
对于他的快速却又大卖的文案,被广泛称道的Clayton Makepeace揭示了他的秘密,这有助于转变你的写作才能。




Master the art of writing 7-figure sales copy in 7 days or less with The Makepeace Method.
Clayton Makepeace, renowned for his speedy yet blockbuster copy, unveils his secrets to transform your writing prowess.
This program demystifies the process, guiding you through 10 essential product analysis questions, 14 prospect insights, and the creation of a research document morphing into persuasive sales letters within days.

Invest in your future and learn how to consistently produce 7-figure sales copy with ease. Elevate your career, increase your income, and embrace a stress-free writing process.

  • 教程编号:1312705301
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:124MB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

└─Write 7-Figure Sales Copy in 7 Days or Less
    │  SalesPage.pdf
    ├─Bonus Materials
    │  │  rep_Contracts_101.pdf
    │  │  rep_Headline_Idea_Starters.pdf
    │  │  
    │  │  wrk_cmi_Bullets_and_Facinations.pdf
    │  │  
    │  └─Swipe File
    │          00_Makepeace Swipe File Table of Contents.pdf
    │          01a_Weiss_One Nation Under China.pdf
    │          01_Weiss_One Nation Under China_VSL.pdf
    │          02a_All Weather Inv_The Six Most Important.pdf
    │          02_All Weather Inv_TheSix-Most-Important_VSL.pdf
    │          03a_Weiss_American Apocalypse.pdf
    │          03_Weiss_American Apocalypse_VSL.pdf
    │          04a_Weiss_Financial Doomsday.pdf
    │          04_Weiss_Financial Doomsday_VSL.pdf
    │          05a_Weiss_Blood Money.pdf
    │          05_Weiss_Blood Money_VSL.pdf
    │          06a_GreatEscape_Scribble.pdf
    │          06_Great Escape_Scribble Video_VSL.pdf
    │          07a_INH_When Was the Last Time.pdf
    │          07_INH_When Was the Last Time_VSL.pdf
    │          08a_Newsmax_UltimateWealth.pdf
    │          08_Newsmax_Ultimate Wealth_VSL.pdf
    │          09a_Oxford Club_EmergingTrendsTrader.pdf
    │          09_Oxford Club_Emerging Trends_VSL.pdf
    │          10a_Stansberry_End of America.pdf
    │          10_Stansberry-End of America_VSL.pdf
    ├─Bootcamp Bonus Make Your Benefits Sparkle
    │      Electrify_Your_Sales_Copy.mp3
    │      Electrify_Your_Sales_Copy.pdf
    ├─Introductory Course
    │      Introductory Course.txt
    │      The Makepeace Method for Making a Fortune Writing Video Sales Letters.txt
    ├─Session #1 - How to Use VSLs to Attract Million-Dollar Clients
    │      Audio #1.mp3
    │      prog_Video_Sales_Letters_01_Slides.pdf
    ├─Session #2 - 14 Ways to Make Your VSL a Huge Success
    │      Audio #1.mp3
    ├─Session #3 - How to Make Sure Your Best Prospects See Your VSL
    │      Audio #1.mp3
    ├─Session #4 - Web Page Essentials
    │      Audio # 1.mp3
    ├─Session #5 - The Art of the Deal
    │      Audio #1.mp3
    ├─Session #6 - Essential Components
    │      Audio #1.mp3
    ├─Session #7 - 8 Great Ideas to Test
    │      Audio #1.mp3
    └─Session #8 - Odds and Ends
            Audio #1.mp3





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