在你的帖子上增加的互动The LinkedIn Launch Formula is a step-by-step system designed to help job seekers, professionals, and entrepreneurs do just that.
I used this exact formula to land roles at top companies like Microsoft and Google and grow my LinkedIn following from 3,000 to over 100,000 in just 12 months.The system includes:
4 modules and 60 lessons with easy-to-follow instructions.
Proven scripts and templates to enhance your profile.
Strategies to build connections and boost visibility.You’ll see:
More profile views
High-quality connections
Increased engagement on your posts
- 教程编号:1886616635
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:6.6GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
│ └─LinkedIn Launch Formula
│ │ 0. Proof.pdf
│ │ Resources.txt
│ │
│ ├─1. Introduction
│ │ 1. Welcome To The LinkedIn Launch Formula.mp3
│ │ 1. Welcome To The LinkedIn Launch Formula.mp4
│ │ 2. LinkedIn For Job Seekers & Professionals.mp3
│ │ 2. LinkedIn For Job Seekers & Professionals.mp4
│ │ 3. LinkedIn For Thought Leaders & Entrepreneurs.mp3
│ │ 3. LinkedIn For Thought Leaders & Entrepreneurs.mp4
│ │ 4. Choose Your Own Adventure!.mp3
│ │ 4. Choose Your Own Adventure!.mp4
│ │ 4.1. Homework.pdf
│ │ Resources.txt
│ │
│ ├─2. Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile
│ │ 0. Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile.pdf
│ │ 1. LinkedIn Profile Basics.mp3
│ │ 1. LinkedIn Profile Basics.mp4
│ │ 10. Your Skills & Endorsements Section.mp3
│ │ 10. Your Skills & Endorsements Section.mp4
│ │ 10.2. Linkedin Skills & Endorsements _ LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 10.2. Linkedin Skills & Endorsements _ LinkedIn Launch Formula.xlsx
│ │ 11. LinkedIn Recommendations.mp3
│ │ 11. LinkedIn Recommendations.mp4
│ │ 11.2. Recommendations - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 12. LinkedIn Profile Review #1 - Job Seeker.mp3
│ │ 12. LinkedIn Profile Review #1 - Job Seeker.mp4
│ │ 12.2. LinkedIn Profile Review - Job Seeker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 12.3. Mike Gee LinkedIn Profile (Original).pdf
│ │ 13. LinkedIn Profile Review #2 - Side Hustle _ Freelancer.mp3
│ │ 13. LinkedIn Profile Review #2 - Side Hustle _ Freelancer.mp4
│ │ 13.2. LinkedIn Profile Review - Side Hustle _ Job Seeker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 13.3. Liesl LinkedIn Profile (Original).pdf
│ │ 14. LinkedIn Profile Review #3 - Entrepreneur.mp3
│ │ 14. LinkedIn Profile Review #3 - Entrepreneur.mp4
│ │ 14.2. LinkedIn Profile Review - Entrepreneur - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 14.3. Miloney LinkedIn Profile (Original).pdf
│ │ 15. Using Value Driven Comments For Growth.mp3
│ │ 15. Using Value Driven Comments For Growth.mp4
│ │ 15.2. Value Driven Comments For Growth - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 16. LinkedIn Premium - Is It Worth It-.mp4
│ │ 16. LinkedIn Premium.mp3
│ │ 16.2. LinkedIn Premium - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 17. Jobseeker Bonus - How To See What Recruiters See On LinkedIn.mp3
│ │ 17. Jobseeker Bonus - How To See What Recruiters See On LinkedIn.mp4
│ │ 18. Share Your Feedback.pdf
│ │ 2. Choosing A Profile Color Theme.mp3
│ │ 2. Choosing A Profile Color Theme.mp4
│ │ 3. How To Add The Right Keyowrds To Your LinkedIn Profile.mp4
│ │ 3. How To Find The Right Keywords For Your LinkedIn Profile.mp3
│ │ 3.2. LinkedIn Profile Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 3.3. LinkedIn Headline Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 3.4. Example LinkedIn Profile Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 3.5. Example LinkedIn Headline Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 3.6. Example LinkedIn Profile Keyword Tracker For Entrepreneurs - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 4. Your LinkedIn Profile Picture.mp3
