- 教程编号:0021815226
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:1.8GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
└─God Tier Agency Scaling
├─01-Financial Planning
│ 00-Quick intro, please watch!.mp4
│ 01-Introduction to the 'Backwards Business Plan'.mp4
│ 02-Working Through the Plan.mp4
│ 03-Tracking Progress.mp4
│ 04-The Backwards Business Plan Template File.xlsx
├─02-Inbound Prospecting
│ 01-Introduction to the Inbound Funnel.mp4
│ 02-Framework, Ads & Audience.mp4
│ 03-Landing Page, VSL & Calls.mp4
├─03-Outbound Prospecting
│ 01-Outbound Prospecting Introduction.mp4
│ 02-Prospecting Philosphy (Important).mp4
│ 03-List Building.mp4
│ 03-Resource.pdf
│ 04-Your Outreach Messaging.mp4
│ 05-Results Based Email Template.pdf
│ 06-Results Based Email.mp4
│ 07-PPC Ad Lab Outreach Email.pdf
│ 08-Market Report Outreach.mp4
│ 09-Free Help Offer Email Prospecting Sequence.pdf
│ 10-Another Example.mp4
│ 11-Setting-up the Tech.mp4
│ 12-The Email Warm-up.mp4
│ 13-Importing Your Prospects.mp4
│ 14-Creating & Sending Your Campaign.mp4
│ 15-Cold Email Technical Sign-off.pdf
│ 16-BONUS - PPC Ad Lab Step-by-Step.mp4
├─04-Sales Conversion
│ 01-Introduction & Red Flags.mp4
│ 02-Step 1 - The Discovery & Audit.mp4
│ 03-Step 2 - The Review & Close.mp4
│ 04-100 Percent Close Rate Script.pdf
│ 05-2-page Agreement Template.docx
│ 01-Client Onboarding Overview.mp4
│ 02-Part 1 - Asana Import.mp4
│ 03-Asana Customisations.mp4
│ 04-Client Onboarding Checklist - Asana.csv
│ 05-Part 1 - ClickUp Import.mp4
│ 06-Part 2 - ClickUp Import.mp4
│ 07-ClickUp Customisations.mp4
└─06-Client Retention
01-100-day Communication Schedule.pdf
02-6-Month Rentention Roadmap.pdf
03-Your ‘Sleep Well’ Guide to Performance Concerns.docx