


The LinkedIn Launch Formula is a step-by-step system designed to help job seekers, professionals, and entrepreneurs do just that.
I used this exact formula to land roles at top companies like Microsoft and Google and grow my LinkedIn following from 3,000 to over 100,000 in just 12 months.

The system includes:
4 modules and 60 lessons with easy-to-follow instructions.
Proven scripts and templates to enhance your profile.
Strategies to build connections and boost visibility.

You’ll see:

More profile views
High-quality connections
Increased engagement on your posts

  • 教程编号:1886616635
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:6.6GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─LinkedIn Launch Formula
│      │  0. Proof.pdf
│      │  Resources.txt
│      │  
│      ├─1. Introduction
│      │      1. Welcome To The LinkedIn Launch Formula.mp3
│      │      1. Welcome To The LinkedIn Launch Formula.mp4
│      │      2. LinkedIn For Job Seekers & Professionals.mp3
│      │      2. LinkedIn For Job Seekers & Professionals.mp4
│      │      3. LinkedIn For Thought Leaders & Entrepreneurs.mp3
│      │      3. LinkedIn For Thought Leaders & Entrepreneurs.mp4
│      │      4. Choose Your Own Adventure!.mp3
│      │      4. Choose Your Own Adventure!.mp4
│      │      4.1. Homework.pdf
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─2. Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile
│      │      0. Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile.pdf
│      │      1. LinkedIn Profile Basics.mp3
│      │      1. LinkedIn Profile Basics.mp4
│      │      10. Your Skills & Endorsements Section.mp3
│      │      10. Your Skills & Endorsements Section.mp4
│      │      10.2. Linkedin Skills & Endorsements _ LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      10.2. Linkedin Skills & Endorsements _ LinkedIn Launch Formula.xlsx
│      │      11. LinkedIn Recommendations.mp3
│      │      11. LinkedIn Recommendations.mp4
│      │      11.2. Recommendations - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      12. LinkedIn Profile Review #1 - Job Seeker.mp3
│      │      12. LinkedIn Profile Review #1 - Job Seeker.mp4
│      │      12.2. LinkedIn Profile Review - Job Seeker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      12.3. Mike Gee LinkedIn Profile (Original).pdf
│      │      13. LinkedIn Profile Review #2 - Side Hustle _ Freelancer.mp3
│      │      13. LinkedIn Profile Review #2 - Side Hustle _ Freelancer.mp4
│      │      13.2. LinkedIn Profile Review - Side Hustle _ Job Seeker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      13.3. Liesl LinkedIn Profile (Original).pdf
│      │      14. LinkedIn Profile Review #3 - Entrepreneur.mp3
│      │      14. LinkedIn Profile Review #3 - Entrepreneur.mp4
│      │      14.2. LinkedIn Profile Review - Entrepreneur - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      14.3. Miloney LinkedIn Profile (Original).pdf
│      │      15. Using Value Driven Comments For Growth.mp3
│      │      15. Using Value Driven Comments For Growth.mp4
│      │      15.2. Value Driven Comments For Growth - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      16. LinkedIn Premium - Is It Worth It-.mp4
│      │      16. LinkedIn Premium.mp3
│      │      16.2. LinkedIn Premium - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      17. Jobseeker Bonus - How To See What Recruiters See On LinkedIn.mp3
│      │      17. Jobseeker Bonus - How To See What Recruiters See On LinkedIn.mp4
│      │      18. Share Your Feedback.pdf
│      │      2. Choosing A Profile Color Theme.mp3
│      │      2. Choosing A Profile Color Theme.mp4
│      │      3. How To Add The Right Keyowrds To Your LinkedIn Profile.mp4
│      │      3. How To Find The Right Keywords For Your LinkedIn Profile.mp3
│      │      3.2. LinkedIn Profile Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      3.3. LinkedIn Headline Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      3.4. Example LinkedIn Profile Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      3.5. Example LinkedIn Headline Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      3.6. Example LinkedIn Profile Keyword Tracker For Entrepreneurs - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      4. Your LinkedIn Profile Picture.mp3
