
“Epic React Pro”就是解决方案,提供了实践操作的机会,通过简洁、深度的视频培训、互动式工作坊、与React专家的深入交谈进行。

这个史诗级的课程集共计19小时,覆盖了必要的主题,如React基础、React钩子、高级React钩子、高级React模式、React性能、React应用测试、React Suspense,以及构建React应用。


在这个工作坊系列结束时,你将自信地运送良好架构的React应用,装备了对React基础、高级钩子、模式、性能优化、测试技术以及与React suspense的异步状态管理的强大了解。

The ultimate resource for web developers striving to master React and build well-architected, production-ready applications.
Epic React Pro is the solution, providing hands-on practice with concise, in-depth video training, interactive workshops, and insightful conversations with React experts.

This epic collection spans 19 hours, covering essential topics such as React Fundamentals, React Hooks, Advanced React Hooks, Advanced React Patterns, React Performance, Testing React Apps, React Suspense, and Building React Apps.
Each module is meticulously crafted, offering a real development environment for practical learning.

By the end of this workshop series, you’ll confidently ship well-architected React applications, equipped with a robust understanding of React fundamentals, advanced hooks, patterns, performance optimization, testing techniques, and asynchronous state management with React Suspense.

  • 教程编号:1608683956
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:6.85GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

Epic React Pro
  └─Epic React Pro
      │  code.zip
      │  lesson names.txt
      ├─1. Welcome to Epic React +
      │  │  1.Welcome to Epic React.srt
      │  │  2.Project READMEs and Pre Reqs.srt
      │  │  3.Clone and Setup.srt
      │  │  4.Running the Epic React Workshop App.srt
      │  │  5.File Structure.srt
      │  │  6.Running Tests.srt
      │  │  7.Example Runthrough.srt
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  └─MP4
      │          1.Welcome to Epic React.mp4
      │          2.Project READMEs and Pre Reqs.mp4
      │          3.Clone and Setup.mp4
      │          4.Running the Epic React Workshop App.mp4
      │          5.File Structure.mp4
      │          6.Running Tests.mp4
      │          7.Example Runthrough.mp4
      ├─2. React Fundamentals +
      │  │  10.Generate DOM Nodes Extra Credit Solution.srt
      │  │  11.Generate DOM Nodes Extra Extra Credit.srt
      │  │  12.Intro to Raw React APIs.srt
      │  │  13.Raw React APIs Solution.srt
      │  │  14.Nesting Elements Extra Credit Solution.srt
      │  │  15.Break Time.srt
      │  │  16.Using JSX.srt
      │  │  17.Write Markup with JSX Solution.srt
      │  │  18.Interpolate className and Children Extra Credit Solution 01.srt
      │  │  19.Spread Props Extra Credit Solution 02.srt
      │  │  20.Creating Custom Components.srt
      │  │  21.Render JSX From Functions Solution.srt
      │  │  22.React.createElement Extra Credit Solution 01.srt
      │  │  23.JSX Extra Credit Solution 02.srt
      │  │  24.Validation with PropTypes Extra Credit Solution.srt
      │  │  25.Use prop-types Package Extra Credit Solution 04.srt
      │  │  26.React Fragments Extra Credit Solution 05.srt
      │  │  27.Styling.srt
      │  │  28.style Prop Solution.srt
      │  │  29.Create a Custom Component Extra Credit Solution.srt
      │  │  30.Accept a Size Prop to Encapsulate Styling Extra.srt
      │  │  31.Break Time.srt
      │  │  32.Forms.srt
      │  │  33.Form Basics.srt
      │  │  34.Using refs Extra Credit Solution 01.srt
      │  │  35.Validate lower-case Extra Credit Solution 02.srt
      │  │  36.Control the Input Value Extra Credit Solution 03.srt
      │  │  37.Rendering Arrays.srt
      │  │  38.Render Arrays Solution.srt
      │  │  39.Focus demo Extra Credit Solution 01.srt
      │  │  40.React Fundamentals Outro.srt
      │  │  8.React Fundamentals Welcome.srt
      │  │  9.Basic JS Hello World.srt
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  └─mp4
      │          10.Generate DOM Nodes Extra Credit Solution.mp4
      │          11.Generate DOM Nodes Extra Extra Credit.mp4
      │          12.Intro to Raw React APIs.mp4
      │          13.Raw React APIs Solution.mp4
      │          14.Nesting Elements Extra Credit Solution.mp4
      │          15.Break Time.mp4
      │          16.Using JSX.mp4
      │          17.Write Markup with JSX Solution.mp4
      │          18.Interpolate className and Children Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
      │          19.Spread Props Extra Credit Solution 02.mp4
      │          20.Creating Custom Components.mp4
      │          21.Render JSX From Functions Solution.mp4
      │          22.React.createElement Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
      │          23.JSX Extra Credit Solution 02.mp4
      │          24.Validation with PropTypes Extra Credit Solution 03.mp4
      │          25.Use prop-types Package Extra Credit Solution 04.mp4
      │          26.React Fragments Extra Credit Solution 05.mp4
      │          27.Styling.mp4
      │          28.style Prop Solution.mp4
      │          29.Create a Custom Component Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
      │          30.Accept a Size Prop to Encapsulate Styling Extra Credit Solution 02.mp4
      │          31.Break Time.mp4
      │          32.Forms.mp4
      │          33.Form Basics.mp4
      │          34.Using refs Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
      │          35.Validate lower-case Extra Credit Solution 02.mp4
      │          36.Control the Input Value Extra Credit Solution 03.mp4
      │          37.Rendering Arrays.mp4
      │          38.Render Arrays Solution.mp4
      │          39.Focus demo Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
      │          40.React Fundamentals Outro.mp4
      │          8.React Fundamentals Welcome.mp4
      │          9.Basic JS Hello World.mp4
      ├─3. React Hooks +
      │  │  41.React Hooks Welcome.srt
