





Elevate your web design business with the Strategic Copywriting for Web Designers course, transforming you into a sought-after Content Strategist.
Master content-first design principles to guide clients seamlessly through the content process, positioning yourself as a strategic advisor rather than just a designer.

This comprehensive program empowers you to increase project value, work faster, and attract higher-paying clients by integrating design and content strategies.
The course covers strategic copywriting through lessons, real-world examples, and case studies, making it an essential addition to your design toolkit.
Whether you’re a seasoned designer or just starting, gain confidence in pitching both design and content strategy services.
Eliminate content delays, control your projects, and reignite your passion for design.

  • 教程编号:0922701274
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:2.82GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

Strategic Copywriting for Web Designers
  └─Strategic Copywriting for Web Designers
      ├─00-Welcome to WriteSite
      │      01-Welcome.mp4
      ├─01-Project Workflow
      │      01-Project Workflow.mp4
      ├─02-Leveraging AI
      │      01-Ai Overview.mp4
      │      02-Ai Guiding Principles.mp4
      ├─03-Discovery and Research
      │      01-Intro To Discovery & Research.mp4
      │      02-Running A Discovery Session.mp4
      │      03-Discovery Session Demo.mp4
      │      04-Using Ai For Research.mp4
      │      05-Customer Interviews.mp4
      │      06-Competitor Research.mp4
      ├─04-Brand Message Development
      │      01-Why Create A Brand Message Playbook.mp4
      │      02-How To Create A Brand Message Playbook What To Dotips.mp4
      ├─05-Website Strategy
      │      01-Website Strategy Overview.mp4
      │      02-More Than One Target Audience.mp4
      ├─06-Website Wireframing
      │      01-Importance Of Wireframing.mp4
      ├─07-Home Pages
      │      01-Intro To Headers.mp4
      │      02-Headline That Work.mp4
      │      03-Writing Headlines Some Bonus Formulas We Use From Time To Time, But Not As Often.mp4
      │      04-Ai Headline Writing Demo.mp4
      │      05-Subheadlines.mp4
      │      06-Buttons That Invite Action 1. The Clear Action Someone Needs To Take If They Are Ready To Make A Buying Decision.mp4
      │      07-Header Images.mp4
      │      08-Wireframing The Header Demo.mp4
      │      09-Identifying And Agitating Problems It’s Concerning Seeing Costs Increase And The Environment Suffer.mp4
      │      10-Selling The Solution Service Or Product Descriptions.mp4
      │      11-Ai Service And Product Description Demo.mp4
      │      12-Showing Clear Value.mp4
      │      13-Why Work With Us The Framework We Like To Use In This Section Is.mp4
      │      14-Who Is This For_ So When Do You Use A _Who This Is For__ Section.mp4
      │      15-Building Credibility 3 Types Of Credibility..mp4
      │      16-Deepen Connections Through Shared Beliefs How Do We Go About Forming A Deeper Connection With Our Users.mp4
      │      17-Creating A Final Call To Action Elements In The Final Cta Section 2 Approaches.mp4
      │      18-Footers.mp4
      │      19-Organizing The Homepage.mp4
      │      20-Homepage_Wireframe_Example_For_Cpa_Firm.pdf
      │      20-Homepage_Wireframe_Example_For_Solar_Company.pdf
      │      21-Homepage Wireframe Guide Using The Essential Questions.mp4
      ├─08-About Pages
      │      01-Intro To About Pages We Can Do Better, Which Often Better Means Simpler.mp4
      │      02-Company Summary Here’s The Formula We Like To Use Solar Company Example Cpa Company Example.mp4
      │      03-The Founder's Story Let’s Look At Our Solar Company.?let’s Look At Our Founder's Story For Our Cpa Company.mp4
      │      04-Writing Compelling Team Bios The Best Team Bios Have The Following.mp4
      ├─09-Service Pages
      │      01-Service Pages There Are 2 Common Approaches We Take To Service.mp4
      ├─10-How We Work Pages
      │      01-How We Work Page There Are 2 Main Reasons We Want To Lay This Out.mp4
      ├─11-Product Pages
      │      01-Product Pages.mp4
      ├─12-Career Pages
      │      01-Career Pages.mp4
      ├─13-Wireframe Templates
      │      01-Homepage_Wireframe_Example_For_Solar_Company.pdf
      │      02-Homepage_Wireframe_Example_For_Cpa_Firm.pdf
      │      03-Solar_Company_-_Product_Page.pdf
      │      04-Solar_Company_Careers_Page.pdf
      │      05-Solar_Company_-_Services.pdf
      │      06-Cpa_Firm_-_Services.pdf
      │      07-Cpa_Careers_Page.pdf
      │      08-Cpa_Firm_-_Bookkeeping.pdf
      │      09-Writesite_-_Services_Front_Page_Example-S.xd
      │      10-Writesite_-_Service_Page_Example.xd
      │      11-Homepage_Template_With_Essential_Question_Answers.xd
      │      12-Writesite_-_Careers_Page_Examples.xd
      │      13-Writesite-Solarcompanyservices.fig
      │      14-Writesite-Cpa-Firmservices.fig
      │      15-Writesite-Solarcompanycareers.fig
      │      16-Writesite-Cpa-Firmcareers.fig
      │      17-Writesite-Cpa-Firmbookkeeping.fig
      └─14-Copywriting Tips, Formulas, and AI Prompts
              01-Copywriting Tips.mp4
              02-Copy Of Copywriting Formulas.docx
              03-Copy Of [Worksheet] The Essential Questions Every Website Needs To Answer.docx





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