

A topical map is a visual representation of the main topics, subtopics, and supporting content within your industry.
It allows you to clearly outline the scope and depth of your knowledge and expertise, and helps you organise and present your content in a logical and easily digestible way.
This course is designed to help you establish your site as a topical authority by creating and using a comprehensive topical map.
Throughout the course, you’ll learn how to research, organise, and present your content in a way that showcases your expertise and builds credibility to users and search engines.

  • 教程编号:1574110277
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:6.56GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

Topical Authority Made Simple
  ├─01. Course Overview
  │      1. Welcome to Topical Maps Unlocked!.mkv
  │      2. How to Join the Private Group.mkv
  │      3. Overview of the Tools We Will Use.mkv
  │      3. Overview of the Tools We Will Use.pdf
  │      4. New Site vs Existing Site Approaches.mkv
  ├─02. Intro to Topical Authority
  │      1. What Is Topical Authority and Why is It Important for SEO.mkv
  │      2. What is the Topical Authority Approach.mkv
  ├─03. Intro to Topical Maps
  │      1. What is a Topical Map.mkv
  │      2. How to Read a Topical Map.mkv
  │      3. How Topical Maps Influence Site Architecture, Internal Links, and Anchor Text.mkv
  │      4. Examples of Sites With Good Topical Maps and Authority.mkv
  ├─04. Research the Niche and Competitors
  │      1. Choosing a Niche and Starting Point.mkv
  │      2. Breaking Down the Niche With the Template.mkv
  │      2. Topical Map Spreadsheet Template.pdf
  │      3. Competitor Research and Analysis Using the Tool.mkv
  │      3. Sitemap Extraction Spreadsheet.pdf
  ├─05. Keyword Research, Analysis, and Clustering
  │      1. Google Natural Language API.pdf
  │      1. What Keyword Research Tools to Use.mkv
  │      2. Researching and Gathering Keywords.mkv
  │      3. Analyzing and Filtering Keywords.mkv
  │      3. Note.pdf
  │      4. Clustering Keywords.mkv
  ├─06. Building the Structured Topical Maps
  │      1. Intro to Topical Hierarchy and Site Architecture.mkv
  │      2. Creating the Topical Map and Hierarchy.mkv
  │      3. Creating the Mind Map From the Spreadsheet.mkv
  │      4. Creating the Site Architecture in WordPress.mkv
  ├─07. From Topical Map to Content Plan
  │      1. Turning a Topical Map Into a Content Plan.mkv
  │      2. Where to Start Writing Content.mkv
  │      3. Do Content Quality and Relevance Matter.mkv
  ├─08. Topical Map and Internal Linking Strategy
  │      1. Internal Linking With a Topical Map.mkv
  │      2. Managing Your Anchor Text.mkv
  ├─09. Maintaining the Topical Map and Content Plan
  │      1. Keeping the Topical Map and Content Plan Up to Date.mkv
  │      2. Google Analytics Content Grouping.pdf
  │      2. Tracking and Measuring Results.mkv
  ├─10. Using Topical Maps With Existing Sites
  │      1. Creating a Topical Map for an Existing Site.mkv
  │      2. Cannibalization, Pruning, and Updating Content.mkv
  └─11. From Theory to Practice
          1. Putting It All Together - Summary.mkv
          1. Topical Map Spreadsheet Template.pdf
          2. Class Project (Full Version) - Niche Selected by You.mkv
          2. Note.pdf
          3. Class Project (Edited Version) - Niche Selected by You.mkv





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