      │  │  42.useState greeting.srt
      │  │  43.Set State in React Solution.srt
      │  │  44.Set Initial Values Through Props Extra Credit Solution.srt
      │  │  45.useEffect persistent state.srt
      │  │  46.localStorage useEffect Solution.srt
      │  │  47.Lazy State Initialization Extra Credit Solution.srt
      │  │  48.Effect Dependencies Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  49.Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 3.srt
      │  │  50.Flexible localStorage Hook Extra Credit Solution 4.srt
      │  │  51.Hooks Flow.srt
      │  │  52.Lifting state.srt
      │  │  53.Lift State Solution.srt
      │  │  54.Colocate State Extra Credit Solution.srt
      │  │  55.useState tic tac toe.srt
      │  │  56.Managed and Derived State Solution.srt
      │  │  57.Preserve State in localStorage Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  58.useLocalStorageState Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  59.Add Game History Feature Extra Credit Solution 3.srt
      │  │  60.Class Refactor.srt
      │  │  61.useRef and useEffect DOM interaction.srt
      │  │  62.Solution.srt
      │  │  63.Class Refactor.srt
      │  │  64.Break Time.srt
      │  │  65.useEffect HTTP requests.srt
      │  │  66.Fetch Data.srt
      │  │  67.Handle Errors Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  68.Use a status Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  69.Store the State in an Object Extra Credit Solution 3.srt
      │  │  70.ErrorBoundary Component Extra Credit Solution 4.srt
      │  │  71.Re-mount the ErrorBoundary Extra Credit Solution 5.srt
      │  │  72.Use react-error-boundary Extra Credit Solution 6.srt
      │  │  73.Reset the ErrorBoundary Extra Credit Solution 7.srt
      │  │  74.use resetKeys Extra Credit Solution 8.srt
      │  │  75.React Hooks Outro.srt
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  └─mp4
      │          41.React Hooks Welcome.mp4
      │          42.useState greeting.mp4
      │          43.Set State in React Solution.mp4
      │          44.Set Initial Values Through Props Extra Credit Solution.mp4
      │          45.useEffect persistent state.mp4
      │          46.localStorage useEffect Solution.mp4
      │          47.Lazy State Initialization Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          48.Effect Dependencies Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          49.Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 3.mp4
      │          50.Flexible localStorage Hook Extra Credit Solution 4.mp4
      │          51.Hooks Flow.mp4
      │          52.Lifting state.mp4
      │          53.Lift State Solution.mp4
      │          54.Colocate State Extra Credit Solution.mp4
      │          55.useState tic tac toe.mp4
      │          56.Managed and Derived State Solution.mp4
      │          57.Preserve State in localStorage Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          58.useLocalStorageState Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          59.Add Game History Feature Extra Credit Solution 3.mp4
      │          60.Class Refactor.mp4
      │          61.useRef and useEffect DOM interaction.mp4
      │          62.Solution.mp4
      │          63.Class Refactor.mp4
      │          64.Break Time.mp4
      │          65.useEffect HTTP requests.mp4
      │          66.Fetch Data.mp4
      │          67.Handle Errors Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          68.Use a status Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          69.Store the State in an Object Extra Credit Solution 3.mp4
      │          70.ErrorBoundary Component Extra Credit Solution 4.mp4
      │          71.Re-mount the ErrorBoundary Extra Credit Solution 5.mp4
      │          72.Use react-error-boundary Extra Credit Solution 6.mp4
      │          73.Reset the ErrorBoundary Extra Credit Solution 7.mp4
      │          74.use resetKeys Extra Credit Solution 8.mp4
      │          75.React Hooks Outro.mp4
      ├─4. Advanced React Hooks +
      │  │  76.Advanced React Hooks Welcome.srt
      │  │  77.useReducer simple Counter.srt
      │  │  78.Simple Counter Solution.srt
      │  │  79.Accept Step as Action Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  80.setState with Object Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  81.Object or Function Extra Credit Solution 3.srt
      │  │  82.Traditional Dispatch Object Extra Credit Solution 4.srt
      │  │  83.useCallback custom hooks.srt
      │  │  84.Extract Logic into Hook Solution.srt
      │  │  85.useCallback for Memoization Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  86.Return Memoized run Function Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  87.Make safeDispatch Extra Credit Solution 3.srt
      │  │  88.useContext simple Counter.srt
      │  │  89.CountProvider Solution.srt
      │  │  90.Create a Consumer Hook Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  91.Caching in Context Provider Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  92.useLayoutEffect auto-growing textarea.srt
      │  │  93.useLayoutEffect Solution.srt
      │  │  94.useImperativeHandle scroll to topbottom.srt
      │  │  95.Scroll to TopBottom Solution.srt
      │  │  96.useDebugValue useMedia.srt
      │  │  97.Label useDebugValue Solution.srt
      │  │  98.Use the Format Function Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  99.Advanced React Hooks Outro.srt
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  └─mp4
      │          76.Advanced React Hooks Welcome.mp4
      │          77.useReducer simple Counter.mp4
      │          78.Simple Counter Solution.mp4
      │          79.Accept Step as Action Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          80.setState with Object Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          81.Object or Function Extra Credit Solution 3.mp4
