
Kristina Azarenko 的 SEO 友好型网站迁移与改版课程 专为 SEO 专业人士打造,提供清晰、直接的操作步骤,助你轻松搞定网站迁移!

课程内含 检查清单、模板和指南,手把手教你如何 保护网站流量,避免代价高昂的错误。无论是改版、换域名还是技术升级,这门课程都能让你 胸有成竹地应对各种迁移挑战,同时提升 SEO 技能!

📌 11 大核心模块:从制定详细的 SEO 迁移策略,到创建高效的重定向方案,再到与团队顺畅协作,样样精通!
📌 风险识别 + 问题解决:提前发现迁移隐患,轻松化解难题,让网站流量稳如泰山!
📌 新手友好,专家增值:即便是 SEO 小白,也能迅速上手,信心倍增!
📌 专属认证 + 终身更新:结业后可在 LinkedIn 炫耀你的证书,还能享受终身免费更新!

学完这门课,你不仅能避免流量损失,还能 搞定高阶案例,精准定价 SEO 服务,让技能变现!

The SEO-Friendly Migrations & Redesigns Course by Kristina Azarenko is crafted for SEO professionals who want clear, straightforward steps to manage site migrations.
With tools like checklists, templates, and guides, you’ll learn exactly how to protect website traffic and avoid costly errors.
This course offers practical, step-by-step help so you can confidently handle all migration types and strengthen your SEO skills.

In 11 essential modules, this course covers how to make detailed SEO strategies, create effective redirection maps, and work smoothly with teams.
You’ll learn how to spot migration risks and solve problems efficiently.
Each lesson is designed to boost your confidence, even if you’re a beginner. Plus, you’ll receive a certificate to show on LinkedIn and lifetime access with free updates.

By the end, you’ll know how to prevent issues that lead to traffic loss, handle advanced cases, and even price your services effectively.

