本课程全面展示了ChatGPT AI在你的专业领域中可以发挥的无匹的力量。

解析它相比于ChatGPT 3.5和ChatGPT Plus的多项突破。


This comprehensive course unveils the myriad ways ChatGPT AI can reshape your professional landscape.
From enhancing productivity to refining writing skills, automating tasks, and exploring unexpected applications like code debugging and translation, this course is a gateway to unlocking ChatGPT’s full potential.

Dive into the latest ChatGPT4 section, dissecting its advancements compared to ChatGPT 3.5 and ChatGPT Plus.
Save time, automate tasks, and elevate your career with the transformative power of ChatGPT.

  • 教程编号:0807209344
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:2.5GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─Complete ChatGPT Course For Work 2023
│      ├─1 - ChatGPT AI Work Faster Less Stress With Better Outcomes
│      │  │  1 - Welcome Benefits Of ChatGPT.mp4
│      │  │  2 - Overview Of The ChatGPT Interface.mp4
│      │  │  3 - Hot Tips.mp4
│      │  │  
│      │  └─Subtitles
│      │          1 - Welcome Benefits Of ChatGPT English.vtt
│      │          1 - Welcome Benefits Of ChatGPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          1 - Welcome Benefits Of ChatGPT Korean.vtt
│      │          1 - Welcome Benefits Of ChatGPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          1 - Welcome Benefits Of ChatGPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          1 - Welcome Benefits Of ChatGPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          2 - Overview Of The ChatGPT Interface English.vtt
│      │          2 - Overview Of The ChatGPT Interface Japanese.vtt
│      │          2 - Overview Of The ChatGPT Interface Korean.vtt
│      │          2 - Overview Of The ChatGPT Interface Portuguese.vtt
│      │          2 - Overview Of The ChatGPT Interface Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          2 - Overview Of The ChatGPT Interface Spanish.vtt
│      │          3 - Hot Tips English.vtt
│      │          3 - Hot Tips Japanese.vtt
│      │          3 - Hot Tips Korean.vtt
│      │          3 - Hot Tips Portuguese.vtt
│      │          3 - Hot Tips Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          3 - Hot Tips Spanish.vtt
│      │          
│      ├─2 - Practical Uses Of ChatGPT At Work
│      │  │  10 - Translation With ChatGPT.mp4
│      │  │  11 - Blog Writing With ChatGPT.mp4
│      │  │  12 - Copywriting Webpages With ChatGPT.mp4
│      │  │  13 - LinkedIn Profile Article Writing With ChatGPT.mp4
│      │  │  14 - Social Media Marketing With ChatGPT.mp4
│      │  │  15 - Chatbot Example Integrating ChatGPT Into Your Systems.mp4
│      │  │  16 - Video Creation With Other AI ChatGPT.mp4
│      │  │  17 - Creating Custom Images With Open AI DallE2.mp4
│      │  │  18 - Free Vs Pay version Of ChatGPT Early Look.mp4
│      │  │  4 - Email Writing With ChatGPT.mp4
│      │  │  5 - Report Writing With ChatGPT.mp4
│      │  │  6 - Presentation Scripting Writing With Chat GPT.mp4
│      │  │  7 - Soft Skill Education With ChatGPT.mp4
│      │  │  8 - Hard Skill Problem Solving With ChatGPT.mp4
│      │  │  9 - Quickly Summarize Long Documents With Chat GPT.mp4
│      │  │  
│      │  └─Subtitles
│      │          10 - Translation With ChatGPT English.vtt
│      │          10 - Translation With ChatGPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          10 - Translation With ChatGPT Korean.vtt
│      │          10 - Translation With ChatGPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          10 - Translation With ChatGPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          10 - Translation With ChatGPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          11 - Blog Writing With ChatGPT English.vtt
│      │          11 - Blog Writing With ChatGPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          11 - Blog Writing With ChatGPT Korean.vtt
│      │          11 - Blog Writing With ChatGPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          11 - Blog Writing With ChatGPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          11 - Blog Writing With ChatGPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          12 - Copywriting Webpages With ChatGPT English.vtt
│      │          12 - Copywriting Webpages With ChatGPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          12 - Copywriting Webpages With ChatGPT Korean.vtt
│      │          12 - Copywriting Webpages With ChatGPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          12 - Copywriting Webpages With ChatGPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          12 - Copywriting Webpages With ChatGPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          13 - LinkedIn Profile Article Writing With ChatGPT English.vtt
│      │          13 - LinkedIn Profile Article Writing With ChatGPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          13 - LinkedIn Profile Article Writing With ChatGPT Korean.vtt
│      │          13 - LinkedIn Profile Article Writing With ChatGPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          13 - LinkedIn Profile Article Writing With ChatGPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          13 - LinkedIn Profile Article Writing With ChatGPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          14 - Social Media Marketing With ChatGPT English.vtt
│      │          14 - Social Media Marketing With ChatGPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          14 - Social Media Marketing With ChatGPT Korean.vtt
│      │          14 - Social Media Marketing With ChatGPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          14 - Social Media Marketing With ChatGPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          14 - Social Media Marketing With ChatGPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          15 - Chatbot Example Integrating ChatGPT Into Your Systems English.vtt
│      │          15 - Chatbot Example Integrating ChatGPT Into Your Systems Japanese.vtt
│      │          15 - Chatbot Example Integrating ChatGPT Into Your Systems Korean.vtt
│      │          15 - Chatbot Example Integrating ChatGPT Into Your Systems Portuguese.vtt
│      │          15 - Chatbot Example Integrating ChatGPT Into Your Systems Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          15 - Chatbot Example Integrating ChatGPT Into Your Systems Spanish.vtt