│ │ 4. Your LinkedIn Profile Picture.mp4
│ │ 4.2. LinkedIn Profile Picture - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 5. Your LinkedIn Banner Image.mp3
│ │ 5. Your LinkedIn Banner Image.mp4
│ │ 5.2. Your LinkedIn Banner Image - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 6. Your LinkedIn Headline.mp3
│ │ 6. Your LinkedIn Headline.mp4
│ │ 6.2. Your LinkedIn Headline - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 6.3. LinkedIn Headline Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 6.4. Example LinkedIn Headline Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 7. Your Featured Section.mp4
│ │ 8. Your LinkedIn -About- Section.mp4
│ │ 8. Your LinkedIn About Section.mp3
│ │ 8.2. LinkedIn About Section - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 8.3. Example LinkedIn Profile Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 9. LinkedIn Work Experience.mp3
│ │ 9. LinkedIn Work Experience.mp4
│ │ 9.2. LinkedIn Work Experience Example - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 9.3. Example LinkedIn Profile Keyword Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ Resources.txt
│ │
│ ├─3. The LinkedIn Networking Formula
│ │ 0. The LinkedIn Networking Formula.pdf
│ │ 1. Why LinkedIn Is The Best Platform For Networking.mp3
│ │ 1. Why LinkedIn Is The Best Platform For Networking.mp4
│ │ 10. Networking Strategy #6 - Writing Recommendations.mp3
│ │ 10. Networking Strategy #6 - Writing Recommendations.mp4
│ │ 10.2. LinkedIn Recommendation Template - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 11. Networking Strategy #8 - Lives & Events.mp3
│ │ 11. Networking Strategy #8 - Lives & Events.mp4
│ │ 11.2. LinkedIn Event Message Templates - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 11.3. Event Networking Sheet - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 11.3. Event Networking Sheet - LinkedIn Launch Formula.xlsx
│ │ 12. Networking Strategy #8 - The -Show Me You Know Me- Approach.mp4
│ │ 12. Networking Strategy #8 - The Show Me You Know Me Approach.mp3
│ │ 12.2. The Show Me You Know Me Approach.pdf
│ │ 13. How To Message On & Off The Platform.mp3
│ │ 13. How To Message On & Off The Platform.mp4
│ │ 13.2. How To Message People On & Off The Platform.pdf
│ │ 13.3. LinkedIn Connection Request Templates - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 2. An Introduction To Building Relationships.mp3
│ │ 2. An Introduction To Building Relationships.mp4
│ │ 2.2. An Introduction To Building Relationships.pdf
│ │ 3. How To Find The -Right- People To Network With.mp4
│ │ 3. How To Find The Right People To Network With.mp3
│ │ 3.2. Contact Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 3.2. Contact Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.xlsx
│ │ 4. How To Research Profiles For Connection Clues.mp3
│ │ 4. How To Research Profiles For Connection Clues.mp4
│ │ 4.2. How To Research A Profile For Connection Clues - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 5. Networking Strategy #1 - Alumni Connections.mp3
│ │ 5. Networking Strategy #1 - Alumni Connections.mp4
│ │ 6. Networking Strategy #2 - Loose Connections.mp3
│ │ 6. Networking Strategy #2 - Loose Connections.mp4
│ │ 7. Networking Strategy #3 - Non-Traditional Backgrounds.mp3
│ │ 7. Networking Strategy #3 - Non-Traditional Backgrounds.mp4
│ │ 7.2. Industry Changers - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 7.2. Industry Changers - LinkedIn Launch Formula.xlsx
│ │ 8. Networking Strategy #4 - The Engagement -Warm Up.mp4
│ │ 8. Networking Strategy #4 - The Engagement Warm Up.mp3