      │          82.Traditional Dispatch Object Extra Credit Solution 4.mp4
      │          83.useCallback custom hooks.mp4
      │          84.Extract Logic into Hook Solution.mp4
      │          85.useCallback for Memoization Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          86.Return Memoized run Function Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          87.Make safeDispatch Extra Credit Solution 3.mp4
      │          88.useContext simple Counter.mp4
      │          89.CountProvider Solution.mp4
      │          90.Create a Consumer Hook Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          91.Caching in Context Provider Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          92.useLayoutEffect auto-growing textarea.mp4
      │          93.useLayoutEffect Solution.mp4
      │          94.useImperativeHandle scroll to topbottom.mp4
      │          95.Scroll to TopBottom Solution.mp4
      │          96.useDebugValue useMedia.mp4
      │          97.Label useDebugValue Solution.mp4
      │          98.Use the Format Function Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          99.Advanced React Hooks Outro.mp4
      ├─5. Advanced React Patterns +
      │  │  100.Advanced React Patterns Welcome.srt
      │  │  101.Context Module Functions.srt
      │  │  102.Extract Helper Function Solution.srt
      │  │  103.Compound Components.srt
      │  │  104.Refactor Toggle Solution.srt
      │  │  105.Support DOM Component Children Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  106.Flexible Compound Components.srt
      │  │  107.Extract State into Context Solution.srt
      │  │  108.Custom Hook Validation Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  109.Prop Collections and Getters.srt
      │  │  110.Object of Props Solution.srt
      │  │  111.Prop Getters Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  112.State Reducer.srt
      │  │  113.Inversion of Control Solution.srt
      │  │  114.Default State Reducer Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  115.State Reducer Action Types Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  116.Control Props.srt
      │  │  117.Control State with on and onChange Solution.srt
      │  │  118.Add Read Only Warning Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  119.Add a Controlled State Warning Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  120.Extract Warnings to a Custom Hook Extra Credit.srt
      │  │  121.Don't Warn in Production Extra Credit Solution.srt
      │  │  122.Advanced React Patterns Outro.srt
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  └─MP4
      │          100.Advanced React Patterns Welcome.mp4
      │          101.Context Module Functions.mp4
      │          102.Extract Helper Function Solution.mp4
      │          103.Compound Components.mp4
      │          104.Refactor Toggle Solution.mp4
      │          105.Support DOM Component Children Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          106.Flexible Compound Components.mp4
      │          107.Extract State into Context Solution.mp4
      │          108.Custom Hook Validation Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          109.Prop Collections and Getters.mp4
      │          110.Object of Props Solution.mp4
      │          111.Prop Getters Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          112.State Reducer.mp4
      │          113.Inversion of Control Solution.mp4
      │          114.Default State Reducer Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          115.State Reducer Action Types Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          116.Control Props.mp4
      │          117.Control State with on and onChange Solution.mp4
      │          118.Add Read Only Warning Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          119.Add a Controlled State Warning Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          120.Extract Warnings to a Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 3.mp4
      │          121.Don't Warn in Production Extra Credit Solution 4.mp4
      │          122.Advanced React Patterns Outro.mp4
      ├─6. React Performance +
      │  │  123.React Performance Welcome.srt
      │  │  124.Code Splitting.srt
      │  │  125.Code Split Solution.srt
      │  │  126.Eager Loading Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  127.Webpack Magic Comments Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  128.Suspense Position.srt
      │  │  129.Coverage Tool.srt
      │  │  130.useMemo for Expensive Calculations.srt
      │  │  131.Wrap a Function in useMemo Solution.srt
      │  │  132.Production Mode Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  133.getItems Web Worker Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  134.React.memo for Reducing re-renders.srt
      │  │  135.Memoize Components Solution.srt
      │  │  136.Custom Comparator Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  137.Primitive Values Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  138.Window Large Lists with react-virtual.srt
      │  │  139.Render Large Lists Solution.srt
      │  │  140.Optimize Context Value.srt
      │  │  141.Memoize Context Value Solution.srt
      │  │  142.Separate the Contexts Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  143.Fix Perf Death by a Thousand Cuts.srt
      │  │  144.Colocate State Solution.srt
      │  │  145.Separate Contexts Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  146.Consuming Components Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  147.Slice of App State Extra Credit Solution 3.srt
      │  │  148.Use recoil Extra Credit Solution 4.srt
      │  │  149.Production Performance Monitoring.srt
