向您推荐“The AD Lab” —— 使用Facebook和Instagram广告轻松增长您的美业业务的首选资源。


为美容师、理发师、化妆师和美业专业人士量身定制的“The AD Lab”简化了社交媒体广告,确保您可以毫无困扰地进行预约。


“The AD Lab”为成功提供了清晰的路线图。


Introducing The AD Lab – your go-to resource for effortlessly growing your beauty business using Facebook and Instagram Ads.
If you’re tired of ineffective marketing and not seeing real revenue, this course is for you.
Tailored for estheticians, hairstylists, MUAs, and beauty pros, The AD Lab simplifies social media ads, ensuring you get booked without the hassle.

Learn to craft irresistible offers, create engaging captions, and master videos that turn browsers into bookers.
The AD Lab provides a clear roadmap for success.
Follow the easy roadmap, and watch your beauty business thrive.

  • 教程编号:2046111556
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:11.45GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

The AD Lab
  └─The AD Lab
      │  welcome.mp4
      ├─Group Coaching Session Recordings
      │      The Ad Lab 10.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 11.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 12.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 13.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 14.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 15.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 16.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 17.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 18.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 19.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 2.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 20.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 21.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 22.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 23.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 24.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 25.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 26.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 27.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 28.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 29.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 3.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 30.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 31.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 32.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 33.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 34.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 35.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 36.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 37.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 38.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 39.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 4.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 40.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 41.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 42.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 43.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 44.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 45.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 46.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 47.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 48.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 5.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 6.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 7.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 8.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 9.ts
      │      The Ad Lab.ts
      ├─Module 1 Un-Confusing Ads
      │      The Ad Lab 1.mp4
      │      The Ad Lab 2.mp4
      │      The Ad Lab 3.mp4
      │      The Ad Lab 4.mp4
      ├─Module 2 Irresistible Offer
      │      M2L1 Promotional ideas from students.pdf
      │      M2L1 Your Irresistible Offer.pdf
      │      M2L2 Writing Your Caption.pdf
      │      M2L3 Setting Goals for Your Campaign.pdf
      │      The Ad Lab 1.mp4
      │      The Ad Lab 2.mp4
      │      The Ad Lab 3.mp4
      │      ??  E-commerce Checklist - ??  Overview.pdf
      ├─Module 3 Instant Attractor Video
      │      M3L1 Planning Your Video Shoot Day.pdf
      │      The Ad Lab 1.mp4
      │      The Ad Lab 2.mp4
      │      The Ad Lab 3.mp4
      ├─Module 4 Simple Ad Launch
      │      M4L1 Campaign Structure.pdf
      │      M4L2L3 Setting Up Ads Cheatsheet 2.pdf
      │      M4L2L3 Setting Up Ads Cheatsheet.pdf
      │      The Ad Lab 1.mp4
      │      The Ad Lab 2.mp4
      │      The Ad Lab 3.mp4
      │      The Ad Lab 4.mp4
      ├─Module 5 Real Results
      │      M5L3 Troubleshooting.pdf
      │      The Ad Lab 2.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 3.ts
      │      The Ad Lab.ts
      ├─Module 6 Tweaking, Testing, and Scaling
      │      M6L1 Testing new ads.pdf
      │      M6L3 Testing Captions.pdf
      │      M6L6 Promotions all year.pdf
      │      The Ad Lab 2.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 3.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 4.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 5.ts
      │      The Ad Lab 6.ts
      │      The Ad Lab.ts
      └─Welcome to the Course!
              The Ad Lab.ts





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