│      │      4. Your LinkedIn Profile Picture.mp4
│      │      4.2. LinkedIn Profile Picture - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      5. Your LinkedIn Banner Image.mp3
│      │      5. Your LinkedIn Banner Image.mp4
│      │      5.2. Your LinkedIn Banner Image - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      6. Your LinkedIn Headline.mp3
│      │      6. Your LinkedIn Headline.mp4
│      │      6.2. Your LinkedIn Headline - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      6.3. LinkedIn Headline Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      6.4. Example LinkedIn Headline Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      7. Your Featured Section.mp4
│      │      8. Your LinkedIn -About- Section.mp4
│      │      8. Your LinkedIn About Section.mp3
│      │      8.2. LinkedIn About Section - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      8.3. Example LinkedIn Profile Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      9. LinkedIn Work Experience.mp3
│      │      9. LinkedIn Work Experience.mp4
│      │      9.2. LinkedIn Work Experience Example - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      9.3. Example LinkedIn Profile Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─3. The LinkedIn Networking Formula
│      │      0. The LinkedIn Networking Formula.pdf
│      │      1. Why LinkedIn Is The Best Platform For Networking.mp3
│      │      1. Why LinkedIn Is The Best Platform For Networking.mp4
│      │      10. Networking Strategy #6 - Writing Recommendations.mp3
│      │      10. Networking Strategy #6 - Writing Recommendations.mp4
│      │      10.2. LinkedIn Recommendation Template - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      11. Networking Strategy #8 - Lives & Events.mp3
│      │      11. Networking Strategy #8 - Lives & Events.mp4
│      │      11.2. LinkedIn Event Message Templates - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      11.3. Event Networking Sheet - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      11.3. Event Networking Sheet - LinkedIn Launch Formula.xlsx
│      │      12. Networking Strategy #8 - The -Show Me You Know Me- Approach.mp4
│      │      12. Networking Strategy #8 - The Show Me You Know Me Approach.mp3
│      │      12.2. The Show Me You Know Me Approach.pdf
│      │      13. How To Message On & Off The Platform.mp3
│      │      13. How To Message On & Off The Platform.mp4
│      │      13.2. How To Message People On & Off The Platform.pdf
│      │      13.3. LinkedIn Connection Request Templates - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      2. An Introduction To Building Relationships.mp3
│      │      2. An Introduction To Building Relationships.mp4
│      │      2.2. An Introduction To Building Relationships.pdf
│      │      3. How To Find The -Right- People To Network With.mp4
│      │      3. How To Find The Right People To Network With.mp3
│      │      3.2. Contact Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      3.2. Contact Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.xlsx
│      │      4. How To Research Profiles For Connection Clues.mp3
│      │      4. How To Research Profiles For Connection Clues.mp4
│      │      4.2. How To Research A Profile For Connection Clues - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      5. Networking Strategy #1 - Alumni Connections.mp3
│      │      5. Networking Strategy #1 - Alumni Connections.mp4
│      │      6. Networking Strategy #2 - Loose Connections.mp3
│      │      6. Networking Strategy #2 - Loose Connections.mp4
│      │      7. Networking Strategy #3 - Non-Traditional Backgrounds.mp3
│      │      7. Networking Strategy #3 - Non-Traditional Backgrounds.mp4
│      │      7.2. Industry Changers - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      7.2. Industry Changers - LinkedIn Launch Formula.xlsx
│      │      8. Networking Strategy #4 - The Engagement -Warm Up.mp4
│      │      8. Networking Strategy #4 - The Engagement Warm Up.mp3
│      │      8.2. Engagement Warm Up Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      8.2. Engagement Warm Up Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.xlsx
