mp4
      │      04-Display and Discovery Ad Types.mp4
      │      04-SGA - Module 7 Google Discovery Ads.pdf
      │      04-SGA - Module 7 Google Display Ad Bible- Responsive Ads .pdf
      │      04-SGA - Module 7 Google Display Ad Bible- Static Ads.pdf
      │      05-Using Display and Discovery for Top of Funnel Ads.mp4
      │      06-Display and Discovery Bid Strategies.mp4
      │      07-Crafting Your Message Display and Discovery Ad Copy.mp4
      │      08-The Most Important Element of Image Ads Selecting Your   Image!.mp4
      │      09-Building Out Your Display Remarketing Campaign.mp4
      │      10-Building Out Your Display Top of Funnel Campaign.mp4
      │      11-Display Ads Optimizations.mp4
      │      12-Building Out Your Discovery Remarketing Campaign.mp4
      │      13-Building Out Your Discovery Top of Funnel Campaign.mp4
      │      14-Discovery Ads Optimizations.mp4
      │      15-“Being More Granular Can Lead to Better Conversion Rates”.mp4
      ├─08-Using Google for Full Funnel Marketing
      │      01-“Our Most Successful Clients Are Spending More on Google Than Any Other Marketing Channels”.mp4
      │      02-Putting All the Channels Together.mp4
      │      03-Full-Funnel Perspective.mp4
      │      04-Full-Funnel Perspective Portfolio Metrics.mp4
      │      05-Balancing the Budget.mp4
      │      06-ROAS Based Budget Model Walkthrough.mp4
      │      06-[TOOL] ROAS Based Budget Model.xlsx
      │      07-Leveraging Third-Party Tracking Tools.mp4
      │      08-“Google Ads As a Catalysis To Grow”.mp4
      └─09-Smart Google Ads- Certification Exam
              01-Smart Google Ads - Certification Exam Review.docx
              01-Smart Google Ads Certification Exam – Review.pdf
              02-Smart Google Ads Certification Exam.pdf





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