      │  │  150.Add Performance Monitoring Solution.srt
      │  │  151.Use Trace API Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  152.React Performance Outro.srt
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  └─MP4
      │          123.React Performance Welcome.mp4
      │          124.Code Splitting.mp4
      │          125.Code Split Solution.mp4
      │          126.Eager Loading Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          127.Webpack Magic Comments Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          128.Suspense Position.mp4
      │          129.Coverage Tool.mp4
      │          130.useMemo for Expensive Calculations.mp4
      │          131.Wrap a Function in useMemo Solution.mp4
      │          132.Production Mode Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          133.getItems Web Worker Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          134.React.memo for Reducing re-renders.mp4
      │          135.Memoize Components Solution.mp4
      │          136.Custom Comparator Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          137.Primitive Values Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          138.Window Large Lists with react-virtual.mp4
      │          139.Render Large Lists Solution.mp4
      │          140.Optimize Context Value.mp4
      │          141.Memoize Context Value Solution.mp4
      │          142.Separate the Contexts Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          143.Fix Perf Death by a Thousand Cuts.mp4
      │          144.Colocate State Solution.mp4
      │          145.Separate Contexts Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          146.Consuming Components Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          147.Slice of App State Extra Credit Solution 3.mp4
      │          148.Use recoil Extra Credit Solution 4.mp4
      │          149.Production Performance Monitoring.mp4
      │          150.Add Performance Monitoring Solution.mp4
      │          151.Use Trace API Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          152.React Performance Outro.mp4
      ├─7. Testing React Apps +
      │  │  153.Testing React Apps Welcome.srt
      │  │  154.Simple Test with ReactDOM.srt
      │  │  155.Render Counter Component Solution 1.srt
      │  │  156.Test Counter Component Solution 2.srt
      │  │  157.Increment and Decrement Buttons Solution 3.srt
      │  │  158.Cleaning up Test Environments Solution 4.srt
      │  │  159.Add use dispatchEvent Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  160.Simple Test with React Testing Library.srt
      │  │  161.Rendering Solution 1.srt
      │  │  162.Firing Events Solution 2.srt
      │  │  163.Accretions Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  164.Avoid Implementation Details.srt
      │  │  165.Screen Utility Solution.srt
      │  │  166.Browser Interactions  Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  167.Form Testing.srt
      │  │  168.Exposes a Debug Method to Test Elements Solution 1.srt
      │  │  169.Jest Mock Solution 2.srt
      │  │  170.Abstract Variables Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  171.Jest Mock Functions Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  172.Generate Test Data Extra Credit Solution 3.srt
      │  │  173.Allow for Overrides Extra Credit Solution 4.srt
      │  │  174.Mocking HTTP Requests.srt
      │  │  175.Mock Service Worker Solution 1.srt
      │  │  176.Mocked Responses Solution 2.srt
      │  │  177.Reuse Server Request Handlers Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  178.Unhappy Path Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  179.Use Inline Snapshots Extra Credit Solution 3.srt
      │  │  180.Use One-off Server Handlers Extra Credit Solution 4.srt
      │  │  181.Mocking Browser APIs and Modules.srt
      │  │  182.Mock Geolocation Solution 1.srt
      │  │  183.Act Function Solution 2.srt
      │  │  184.Mock the module Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  185.Context and Custom Render Method.srt
      │  │  186.Wrapper Component Solution.srt
      │  │  187.Dark Theme Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  188.Render Method Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  189.App Test Utils Extra Credit Solution 3.srt
      │  │  190.Testing Custom Hooks.srt
      │  │  191.Test Functionality of Custom Hook Solution.srt
      │  │  192.Fake Component Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  193.Setup Function Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  194.Using React-Hooks Testing Library Extra Credit.srt
      │  │  195.Testing React Apps Outro.srt
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  └─MP4
      │          153.Testing React Apps Welcome.mp4
      │          154.Simple Test with ReactDOM.mp4
      │          155.Render Counter Component Solution 1.mp4
      │          156.Test Counter Component Solution 2.mp4
      │          157.Increment and Decrement Buttons Solution 3.mp4
      │          158.Cleaning up Test Environments Solution 4.mp4
      │          159.Add use dispatchEvent Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          160.Simple Test with React Testing Library.mp4
      │          161.Rendering Solution 1.mp4
      │          162.Firing Events Solution 2.mp4
      │          163.Accretions Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          164.Avoid Implementation Details.mp4
      │          165.Screen Utility Solution.mp4
      │          166.Browser Interactions  Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          167.Form Testing.mp4
      │          168.Exposes a Debug Method to Test Elements Solution 1.mp4
      │          169.Jest Mock Solution 2.mp4
