

  • 教程编号:0990216646
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:2GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   ├─Bonus Materials
   │  │  rep Contracts 101.pdf
   │  │  rep Headline Idea Starters.pdf
   │  │  wrk cmi Bullets and Facinations.pdf
   │  │  说明.txt
   │  │  
   │  └─Swipe File
   │          00 Makepeace Swipe File Table of Contents.pdf
   │          01 Weiss One Nation Under China VSL.pdf
   │          01a Weiss One Nation Under China.pdf
   │          02 All Weather Inv TheSix-Most-Important VSL.pdf
   │          02a All Weather Inv The Six Most Important.pdf
   │          03 Weiss American Apocalypse VSL.pdf
   │          03a Weiss American Apocalypse.pdf
   │          04 Weiss Financial Doomsday VSL.pdf
   │          04a Weiss Financial Doomsday.pdf
   │          05 Weiss Blood Money VSL.pdf
   │          05a Weiss Blood Money.pdf
   │          06 Great Escape Scribble Video VSL.pdf
   │          06a GreatEscape Scribble.pdf
   │          07 INH When Was the Last Time VSL.pdf
   │          07a INH When Was the Last Time.pdf
   │          08 Newsmax Ultimate Wealth VSL.pdf
   │          08a Newsmax UltimateWealth.pdf
   │          09 Oxford Club Emerging Trends VSL.pdf
   │          09a Oxford Club EmergingTrendsTrader.pdf
   │          10 Stansberry-End of America VSL.pdf
   │          10a Stansberry End of America.pdf
   │          说明.txt
   ├─Bootcamp Bonus Make Your Benefits Sparkle
   │      Electrify Your Sales Copy.mkv
   │      Electrify Your Sales Copy.mp3
   │      Electrify Your Sales Copy.pdf
   │      说明.txt
   ├─Introductory Course
   │      Introductory Course.txt
   │      The Makepeace Method for Making a Fortune Writing Video Sales Letters.txt
   │      Video #1.mkv
   │      Video #2.mkv
   │      Video #3.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─Session #1 - How to Use VSLs to Attract Million-Dollar Clients
   │      Audio #1.mp3
   │      prog Video Sales Letters 01 Slides.pdf
   │      Video #1.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─Session #2 - 14 Ways to Make Your VSL a Huge Success
   │      Audio #1.mp3
   │      Video # 1.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─Session #3 - How to Make Sure Your Best Prospects See Your VSL
   │      Audio #1.mp3
   │      Video #1.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─Session #4 - Web Page Essentials
   │      Audio # 1.mp3
   │      Video #1.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─Session #5 - The Art of the Deal
   │      Audio #1.mp3
   │      Video #1.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─Session #6 - Essential Components
   │      Audio #1.mp3
   │      Video #1.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   ├─Session #7 - 8 Great Ideas to Test
   │      Audio #1.mp3
   │      Video #1.mkv
   │      说明.txt
   └─Session #8 - Odds and Ends
           Audio #1.mp3
           Video #1.mkv





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