
深入了解Dylan Ander和Jordan Ross等人的真实成功故事,并学习他们的成功方法。





This course equips you with the exact strategies used by industry leaders, ensuring you stand out and attract leads effortlessly.
Dive into real-life success stories, including Dylan Ander and Jordan Ross, and learn from their proven methods.

With seven comprehensive modules, you’ll navigate your journey to authority seamlessly, regardless of your current follower count.
Say goodbye to cold outreach and welcome a steady stream of targeted leads through organic growth tactics.

In a rapidly evolving business landscape, establishing yourself as an authority isn’t just advantageous—it’s essential for survival. Don’t miss this opportunity to secure your place among industry titans and future-proof your career.

  • 教程编号:1422894776
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:6.25GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

The Presence Pillars Course
  └─The Presence Pillars Course
      ├─Authority Email Mastery
      │      Lesson 1 Intro The Presence Pillars Email.mp4
      │      Lesson 10 Avoid These Mistakes.mp4
      │      Lesson 2 Growing Your List Presence Pillars.mp4
      │      Lesson 3 Writing Style.mp4
      │      Lesson 4 Copywriting Details.mp4
      │      Lesson 5 Great Email Examples.mp4
      │      Lesson 5_ Great Email Examples.pdf
      │      Lesson 6 Fixing a Bad Email.mp4
      │      Lesson 6_ Fixing a Bad Email.pdf
      │      Lesson 7 Email Frameworks.mp4
      │      Lesson 7_ Email Frameworks.pdf
      │      Lesson 8 Welcome Series.mp4
      │      Lesson 9 Other Flows.mp4
      └─The Presence Pillars Course
          ├─Introduction To Presence Pillars
          │      1. Course Introduction.mp4
          │      2. How To Use The Platform.mp4
          │      3. The Presence Pillars Framework.mp4
          │      4. The Role Of X & Your Evolution.mp4
          ├─Module 0 What to Expect
          │      1. How The Ecosystem Works In A Nutshell.mp4
          │      2. How This Masterclass Works.mp4
          │      3. The Mindset You Need.mp4
          ├─Module 1 Laying the Groundwork
          │      1. High-Income Skills.mp4
          │      2. Niche Selection Masterclass.mp4
          │      3. Offer Creation.mp4
          │      4. Positioning Mastery.mp4
          │      5. How X's Algorithm Works.mp4
          │      6. Setting Up For Success.mp4
          ├─Module 2 How To Write Every Type OF Content On X
          │      1. Content Types.mp4
          │      10. Promotional Content.mp4
          │      10. Promotional Content.pdf
          │      11. Mindmaps.mp4
          │      11. Mindmaps.pdf
          │      12. Promotional Strategy To Get Leads.mp4
          │      13. Long Form Posts & Content Objectives.mp4
          │      2. The Art Of Writing A Tweet.mp4
          │      3. Engagement.mp4
          │      4. Threads.mp4
          │      5. Infinite Content Creation Framework.mp4
          │      6. Chat GPT.mp4
          │      7. Series Based Content.mp4
          ├─Module 3 Pillar I – Entering The X-verse
          │      1. Overview Of The Pillar.mp4
          │      2. The Interview For Unlimited Content Ideas.mp4
          │      2. The Interview For Unlimited Content Ideas.pdf
          │      3. Content Strategy Template.mp4
          │      3. Your Content Strategy Template.mp4
          │      3. Your Content Strategy Template.pdf
          │      4. Content Strategy Creation.mp4
          │      5. Core Elements Of A Profile.mp4
          │      6. Bio.mp4
          ├─Module 4 Pillar II – Crafting Your X Identity
          │      1, Overview Of This Pillar.mp4
          │      2. The Interview For Unlimited Content Ideas.mp4
          │      2. The Interview For Unlimited Content Ideas.pdf
          │      3. Content Strategy Template.mp4
          │      3. Content Strategy Template.pdf
          │      4. Lead Generation.mp4
          │      5. Competence Content.mp4
          │      6. DMs.mp4
          │      7. Managing Your Pipeline.mp4
          └─Module 5 Pillar III – Elevating to X Authority
                  1. Overview Of This Pillar.mp4
                  11. Authenticity And Genuineness.mp4
                  2. The Interview For Unlimited Content Ideas.mp4
                  2. The Interview For Unlimited Content Ideas.pdf
                  3. Content Strategy Template 5000+ Followers.mp4
                  3. Content Strategy Template 5000+ Followers.pdf
                  4. Custom Funnels.mp4
                  4. Custom Funnels.pdf
                  5. Analytics.mp4
                  7. Creating Assets.mp4
                  7. Creating Assets.pdf
                  8. Becoming A Thought Leader.mp4
                  9. Collaborating With Other Accounts.mp4





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