│ │ 8.2. Engagement Warm Up Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ 8.2. Engagement Warm Up Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.xlsx
│ │ 9. Networking Strategy #5 - Off Platform Projects.mp3
│ │ 9. Networking Strategy #5 - Off Platform Projects.mp4
│ │ 9.2. Strategy #5 - Off Platform Projects - LinkedIn Launch Formula.pdf
│ │ Resources.txt
│ │
│ ├─4. Creating Content & Building An Audience
│ │ 1. Why You Need To Create Content.mp3
│ │ 1. Why You Need To Create Content.mp4
│ │ 10. The Anatomy Of A Perfect LinkedIn Post.mp3
│ │ 10. The Anatomy Of A Perfect LinkedIn Post.mp4.mp4
│ │ 11. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #1 - How
│ │ 11. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #1 - How To.mp3
│ │ 12. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #2 - Personal
│ │ 12. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #2 - Personal Story.mp3
│ │ 13. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #3 - Data Driven.mp3
│ │ 13. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #3 - Data Driven.mp4
│ │ 14. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #4 - Testimonials.mp3
│ │ 14. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #4 - Testimonials.mp4
│ │ 15. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #5 - Sharing Your Journey.mp3
│ │ 15. LinkedIn Post Breakdown #5 - Sharing Your Journey.mp4
│ │ 16. Watch Me Write A LinkedIn Post From Scratch.mp3
│ │ 16. Watch Me Write A LinkedIn Post From Scratch.mp4
│ │ 17. How To Link & Promote Other Channels.mp3
│ │ 17. How To Link & Promote Other Channels.mp4
│ │ 18. Tracking Your Metrics & Growth.mp3
│ │ 18. Tracking Your Metrics & Growth.mp4
│ │ 18.2. LinkedIn Metrics Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.xlsx
│ │ 19. Promotion Strategy #1 - Pick A Post Time.mp4.mp4
│ │ 2. Overcoming Fear, Limiting Beliefs, & -Post Anxiety-.mp4.mp4
│ │ 2. Overcoming Fear, Limiting Beliefs, & _Post Anxiety_.mp3
│ │ 20. Promotion Strategy #2 - Reply To Your Comments, Connections, & Messages.mp4
│ │ 20. Promotion Strategy #2 - Reply To Your Own Post Comments & Messages.mp3
│ │ 21. Promotion Strategy #3 - Comment For Comment.mp3
│ │ 21. Promotion Strategy #3 - Comment For Comment.mp4
│ │ 22. Crowdsourcing Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.url
│ │ 22. Crowdsourcing Tracker - LinkedIn Launch Formula.xlsx
│ │ 22. Promotion Strategy #4 - Crowdsourcing.mp3
│ │ 22. Promotion Strategy #4 - Crowdsourcing.mp4
│ │ 23. Promotion Strategy #5 - The Roundup.mp3
│ │ 23. Promotion Strategy #5 - The Roundup.mp4
│ │ 24. Austin_s Daily LinkedIn Schedule.mp3
│ │ 24. Austin_s Daily LinkedIn Schedule.mp4
│ │ 25. How To Handle Haters & Trolls.mp3
│ │ 25. How To Handle Haters & Trolls.mp4
│ │ 26. The 30 Day #LinkedInLaunch Challenge.mp3
│ │ 26. The 30 Day #LinkedInLaunch Challenge.mp4
│ │ 3. How To Choose A Niche For Your Content.mp3
│ │ 3. How To Choose A Niche For Your Content.mp4
│ │ 4. How To Come Up With Unlimited Post Ideas.mp3
│ │ 4. How To Come Up With Unlimited Post Ideas.mp4
│ │ 5. The LinkedIn Content Algorithm.mp3
│ │ 5. The LinkedIn Content Algorithm.mp4
│ │ 6. Choosing A Medium - Text, Video, Stories, and
│ │ 6. Choosing A Medium - Text, Video, Stories, and Live.mp3
│ │ 7. Beware of 3rd Party Tools & People (Schedulers, Assistants, etc.).mp3
│ │ 7. Beware of 3rd Party Tools && People (Schedulers, Assistants, etc.).mp4.mp4
│ │ 8. The Single Key To Success - Consistency.mp3
│ │ 8. The Single Key To Success - Consistency.mp4
│ │ 9. Austin_s Content Creation Process.mp3
│ │ 9. Austin_s Content Creation Process.mp4
│ │ Resources.txt
│ │
│ └─5. [Bonus] Share Your LLF Feedback
│ Resources.txt
│ [Bonus] Share Your LLF Feedback.pdf