探索Trivia Money系统,发现它如何改变你的业务。
第一部分清晰地展示了Trivia Money系统的工作原理,教你如何通过设置吸引本地客户,从每个客户那里每月赚取500美元。
第二部分介绍了Social Story Trivia心理诱饵。学会如何打造引人入胜的趣味故事,将客户的低参与度转化为一个潜在买家满满的收件箱。
第三部分揭示了Social Story Funnel,这是一个将简单的趣味故事转化为每天不断增长的营销名单的增长引擎。
额外福利#1包括Social Story Canva模板,以便轻松创建Trivia包。
额外福利#2提供Chat GPT专业Trivia提示,快速生成新内容。
通过Trivia Money系统,你将学会持续稳定地赚钱,轻松地提供出色的结果。
探索Trivia Money系统,了解如何通过吸引本地客户每月赚取500美元,以及如何利用心理诱饵和营销名单引擎提升业务。学会寻找并签约愿意付费的客户,并自动化整个过程,获得额外利润和稳定收入。Explore the Trivia Money system and discover how it can transform your business.
Part 1 gives you a clear view of how the Trivia Money system works, showing you how to attract local customers and earn $500 per month from each client by setting it up.
Part 2 introduces the Social Story Trivia psychological hook. Learn how to craft engaging trivia stories that turn your client’s low engagement into a full inbox of potential buyers.
Part 3 reveals the Social Story Funnel, a growth engine that converts simple trivia stories into an ever-expanding marketing list that grows daily.
Part 4 teaches you how to find and sign clients willing to pay $500 a month. You’ll see exactly how to approach, pitch, and close deals on this unique service.
Part 5 shows you how to set everything up for your clients once and automate the process. This means you get paid continuously while doing minimal ongoing work.
Bonus #1 includes Social Story Canva Templates for easy creation of trivia packs.
Bonus #2 offers Chat GPT Niche Trivia Prompts for quickly generating new content.
Bonus #3 explains how to sell your trivia packs to other businesses for extra profit, without providing ongoing service.
With the Trivia Money system, you’ll learn to earn consistently and provide great results effortlessly.
- 教程编号:2100573118
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:667MB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
│ └─Trivia Money
│ 01-Introduction.mp4
│ 02-Part 1- The x27 Trivia Money x27 System from 10k Feet.mp4
│ 03-Part 2- The x27 Social Story Trivia x27 Psychological Hook.mp4
│ 04-Part 3- The Social Story Funnel.pdf
│ 04-Part 3- The x27 Social Story Funnel x27 .mp4
│ 05-Part 4- How to get x27 Social Story Trivia x27 clients for 500month.mp4
│ 06-Part 5- How to set everything up for your clients once and then get paid forever.mp4
│ 07-Bonus 1- The Social Story Canva Templates.mp4
│ 07-Bonus 1- The Social Story Canva Templates.pdf
│ 08-Bonus 2- Our Chat GPT Niche Trivia Prompts.mp4
│ 08-Bonus 2- Our Chat GPT Niche Trivia Prompts.pdf
│ 09-Bonus 3- How to make solid money selling your x27 Trivia Packs x27 online.mp4
│ 10-How to Get Permission for a Facebook Page.mp4
│ 10-How to Get Permission for a Facebook Page.pdf
│ Resources.txt