这个 零基础可学 的系统,手把手教你如何 从一个想法到出版一本畅销书,而且无需花费数月苦写!
相反,你将学会 利用 AI 工具 高效创作,让你把精力放在真正重要的事情上——打造吸引读者的优质内容!💡 你将学到:
✅ 如何找到并打磨一个自带吸引力的书籍创意,让人一眼就想看!
✅ 最快速的 AI 写作方法,大幅加快写作进程,同时保持高质量。
✅ 零成本出版 & 营销策略,让你的书顺利面世并获得销量。
✅ 如何打造长期被动收入系统,让你的书持续赚钱!这门课程专为零经验小白设计,采用合乎道德的 AI 技术,彻底告别写书、出版、推广的各种困惑。
📖 用 AI 写书,从想法到变现,比你想象的更简单!
This step-by-step system shows how to go from an idea to a finished, selling book without spending months writing. Instead, you’ll learn how to leverage AI tools that help you craft your book quickly, focusing on what truly matters: compelling content that resonates with readers.
Here’s what you’ll discover:
How to find and refine a book idea that guarantees interest.
The fastest way to write your book with the help of AI, streamlining the process without sacrificing quality.
Practical strategies to publish and market your book with little upfront cost.
Build a foundation that generates consistent passive income through self-help content.
This course is designed for beginners with no experience, using ethical AI techniques that take the guesswork out of the writing and publishing process.
- 教程编号:1905792258
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:4.43MB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
│ └─Mind Millions
│ │ Mind Millions 50 Ideas.pdf
│ │ Mind Millions Checklist.pdf
│ │ Mind Millions FInd Your Niche.pdf
│ │ Mind Millions Main START HERE.pdf
│ │ Mind Millions Micro.pdf
│ │ Mind Millions Top Affiliate Programs.pdf
│ │ Mind Millions Workbook.pdf
│ │
│ └─BookCashwithBONUSES
│ BONUSGet A Great Book Cover.pdf
│ BONUSMore Book Ideas.pdf
│ BookCash Checklist.pdf
│ BookCash Workbook.pdf
│ BookCash.pdf