


The Webflow Masterclass 4.0 is a comprehensive course designed to help you master Webflow, whether you’re just starting or looking to advance your skills.

You’ll build three websites, each one more complex than the last.
This hands-on approach helps you understand how to create custom, professional websites without needing to code.
You’ll also get access to exclusive assets and templates that mirror the kind of work you’ll do for clients.

You’ll be able to design, customize, and launch websites quickly and efficiently.
The course is structured to ensure you gain confidence in using Webflow, allowing you to create stunning, responsive websites that meet your clients’ needs.

  • 教程编号:1723906997
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:10GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─Webflow Masterclass 4.0
│      │  Resources.txt
│      │  
│      ├─00 - Introduction
│      │      01 - Course Overview & How to make the best of it - Flux Academy.mp4
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      Webflow Masterclass 4.0 - Topics Index.docx
│      │      
│      ├─01 - Start here
│      │      01 - 10 Principles You MUST Understand to Succeed with Webflow - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      links.txt
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      Webflow Masterclass 3.0 Resources Doc.html
│      │      
│      ├─02 - Level 1 Beginner
│      │      01 - What we’re building & learning in this level - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      02 - Analising the template structure - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      03 - Customizing look & feel - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      04 - Adding projects to the CMS - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      05 - Add a new custom page - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      06 - Fixing responsiveness & issues - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      07 - Connecting the form - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      08 - Final Setup, Publishing & Connecting to a domain - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      09 - Level 1 Conclusion & Skill Verification - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      Level 1.zip
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─03 - Level 2 Intermediate
│      │      01 - What we’re building & learning in this level - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      02 - Working with Libraries & Relume - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      02 - Working with Libraries & Relume _ Flux Academy.html
│      │      03 - Setting up the Website Project & CMS - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      04 - Defining the Style Guide - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      05 - Importing the Content Components - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      06 - Customising Home Page - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      07 - CMS Classes Page - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      08 - CMS Class Details & Dynamic Booking Popup - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      09 - CMS Instructors - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      10 - E-commerce Yoga Handbook - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      11 - Adding Interactions & Animations - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      12 - Adding 3D Spline object & Interaction - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      13 - Reviewing Responsiveness - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      14 - Accessibility & Privacy - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      15 - Level 2 Conclusion & Skill Verification - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      Level 2.zip
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─04 - Level 3 Advanced
│      │      01 - What we’re building & Learning in this level - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      02 - CMS Setup & Content Import - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      03 - Setting up a custom style guide - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      04 - Building the hero section - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      05 - Hero animation & preloader - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      06 - Building the mega menu - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      07 - Marquee Scroll Section - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      08 - Building a CMS Slider - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      09 - Members Only Section - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      10 - Building Calendar Grid - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      11 - Using Finsweet CMS Filtering - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      12 - Building Footer - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      13 - Building Video Library - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      14 - Building Membership Site (using Memberstack) - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      15 - Responsiveness & Final Touches - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      16 - Adding Multiple Languages with Localization - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      17 - Level 3 Conclusion & Skill Verification - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      Level 3.zip
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─05 - Building Your Webflow Career - PRO
│      │      01 - Introduction & Process Overview - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      02 - Effective Project Management Notion Template, Starter Project, Communication & Feedback - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      02 - Effective Project Management_ Notion Template, Starter Project, Communication & Feedback _ Flux Academy.html
│      │      03 - Ultimate Webflow Build Checklist - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      04 - Pricing, Proposals & Closing Deals - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      05 - Onboarding & Managing Client Expectations - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      06 - Transferring Project & Smooth Launches - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      07 - Client Training & Handover Example videos - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      07 - Client Training & Handover Example videos_ _ Flux Academy.html
│      │      08 - Finding & Retaining New Clients - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      09 - Becoming a Webflow Expert - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      10 - Scaling into a Webflow Agency - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      Ultimate Webflow Build Checklist _ Flux Academy.html
│      │      Ultimate Webflow Build Checklist.zip
│      │      
│      ├─06 - Working In a Team - PRO
│      │      01 - Creating & Managing Team Accounts - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      02 - Establishing a Collaborative Workflow for Designers and Developers - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      03 - Styling & Structuring Considerations for Teams - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      04 - Team Project Management & Organization - Flux Academy.ts
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      └─07 - Conclusion & Next Steps
│          │  01 - Conclusion & What’s Next - Flux Academy.ts
│          │  02 - Your Certification Assignment - Flux Academy.ts
│          │  Resources.txt
│          │  Your Certification Assignment _ Flux Academy.html
│          │  
│          └─Other videos
│                  01.mp4
│                  02.mp4
│                  03.mp4
│                  04.mp4
│                  05.mp4
│                  Resources.txt





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