      │          170.Abstract Variables Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          171.Jest Mock Functions Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          172.Generate Test Data Extra Credit Solution 3.mp4
      │          173.Allow for Overrides Extra Credit Solution 4.mp4
      │          174.Mocking HTTP Requests.mp4
      │          175.Mock Service Worker Solution 1.mp4
      │          176.Mocked Responses Solution 2.mp4
      │          177.Reuse Server Request Handlers Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          178.Unhappy Path Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          179.Use Inline Snapshots Extra Credit Solution 3.mp4
      │          180.Use One-off Server Handlers Extra Credit Solution 4.mp4
      │          181.Mocking Browser APIs and Modules.mp4
      │          182.Mock Geolocation Solution 1.mp4
      │          183.Act Function Solution 2.mp4
      │          184.Mock the module Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          185.Context and Custom Render Method.mp4
      │          186.Wrapper Component Solution.mp4
      │          187.Dark Theme Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          188.Render Method Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          189.App Test Utils Extra Credit Solution 3.mp4
      │          190.Testing Custom Hooks.mp4
      │          191.Test Functionality of Custom Hook Solution.mp4
      │          192.Fake Component Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          193.Setup Function Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          194.Using React-Hooks Testing Library Extra Credit Solution 3.mp4
      │          195.Testing React Apps Outro.mp4
      ├─8. React Suspense +
      │  │  196.React Suspense Welcome.srt
      │  │  197.Concurrent Mode.srt
      │  │  198.Simple Data-Fetching.srt
      │  │  199.React.Suspense Solution.srt
      │  │  200.Handle Error with Error Boundary Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  201.Make More Generic createResource Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  202.Use utils Extra Credit Solution 3.srt
      │  │  203.Render as You Fetch.srt
      │  │  204.Refactor PokemonInfo Solution.srt
      │  │  205.Error Boundary Positioning Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  206.useTransition.srt
      │  │  207.startTranistion and isPending Solution.srt
      │  │  208.Use CSS Transitions Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  209.Avoid Flash of Loading Content Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  210.Cache Resources.srt
      │  │  211.Cache an Object Solution.srt
      │  │  212.Put Cache in Context Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  213.Create a Context Provider Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  214.Add Cache Timeout Extra Credit Solution 3.srt
      │  │  215.Suspense Image.srt
      │  │  216.Suspend an Image Component Solution.srt
      │  │  217.Avoid Waterfall Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  218.Render as You Fetch Extra Credit Solution 2.srt
      │  │  219.Suspense with a Custom Hook.srt
      │  │  220.Create a Custom Suspense Hook Solution.srt
      │  │  221.Reuse Pre-Built Hook Extra Credit Solution 1.srt
      │  │  222.Coordinate Suspending Components with SuspenseList.srt
      │  │  223.Load States Solution.srt
      │  │  224.React Suspense Outro.srt
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  └─mp4
      │          196.React Suspense Welcome.mp4
      │          197.Concurrent Mode.mp4
      │          198.Simple Data-Fetching.mp4
      │          199.React.Suspense Solution.mp4
      │          200.Handle Error with Error Boundary Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          201.Make More Generic createResource Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          202.Use utils Extra Credit Solution 3.mp4
      │          203.Render as You Fetch.mp4
      │          204.Refactor PokemonInfo Solution.mp4
      │          205.Error Boundary Positioning Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          206.useTransition.mp4
      │          207.startTranistion and isPending Solution.mp4
      │          208.Use CSS Transitions Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          209.Avoid Flash of Loading Content Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          210.Cache Resources.mp4
      │          211.Cache an Object Solution.mp4
      │          212.Put Cache in Context Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          213.Create a Context Provider Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          214.Add Cache Timeout Extra Credit Solution 3.mp4
      │          215.Suspense Image.mp4
      │          216.Suspend an Image Component Solution.mp4
      │          217.Avoid Waterfall Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          218.Render as You Fetch Extra Credit Solution 2.mp4
      │          219.Suspense with a Custom Hook.mp4
      │          220.Create a Custom Suspense Hook Solution.mp4
      │          221.Reuse Pre-Built Hook Extra Credit Solution 1.mp4
      │          222.Coordinate Suspending Components with SuspenseList.mp4
      │          223.Load States Solution.mp4
      │          224.React Suspense Outro.mp4
      └─9. Build an Epic React App +
          │  225.Build an Epic React App Welcome.srt
          │  226. Walkthrough of Project Setup.srt
          │  227. Render a React App.srt
          │  228. Render Logo and Title Solution.srt
          │  229. Use @reachdialog Extra Credit Solution 01.srt
          │  230. Create a LoginForm Component Extra Credit Solution 02.srt
          │  231. Add Styles.srt
          │  232. Style a Button with Variants Solution 01.srt