  • 教程编号:1999091790
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:6.97GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─SEO-Friendly Website Migrations
│      ├─01-Module 1 Setting you up for success
│      │      01-How to get the most out of this course (new).mp4
│      │      01-How to get the most out of this course.pdf
│      │      01-How to use the platform to get the most out of it (new).mp4
│      │      02-Hey nice to meet you.pdf
│      │      03-5 Migration stages the ultimate website migration checklist - PART 1 (new).mp4
│      │      03-5 Migration stages the ultimate website migration checklist - PART 2 (new).mp4
│      │      03-5 Migration stages the ultimate website migration checklist.pdf
│      │      03-SEO Migrations Stages.pdf
│      │      03-The Ultimate Website Migration Checklist Stages Universal All.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─02-Module 2 Website Migration Uncovering the Must-Know Aspects
│      │      01-Types of website migrations and the role of an SEO (new).mp4
│      │      01-Types of website migrations and the role of an SEO.pdf
│      │      02-The need for website migration a reality check (new)[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│      │      02-The need for website migration a reality check.pdf
│      │      03-Common issues with website migrations and how to avoid them (new).mp4
│      │      03-Common issues with website migrations and how to avoid them.pdf
│      │      04-SEO effectiveness on different stages of website migration (new).mp4
│      │      04-SEO effectiveness on different stages of website migration.pdf
│      │      04-SEO Migration process - Priorities.pdf
│      │      05-Optimal order for multiple website migrations and significant changes (new).mp4
│      │      05-Optimal order for multiple website migrations and significant changes.pdf
│      │      06-Module 2 Feedback Form.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─03-Module 3 Stage 1 Building an SEO strategy for the migration
│      │      01-Questions to ask before you start planning the migration (new).mp4
│      │      01-Questions to ask before you start planning the migration 40 1 41 .pdf
│      │      01-Questions to ask before you start planning the migration.pdf
│      │      02-Migration stages and communication (new)[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│      │      02-Migration stages and communication.pdf
│      │      02-SEO Migrations Stages - Collaboration Chart.pdf
│      │      03-Identify potential risks.pdf
│      │      04-Create a website migration plan (new).mp4
│      │      04-Create a website migration plan.pdf
│      │      04-The Ultimate Website Migration Checklist Stages Universal All.pdf
│      │      04-Website Migration Plan Template 40 SEO-Friendly Website Migrations 41.xlsx
│      │      05-Your Progress After This Module 3.pdf
│      │      06-Module 3 Feedback Form.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─04-Module 4 Stage 2 Preparing for the migration
│      │      01-Collect pre-migration benchmarks (new).mp4
│      │      01-Collect pre-migration benchmarks.pdf
│      │      01-Website Benchmarks Template 40 SEO-Friendly Website Migrations 41 .xlsx
│      │      02-Communicate requirements for the staging website (new)[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│      │      02-Communicate requirements for the staging website.pdf
│      │      03-Make a list of the website URLs using multiple sources (new).mp4
│      │      03-Make a list of the website URLs using multiple sources.pdf
│      │      03-Website Pages Template 40 SEO-Friendly Website Migrations 41 .xlsx
│      │      04-Build a list of page templates used on the website (new).mp4
│      │      04-Build a list of page templates used on the website.pdf
│      │      04-Website Pages Template 40 SEO-Friendly Website Migrations 41 .xlsx
│      │      05-Create a redirect map (new).mp4
│      │      05-Create a redirect map.pdf
│      │      05-Redirect Map Template 40 SEO-Friendly Website Migrations 41 .xlsx
│      │      06-Add legacy redirects to the Redirect Map (new).mp4
│      │      06-Add legacy redirects to the Redirect Map.pdf
│      │      06-Redirect Map Template 40 SEO-Friendly Website Migrations 41 - Copy.xlsx
│      │      07-Audit the existing website before the migration (new).mp4
│      │      07-Audit the existing website before the migration.pdf
│      │      07-Technical SEO Audit Checklist 40 techseo.pro 41 .xlsx
│      │      08-An example of Technical SEO Requirements for a Website Migration (new).mp4
│      │      08-Prepare SEO requirements for the migration (new).mp4
│      │      08-Prepare SEO requirements for the migration.pdf
│      │      08-SEO Requirements for Website Migrations.docx
│      │      08-SEO User Story Template.docx
│      │      09-Your Progress After This Module 4.pdf
│      │      10-Module 4 Feedback Form.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─05-Module 5 Domain Migration Specifics
│      │      01-Verify the new domain subdomain in Google Search Console (new).mp4
│      │      01-Verify the new domain subdomain in Google Search Console.pdf
│      │      02-Use the Change of Address tool (new)[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│      │      02-Use the Change of Address tool.pdf
│      │      03-Bonus Domain Migration Checklist and Google Data Studio Report.pdf
│      │      03-Domain Migration - SEO Checklist.docx
│      │      04-Module 5 Feedback Form.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─06-Module 6 URLs Migration Specifics
│      │      01-Identify the scope of changes (new).mp4
│      │      01-Identify the scope of changes.pdf
│      │      02-Provide website architecture and internal linking recommendations.pdf
│      │      02-SEO Requirements for Website Migrations.docx
│      │      03-Module 6 Feedback Form.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─07-Module 7 CMS Migration Specifics
│      │      01-CMS Differences Analysis Worksheet.docx
│      │      01-Identify SEO-related differences between the old and the new CMS (new).mp4
