

Unlock the power of storytelling for online success.
This course equips you with the skills to:

Leverage the hidden story structures of great content.
Forge emotional connections with your audience.
Craft compelling stories effortlessly and at scale.
Harness storytelling to inspire support and friendships.
Implement a 3-step process for narrative success.

The Story System consists of 10 modules, guiding you from the fundamentals of storytelling to advanced techniques, all accessible at your own pace.

  • 教程编号:1780362099
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:3.08GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─The Story System
│      │  01-Story System Purchase.mp4
│      │  01-Story System Purchase.pdf
│      │  02-The Story System.mp4
│      │  02-The Story System.pdf
│      │  
│      └─Main
│          ├─01-Why storytelling is THE most important skill to learn
│          │      Why storytelling is THE most important skill to learn.html
│          │      Why storytelling is THE most important skill to learn.mp4
│          │      Why storytelling is THE most important skill to learn.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─02-The StoryFinder
│          │      00-The StoryFinder.mp4
│          │      00-The StoryFinder.pdf
│          │      01-Your Conflict Map.mp4
│          │      01-Your Conflict Map.pdf
│          │      02-Exercises to make you see stories - everywhere.html
│          │      02-Exercises to make you see stories - everywhere.pdf
│          │      03-Story Prompts.pdf
│          │      04-Idea Combinator.pdf
│          │      05-10 Ways to Generate Unique Ideas.mp4
│          │      05-10 Ways to Generate Unique Ideas.pdf
│          │      06-Journaling.mp4
│          │      06-Journaling.pdf
│          │      07-Story Idea Capture.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─03-Know your audience (better than they know themselves)
│          │      01-Know your audience (better than they know themselves).mp4
│          │      02-Answer the Public.mp4
│          │      03-1 on 1s.mp4
│          │      Know your audience (better than they know themselves).html
│          │      Know your audience (better than they know themselves).pdf
│          │      
│          ├─04-Thread Writing Course
│          │      01-Why Write Threads.mp4
│          │      01-Why Write Threads.pdf
│          │      02-Mistakes.mp4
│          │      02-Mistakes.pdf
│          │      03-The Hook.mp4
│          │      03-The Hook.pdf
│          │      04-Subheader.html
│          │      04-Subheader.mp4
│          │      04-Subheader.pdf
│          │      05-The Body.mp4
│          │      05-The Body.pdf
│          │      06-The CTA.html
│          │      06-The CTA.mp4
│          │      06-The CTA.pdf
│          │      07-1-Find a Problem, Pick a Solution.mp4
│          │      07-2-Brain Dump.mp4
│          │      07-3-Support Each Tweet.mp4
│          │      07-4-Write Then Edit.mp4
│          │      07-5-Write the Hook.mp4
│          │      07-6-How to Boost Your Thread.mp4
│          │      07-My Thread Writing Process.html
│          │      07-My Thread Writing Process.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─05-The Story System
│          │      00-The Story System.pdf
│          │      01-What is the Story System.mp4
│          │      01-What is the Story System.pdf
│          │      02-Borrow Credibility.mp4
│          │      02-Borrow Credibility.pdf
│          │      03-Personal Stories.html
│          │      03-Personal Stories.mp4
│          │      03-Personal Stories.pdf
│          │      04-Journey Stories.mp4
│          │      04-Journey Stories.pdf
│          │      05-Client Stories.mp4
│          │      05-Client Stories.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─06-Story SwipeFile
│          │      00-Story SwipeFile.mp4
│          │      00-Story SwipeFile.pdf
│          │      01-28 Story Thread Templates.html
│          │      01-28 Story Thread Templates.pdf
│          │      02-Thread Inspiration.html
│          │      02-Thread Inspiration.pdf
│          │      03-Story Tweets.html
│          │      03-Story Tweets.mp4
│          │      03-Story Tweets.pdf
│          │      04-Questions.html
│          │      04-Questions.pdf
│          │      05-Breakdowns- Borrowed Credibility.html
│          │      05-Breakdowns- Borrowed Credibility.pdf
│          │      06-57 Proven Tweet Templates.html
│          │      06-57 Proven Tweet Templates.pdf
│          │      07-Giveaways.html
│          │      07-Giveaways.pdf
│          │      08-Humor.html
│          │      08-Humor.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─07-Audience Growth Strategy
│          │      01-0-1000.mp4
│          │      02-1,000-10,000.mp4
│          │      03-10,000-100,000.mp4
│          │      Audience Growth Strategy.html
│          │      Audience Growth Strategy.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─08-Digital Storytelling Course
│          │      01-Your Narrative.mp4
│          │      01-Your Narrative.pdf
│          │      02-The Transformation Station.mp4
│          │      02-The Transformation Station.pdf
│          │      03-Vulnerability.mp4
│          │      03-Vulnerability.pdf
│          │      04-The Easiest Way to Start Writing Stories.mp4
│          │      04-The Easiest Way to Start Writing Stories.pdf
│          │      05-The Story Hook.mp4
│          │      05-The Story Hook.pdf
│          │      06-Emotions.mp4
│          │      06-Emotions.pdf
│          │      07-Heros and Villans.mp4
│          │      07-Heros and Villans.pdf
│          │      08-Characters.mp4
│          │      08-Characters.pdf
│          │      09-Psychology Hacks to Hold Attention.mp4
│          │      09-Psychology Hacks to Hold Attention.pdf
│          │      10-Tips.pdf
│          │      11-Mistakes.pdf
│          │      12-9 Powerful Storytelling Tricks.mp4
│          │      12-9 Powerful Storytelling Tricks.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─09-7 Powerful Story Frameworks
│          │      01-The 3-Act Structure.pdf
│          │      02-The Attention Grabber.pdf
│          │      03-The SB7 Framework.pdf
│          │      04-The Email Framework.pdf
│          │      05-The Twitter Framework.pdf
│          │      06-The Hollywood Framework.pdf
│          │      07-The Sales Story Framework.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─10-Resources
│          │      01-Books.html
│          │      01-Books.pdf
│          │      02-Courses.html
│          │      02-Courses.pdf
│          │      03-Tweets to Make You a Better Storyteller.html
│          │      03-Tweets to Make You a Better Storyteller.pdf
│          │      04-Youtube.html
│          │      04-Youtube.pdf
│          │      05-Podcasts.html
│          │      05-Podcasts.pdf
│          │      06-GMT20230810-133535_Recording.txt
│          │      06-Webinar Audio.mp4
│          │      06-Webinar.mp4
│          │      
│          ├─11-Bonuses
│          │      00-Bonuses.html
│          │      00-Bonuses.pdf
│          │      01-How to connect with anyone online.mp4
│          │      02-Find your niche.mp4
│          │      03-Your Profile.mp4
│          │      04-Engagement Course.mp4
│          │      05-Posting on LinkedIn and Twitter.mp4
│          │      
│          └─12-Tools
│                  00-Tools.html
│                  00-Tools.pdf
│                  Tool stack.mp4





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