          │  233. Style Input and Formgroup Solution 02.srt
          │  234. Style with Emotion CSS Prop Solution 03.srt
          │  235. Use the Emotion Macro Extra Credit Solution 01.srt
          │  236.Use Colors and Media Queries File Extra Credit.srt
          │  237. Make a Loading Spinner Component Extra Credit.srt
          │  238. Make HTTP Requests.srt
          │  239. Query Data with useEffect Solution 01.srt
          │  240. Query Data with useEffect Solution 02.srt
          │  241. Handle Failed Requests Extra Credit Solution 01.srt
          │  242. Use the useAsync Hook Extra Credit Solution 02.srt
          │  243. Authentication.srt
          │  244. Wire up Authentication Solution.srt
          │  245. User Data on Page Load Extra Credit Solution 01.srt
          │  246. Use useAsync Extra Credit Solution 02.srt
          │  247. Automatically Logout on 401 Extra Credit Solution 03.srt
          │  248. Support Posting Data Extra Credit Solution 04.srt
          │  249. Routing.srt
          │  250. Handle Routing Solution.srt
          │  251. Handle URL Redirects Extra Credit Solution-01.srt
          │  252. Add useMatch to Highlight the Active Nav Item.srt
          │  253. Cache Management.srt
          │  254. Create listItems with React Query useMutation.srt
          │  255. View listItems with React Query useQuery Solution 02.srt
          │  256. Remove listItems with useMutation Solution 03.srt
          │  257. Update listItems with useMutations Solution 04.srt
          │  258. View listItem Data in BookRow with useQuery Solution 05.srt
          │  259.Update a Book Rating with useMutation Solution.srt
          │  260. Refactor useAsync to useQuery Solution 07.srt
          │  261. Load and Persist Book Data with useQuery Solution 08.srt
          │  262. Query with useQuery for listItems in ListItemList Solution 09.srt
          │  263. Clear queryCache on User Logout Solution 10.srt
          │  264. Create useBookSearch Custom Hook Extra Credit.srt
          │  265. Create a useBook Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 01-02.srt
          │  266. Create useListItem(s) Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 01-03.srt
          │  267. Reuse Mutation Logic in a Custom Extra Credit.srt
          │  268. Reuse Custom Hooks to Reduce Code Extra Credit Solution 01-05.srt
          │  269. Create and Remove Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 01-06.srt
          │  270. useMatch highlight active nav item Extra Credit Solution 02.srt
          │  271. Show Error When Request Fails Extra Credit Solution 03-01.srt
          │  272. React Query Custom Error Handling Extra Credit Solution 03-02.srt
          │  273. Add a Loading Spinner for the Notes Extra Credit Solution 04.srt
          │  274. Prefetch the Book Search Query Extra Credit Solution 05.srt
          │  275. Add Books to the Query Cache Extra Credit Solution 06.srt
          │  276. Add Optimistic Updates and Recovery Extra Credit Solution 07.srt
          │  277. Context.srt
          │  278. Create and Provide an AuthContext Solution 01.srt
          │  279. Grab a Value from Context in a Hook Solution 02.srt
          │  280. Use Context Value in ListItem Hooks and AuthenticatedApp Solution 03.srt
          │  281. Expose User Context Value to refetchBookSearchQuery Solution 04.srt
          │  282. Create a useAuth Hook Extra Credit Solution 01.srt
          │  283. Create an AuthProvider Component Extra Credit.srt
          │  284. Colocate Global Providers Extra Credit Solution 03.srt
          │  285. Create a useClient Hook Extra Credit Solution.srt
          │  286. Compound Components.srt
          │  287. Create Compound Components for a Flexible Modal Solution.srt
          │  288. Add callAll Extra Credit Solution 01.srt
          │  289. Create ModalContentsBase Extra Credit Solution 02.srt
          │  290. Performance.srt
          │  291. Improve the Time to First Meaningful Paint Solution.srt
          │  292. Prefetch the Authenticated App Extra Credit Solution 01.srt
          │  293. Memoize Context Extra Credit Solution 02.srt
          │  294. Custom React.Profiler to Moninitor App Extra Credit Solution 03-01.srt
          │  295.Add Metadata and Profile Book Screen Extra Credit Solution 03-02.srt
          │  296. List Item List and Discover Sceen List Extra Credit Solution 03-03.srt
          │  297. Add Profiling to Production Builds Extra Credit Solution 03-04.srt
          │  298. Add Interaction Tracing Extra Credit Solution.srt
          │  299. Profile All Updates in an Interaction Extra Credit Solution 04-02.srt
          │  300. Render as You Fetch.srt
          │  301. Fetch User before AuthProvider Mounts Solution.srt
          │  302. Preload All Initial Data Extra Credit Solution 01.srt
          │  303. Unit Testing.srt
          │  304. Test formatDate Solution 01.srt
          │  305. Set up a Server to Test Requests Solution 02.srt
          │  306. Test if a Request has an Auth Header Solution.srt
          │  307. Client Request Config Overrides Solution 04.srt
          │  308. POST by Default when Body Present and Stringified Solution 05.srt
          │  309. Automatic Log Out on 401 Error Extra Credit Solution 01-01.srt
          │  310. Ensure Promise Rejects on Error Extra Credit Solution 01-02.srt
          │  311. Use setupTests.js Extra Credit Solution 02.srt
          │  312. Testing Hooks and Components.srt
          │  313. Modal Compound Components Solution 01.srt
          │  314. Set up useAsync Test with renderHook Solution.srt
          │  315. Wrap an act around an async Function Solution.srt
          │  316. Add an async act to Resolve a Promise Solution 04.srt
          │  317. Reset React State in a Test Solution 05.srt
          │  318. Call Run with a Promise That Resolved Solution 06.srt