│      │      01-Identify SEO-related differences between the old and the new CMS.pdf
│      │      02-When migrating to a custom CMS (new)[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│      │      02-When migrating to a custom CMS.pdf
│      │      03-Bonus A CMS Migration Guide Move Your Site without Losing Traffic.pdf
│      │      04-Module 7 Feedback Form.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─08-Module 8 Website Redesign Specifics
│      │      01-Website redesign specifics and valuable advice (new).mp4
│      │      01-Website redesign specifics and valuable advice.pdf
│      │      02-Page Templates Pointers 40 SEO-Friendly Website Migrations 41 .xlsx
│      │      02-Working with page templates during a redesign (new)[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│      │      02-Working with page templates during a redesign.pdf
│      │      03-Improve website IA (new).mp4
│      │      03-Improve website IA.pdf
│      │      04-When design and SEO meet effective ways to collaborate (new).mp4
│      │      04-When design and SEO meet effective ways to collaborate.pdf
│      │      05-Module 8 Feedback Form.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─09-Module 9 Stage 3 During website migration & pre-launch
│      │      01-Validate implementation of the SEO requirements created earlier (new).mp4
│      │      01-Validate implementation of the SEO requirements created earlier.pdf
│      │      02-Advocate for SEO and Collaborate (new)[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│      │      02-Advocate for SEO and Collaborate.pdf
│      │      02-Pre-migration Collaboration Strategy Cheatsheet.docx
│      │      03-Let s talk prioritization. Yes again (new).mp4
│      │      03-Let s talk prioritization. Yes again.pdf
│      │      04-Perform final pre-migration checks on the staging environment (new).mp4
│      │      04-Perform final pre-migration checks on the staging environment.pdf
│      │      05-Your Progress After This Module 9.pdf
│      │      06-Module 9 Feedback Form.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─10-Module 10 Stage 4 Migration day
│      │      01-Migration day preparation and survival guide (new).mp4
│      │      01-Migration day preparation and survival guide.pdf
│      │      02-Do these immediate post-migration checks (new)[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│      │      02-Do these immediate post-migration checks.pdf
│      │      02-Immediate Post Migration Checks Checklist Tech SEO Website Migrations.pdf
│      │      03-Bonus Quickly find error pages that need to be fixed (new).mp4
│      │      03-Bonus Quickly find error pages that need to be fixed.pdf
│      │      04-Do the remaining SEO checks.pdf
│      │      04-Pre-launch SEO Checks Checklist.pdf
│      │      05-Your Progress After This Module 10.pdf
│      │      06-Module 10 Feedback Form.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─11-Module 11 Stage 5 Post-migration analysis
│      │      01-Monitor website performance 40 daily weekly and monthly checks 41 (new).mp4
│      │      01-Monitor website performance 40 daily weekly and monthly checks 41 .pdf
│      │      02-Collect post-migration benchmarks (new)[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│      │      02-Collect post-migration benchmarks.pdf
│      │      02-Website Benchmarks Template 40 SEO-Friendly Website Migrations 41 .xlsx
│      │      03-Communicate the results to the stakeholders 40 what to include 41 (new).mp4
│      │      03-Communicate the results to the stakeholders 40 what to include 41 .pdf
│      │      04-Your Progress After This Module 11.pdf
│      │      05-Module 11 Feedback Form.pdf
│      │      06-Final Words from Kristina (new).mp4
│      │      06-Final Words from Kristina.pdf
│      │      07-Review Website Migrations.pdf
│      │      08-Grab your Course Completion Certificate.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─12-Module 12 Migrations during business acquisition rebrand
│      │      01-Types of business acquisitions as related to migrations (new).mp4
│      │      01-Types of business acquisitions as related to migrations.pdf
│      │      02-How to approach a website rebrand as an SEO.pdf
│      │      02-The Ultimate Website Migration Checklist (new)[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│      │      02-The Ultimate Website Migration Checklist.pdf
│      │      03-Decision Tree for Merging Websites - Tech SEO Pro - Website Migrations.pdf
│      │      03-URL mapping advice for rebrands acquisitions a decision tree (new).mp4
│      │      03-URL mapping advice for rebrands acquisitions a decision tree.pdf
│      │      04-How to preserve branded traffic during a rebranding (new).mp4
│      │      04-How to preserve branded traffic during a rebranding.pdf
│      │      04-Marketing and SEO Cheatsheet for Rebranding Acquisition .pdf
│      │      05-Module 12 Feedback Form.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─13-Module 13 How to help a client recover from migration that went wrong
│      │      01-How to communicate with a client (new).mp4
│      │      01-How to communicate with a client.pdf
│      │      02-How to analyze a failed migration - a strategic approach.pdf
│      │      02-Immediate Post-Migration Checks Checklist.pdf
│      │      02-Post Migration First Aid Guide.pdf
│      │      03-How to create a migration recovery plan (new).mp4
│      │      03-How to create a migration recovery plan.pdf
│      │      04-Module 13 Feedback Form.pdf
│      │      
│      └─14-Module 14 A business side of website migrations how to sell website migrations
│              01-How to sell website migrations (new).mp4
│              01-How to sell website migrations.pdf
│              02-How to build a migration project scope template.pdf
│              02-Migration Project Scope.xlsx
│              04-Module 14 Feedback Form.pdf
│              05-Final Words from Kristina (new).mp4
│              05-Final Words from Kristina.pdf
│              06-Review Website Migrations Advanced.pdf
│              07-Grab your Course Completion Certificate.pdf





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