│      │      9. Networking Strategy #5 - Off Platform Projects.mp3
│      │      9. Networking Strategy #5 - Off Platform Projects.mp4
│      │      9.2. Strategy #5 - Off Platform Projects - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─4. Creating Content & Building An Audience
│      │      1. Why You Need To Create Content.mp3
│      │      1. Why You Need To Create Content.mp4
│      │      10. The Anatomy Of A Perfect LinkedIn Post.mp3
│      │      10. The Anatomy Of A Perfect LinkedIn Post.mp4.mp4
│      │      11. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #1 - How
│      │      11. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #1 - How To.mp3
│      │      12. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #2 - Personal
│      │      12. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #2 - Personal Story.mp3
│      │      13. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #3 - Data Driven.mp3
│      │      13. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #3 - Data Driven.mp4
│      │      14. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #4 - Testimonials.mp3
│      │      14. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #4 - Testimonials.mp4
│      │      15. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #5 - Sharing Your Journey.mp3
│      │      15. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #5 - Sharing Your Journey.mp4
│      │      16. Watch Me Write A LinkedIn Post From Scratch.mp3
│      │      16. Watch Me Write A LinkedIn Post From Scratch.mp4
│      │      17. How To Link & Promote Other Channels.mp3
│      │      17. How To Link & Promote Other Channels.mp4
│      │      18. Tracking Your Metrics & Growth.mp3
│      │      18. Tracking Your Metrics & Growth.mp4
│      │      18.2. LinkedIn Metrics Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.xlsx
│      │      19. Promotion Strategy #1 - Pick A Post Time.mp4.mp4
│      │      2. Overcoming Fear, Limiting Beliefs, & -Post Anxiety-.mp4.mp4
│      │      2. Overcoming Fear, Limiting Beliefs, & _Post Anxiety_.mp3
│      │      20. Promotion Strategy #2 - Reply To Your Comments, Connections, & Messages.mp4
│      │      20. Promotion Strategy #2 - Reply To Your Own Post Comments & Messages.mp3
│      │      21. Promotion Strategy #3 - Comment For Comment.mp3
│      │      21. Promotion Strategy #3 - Comment For Comment.mp4
│      │      22. Crowdsourcing Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.url
│      │      22. Crowdsourcing Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.xlsx
│      │      22. Promotion Strategy #4 - Crowdsourcing.mp3
│      │      22. Promotion Strategy #4 - Crowdsourcing.mp4
│      │      23. Promotion Strategy #5 - The Roundup.mp3
│      │      23. Promotion Strategy #5 - The Roundup.mp4
│      │      24. Austin_s Daily LinkedIn Schedule.mp3
│      │      24. Austin_s Daily LinkedIn Schedule.mp4
│      │      25. How To Handle Haters & Trolls.mp3
│      │      25. How To Handle Haters & Trolls.mp4
│      │      26. The 30 Day #LinkedInLaunch Challenge.mp3
│      │      26. The 30 Day #LinkedInLaunch Challenge.mp4
│      │      3. How To Choose A Niche For Your Content.mp3
│      │      3. How To Choose A Niche For Your Content.mp4
│      │      4. How To Come Up With Unlimited Post Ideas.mp3
│      │      4. How To Come Up With Unlimited Post Ideas.mp4
│      │      5. The LinkedIn Content Algorithm.mp3
│      │      5. The LinkedIn Content Algorithm.mp4
│      │      6. Choosing A Medium - Text, Video, Stories, and
│      │      6. Choosing A Medium - Text, Video, Stories, and Live.mp3
│      │      7. Beware of 3rd Party Tools & People (Schedulers, Assistants, etc.).mp3
│      │      7. Beware of 3rd Party Tools && People (Schedulers, Assistants, etc.).mp4.mp4
│      │      8. The Single Key To Success - Consistency.mp3
│      │      8. The Single Key To Success - Consistency.mp4
│      │      9. Austin_s Content Creation Process.mp3
│      │      9. Austin_s Content Creation Process.mp4
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      └─5. [Bonus] Share Your LLF Feedback
│              Resources.txt
│              [Bonus] Share Your LLF Feedback.pdf





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