          │  319. Can Specify an Initial State Solution 07.srt
          │  320. Can Set the Data Solution 08.srt
          │  321. No State Updates if Unmounted Solution 09.srt
          │  322. Call run without Promise Errors Solution 10.srt
          │  323. AHA Testing Extra Credit Solution 01.srt
          │  324. Integration Testing.srt
          │  325. Render the Application with AppProviders Solution 01.srt
          │  326. Wait for Loading Element to Be Removed Solution 02.srt
          │  327. Reverse-engineer AuthProvider and Log In Solution 03.srt
          │  328. Render a Book Page in a Test Solution 04.srt
          │  329. Test What UI Elements are Present Solution 05.srt
          │  330. Isolate Tests by Cleaning up State and Cache Solution 06.srt
          │  331. Create Mock msw Server Extra Credit Solution 01.srt
          │  332 Write Second Integration Test Extra Credit Solution 02.srt
          │  333. Abstract Functionality Extra Credit Solution 03-01.srt
          │  334. Custom Render Function Extra Credit Solution 03-02.srt
          │  335. Global Utils Extra Credit Solution 04.srt
          │  336. Can Remove List Item for Book Extra Credit Solution 05-01.srt
          │  337. Can Mark a List Item as Read Extra Credit Solution 05-02.srt
          │  338. Can Edit a Note Extra Credit Solution 05-03.srt
          │  339. Use Jest Fake Timers Extra Credit Solution 05-04.srt
          │  340. Set up Mock Profiler for Tests Extra Credit Solution 05-05.srt
          │  341. Create Component-Specific Utility Extra Credit Solution 06.srt
          │  342. Show Error when Load Fails Extra Credit Solution 07-01.srt
          │  343. Scope Hooks to Describe Block Extra Credit Solution 07-02.srt
          │  344. Update Failures are Displayed Extra Credit Solution 07-03.srt
          │  345. E2E Testing .srt
          │  346. Register a User in Cypress Solution 01.srt
          │  347. Find and Add a Book to Reading List Solution 02.srt
          │  348. Mark Book as Read and Rate Solution 03.srt
          │  349. Remove Book from Reading List Solution 04.srt
          │  350. Build an Epic React App Outro.srt
                  225.Build an Epic React App Welcome.mp4
                  226. Walkthrough of Project Setup.mp4
                  227. Render a React App.mp4
                  228. Render Logo and Title Solution.mp4
                  229. Use @reachdialog Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
                  230. Create a LoginForm Component Extra Credit Solution 02.mp4
                  231. Add Styles.mp4
                  232. Style a Button with Variants Solution 01.mp4
                  233. Style Input and Formgroup Solution 02.mp4
                  234. Style with Emotion CSS Prop Solution 03.mp4
                  235. Use the Emotion Macro Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
                  236.Use Colors and Media Queries File Extra Credit Solution 02.mp4
                  237. Make a Loading Spinner Component Extra Credit Solution 03.mp4
                  238. Make HTTP Requests.mp4
                  239. Query Data with useEffect Solution 01.mp4
                  240. Query Data with useEffect Solution 02.mp4
                  241. Handle Failed Requests Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
                  242. Use the useAsync Hook Extra Credit Solution 02.mp4
                  243. Authentication.mp4
                  244. Wire up Authentication Solution.mp4
                  245. User Data on Page Load Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
                  246. Use useAsync Extra Credit Solution 02.mp4
                  247. Automatically Logout on 401 Extra Credit Solution 03.mp4
                  248. Support Posting Data Extra Credit Solution 04.mp4
                  249. Routing.mp4
                  250. Handle Routing Solution.mp4
                  251. Handle URL Redirects Extra Credit Solution-01.mp4
                  252. Add useMatch to Highlight the Active Nav Item Extra Credit Solution-02.mp4
                  253. Cache Management.mp4
                  254. Create listItems with React Query useMutation Solution 01.mp4
                  255. View listItems with React Query useQuery Solution 02.mp4
                  256. Remove listItems with useMutation Solution 03.mp4
                  257. Update listItems with useMutations Solution 04.mp4
                  258. View listItem Data in BookRow with useQuery Solution 05.mp4
                  259.Update a Book Rating with useMutation Solution 06.mp4
                  260. Refactor useAsync to useQuery Solution 07.mp4
                  261. Load and Persist Book Data with useQuery Solution 08.mp4
                  262. Query with useQuery for listItems in ListItemList Solution 09.mp4
                  263. Clear queryCache on User Logout Solution 10.mp4
                  264. Create useBookSearch Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 01-01.mp4
                  265. Create a useBook Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 01-02.mp4
                  266. Create useListItem(s) Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 01-03.mp4
                  267. Reuse Mutation Logic in a Custom Extra Credit Solution 01-04.mp4
                  268. Reuse Custom Hooks to Reduce Code Extra Credit Solution 01-05.mp4
                  269. Create and Remove Custom Hook Extra Credit Solution 01-06.mp4
                  270. useMatch highlight active nav item Extra Credit Solution 02.mp4
                  271. Show Error When Request Fails Extra Credit Solution 03-01.mp4
                  272. React Query Custom Error Handling Extra Credit Solution 03-02.mp4
                  273. Add a Loading Spinner for the Notes Extra Credit Solution 04.mp4
                  274. Prefetch the Book Search Query Extra Credit Solution 05.mp4
                  275. Add Books to the Query Cache Extra Credit Solution 06.mp4
                  276. Add Optimistic Updates and Recovery Extra Credit Solution 07.mp4
                  277. Context.mp4
                  278. Create and Provide an AuthContext Solution 01.mp4
                  279. Grab a Value from Context in a Hook Solution 02.mp4
                  280. Use Context Value in ListItem Hooks and AuthenticatedApp Solution 03.mp4
                  281. Expose User Context Value to refetchBookSearchQuery Solution 04.mp4
                  282. Create a useAuth Hook Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
                  283. Create an AuthProvider Component Extra Credit Solution 02.mp4
                  284. Colocate Global Providers Extra Credit Solution 03.mp4
                  285. Create a useClient Hook Extra Credit Solution 04.mp4
                  286. Compound Components.mp4
                  287. Create Compound Components for a Flexible Modal Solution.mp4
                  288. Add callAll Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
                  289. Create ModalContentsBase Extra Credit Solution 02.mp4
                  290. Performance.mp4
                  291. Improve the Time to First Meaningful Paint Solution.mp4
                  292. Prefetch the Authenticated App Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
                  293. Memoize Context Extra Credit Solution 02.mp4
                  294. Custom React.Profiler to Moninitor App Extra Credit Solution 03-01.mp4
                  295.Add Metadata and Profile Book Screen Extra Credit Solution 03-02.mp4
                  296. List Item List and Discover Sceen List Extra Credit Solution 03-03.mp4
                  297. Add Profiling to Production Builds Extra Credit Solution 03-04.mp4
                  298. Add Interaction Tracing Extra Credit Solution 04-01.mp4
                  299. Profile All Updates in an Interaction Extra Credit Solution 04-02.mp4
                  300. Render as You Fetch.mp4
                  301. Fetch User before AuthProvider Mounts Solution.mp4
                  302. Preload All Initial Data Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
                  303. Unit Testing.mp4
                  304. Test formatDate Solution 01.mp4
                  305. Set up a Server to Test Requests Solution 02.mp4
                  306. Test if a Request has an Auth Header Solution 03.mp4
                  307. Client Request Config Overrides Solution 04.mp4
                  308. POST by Default when Body Present and Stringified Solution 05.mp4
                  309. Automatic Log Out on 401 Error Extra Credit Solution 01-01.mp4
                  310. Ensure Promise Rejects on Error Extra Credit Solution 01-02.mp4
                  311. Use setupTests.js Extra Credit Solution 02.mp4
                  312. Testing Hooks and Components.mp4
                  313. Modal Compound Components Solution 01.mp4
                  314. Set up useAsync Test with renderHook Solution 02.mp4
                  315. Wrap an act around an async Function Solution 03.mp4
                  316. Add an async act to Resolve a Promise Solution 04.mp4
                  317. Reset React State in a Test Solution 05.mp4
                  318. Call Run with a Promise That Resolved Solution 06.mp4
                  319. Can Specify an Initial State Solution 07.mp4
                  320. Can Set the Data Solution 08.mp4
                  321. No State Updates if Unmounted Solution 09.mp4
                  322. Call run without Promise Errors Solution 10.mp4
                  323. AHA Testing Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
                  324. Integration Testing.mp4
                  325. Render the Application with AppProviders Solution 01.mp4
                  326. Wait for Loading Element to Be Removed Solution 02.mp4
                  327. Reverse-engineer AuthProvider and Log In Solution 03.mp4
                  328. Render a Book Page in a Test Solution 04.mp4
                  329. Test What UI Elements are Present Solution 05.mp4
                  330. Isolate Tests by Cleaning up State and Cache Solution 06.mp4
                  331. Create Mock msw Server Extra Credit Solution 01.mp4
                  332 Write Second Integration Test Extra Credit Solution 02.mp4
                  333. Abstract Functionality Extra Credit Solution 03-01.mp4
                  334. Custom Render Function Extra Credit Solution 03-02.mp4
                  335. Global Utils Extra Credit Solution 04.mp4
                  336. Can Remove List Item for Book Extra Credit Solution 05-01.mp4
                  337. Can Mark a List Item as Read Extra Credit Solution 05-02.mp4
                  338. Can Edit a Note Extra Credit Solution 05-03.mp4
                  339. Use Jest Fake Timers Extra Credit Solution 05-04.mp4
                  340. Set up Mock Profiler for Tests Extra Credit Solution 05-05.mp4
                  341. Create Component-Specific Utility Extra Credit Solution 06.mp4
                  342. Show Error when Load Fails Extra Credit Solution 07-01.mp4
                  343. Scope Hooks to Describe Block Extra Credit Solution 07-02.mp4
                  344. Update Failures are Displayed Extra Credit Solution 07-03.mp4
                  345. E2E Testing .mp4
                  346. Register a User in Cypress Solution 01.mp4
                  347. Find and Add a Book to Reading List Solution 02.mp4
                  348. Mark Book as Read and Rate Solution 03.mp4
                  349. Remove Book from Reading List Solution 04.mp4
                  350. Build an Epic React App Outro.mp4





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