│      │          16 - Video Creation With Other AI ChatGPT English.vtt
│      │          16 - Video Creation With Other AI ChatGPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          16 - Video Creation With Other AI ChatGPT Korean.vtt
│      │          16 - Video Creation With Other AI ChatGPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          16 - Video Creation With Other AI ChatGPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          16 - Video Creation With Other AI ChatGPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          17 - Creating Custom Images With Open AI DallE2 English.vtt
│      │          17 - Creating Custom Images With Open AI DallE2 Japanese.vtt
│      │          17 - Creating Custom Images With Open AI DallE2 Korean.vtt
│      │          17 - Creating Custom Images With Open AI DallE2 Portuguese.vtt
│      │          17 - Creating Custom Images With Open AI DallE2 Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          17 - Creating Custom Images With Open AI DallE2 Spanish.vtt
│      │          18 - Free Vs Pay version Of ChatGPT Early Look English.vtt
│      │          18 - Free Vs Pay version Of ChatGPT Early Look Japanese.vtt
│      │          18 - Free Vs Pay version Of ChatGPT Early Look Korean.vtt
│      │          18 - Free Vs Pay version Of ChatGPT Early Look Portuguese.vtt
│      │          18 - Free Vs Pay version Of ChatGPT Early Look Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          18 - Free Vs Pay version Of ChatGPT Early Look Spanish.vtt
│      │          4 - Email Writing With ChatGPT English.vtt
│      │          4 - Email Writing With ChatGPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          4 - Email Writing With ChatGPT Korean.vtt
│      │          4 - Email Writing With ChatGPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          4 - Email Writing With ChatGPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          4 - Email Writing With ChatGPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          5 - Report Writing With ChatGPT English.vtt
│      │          5 - Report Writing With ChatGPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          5 - Report Writing With ChatGPT Korean.vtt
│      │          5 - Report Writing With ChatGPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          5 - Report Writing With ChatGPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          5 - Report Writing With ChatGPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          6 - Presentation Scripting Writing With Chat GPT English.vtt
│      │          6 - Presentation Scripting Writing With Chat GPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          6 - Presentation Scripting Writing With Chat GPT Korean.vtt
│      │          6 - Presentation Scripting Writing With Chat GPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          6 - Presentation Scripting Writing With Chat GPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          6 - Presentation Scripting Writing With Chat GPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          7 - Soft Skill Education With ChatGPT English.vtt
│      │          7 - Soft Skill Education With ChatGPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          7 - Soft Skill Education With ChatGPT Korean.vtt
│      │          7 - Soft Skill Education With ChatGPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          7 - Soft Skill Education With ChatGPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          7 - Soft Skill Education With ChatGPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          8 - Hard Skill Problem Solving With ChatGPT English.vtt
│      │          8 - Hard Skill Problem Solving With ChatGPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          8 - Hard Skill Problem Solving With ChatGPT Korean.vtt
│      │          8 - Hard Skill Problem Solving With ChatGPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          8 - Hard Skill Problem Solving With ChatGPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          8 - Hard Skill Problem Solving With ChatGPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          9 - Quickly Summarize Long Documents With Chat GPT English.vtt
│      │          9 - Quickly Summarize Long Documents With Chat GPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          9 - Quickly Summarize Long Documents With Chat GPT Korean.vtt
│      │          9 - Quickly Summarize Long Documents With Chat GPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          9 - Quickly Summarize Long Documents With Chat GPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          9 - Quickly Summarize Long Documents With Chat GPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          
│      ├─3 - Ethics Google Replacement With ChatGPT
│      │  │  19 - Will ChatGPT Replace Google Search.mp4
│      │  │  20 - Ethical Considerations With ChatGPT.mp4
│      │  │  21 - Limitations Of ChatGPT.mp4
│      │  │  
│      │  └─Subtitles
│      │          19 - Will ChatGPT Replace Google Search English.vtt
│      │          19 - Will ChatGPT Replace Google Search Japanese.vtt
│      │          19 - Will ChatGPT Replace Google Search Korean.vtt
│      │          19 - Will ChatGPT Replace Google Search Portuguese.vtt
│      │          19 - Will ChatGPT Replace Google Search Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          19 - Will ChatGPT Replace Google Search Spanish.vtt
│      │          20 - Ethical Considerations With ChatGPT English.vtt
│      │          20 - Ethical Considerations With ChatGPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          20 - Ethical Considerations With ChatGPT Korean.vtt
│      │          20 - Ethical Considerations With ChatGPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          20 - Ethical Considerations With ChatGPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          20 - Ethical Considerations With ChatGPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          21 - Limitations Of ChatGPT English.vtt
│      │          21 - Limitations Of ChatGPT Japanese.vtt
│      │          21 - Limitations Of ChatGPT Korean.vtt
│      │          21 - Limitations Of ChatGPT Portuguese.vtt
│      │          21 - Limitations Of ChatGPT Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          21 - Limitations Of ChatGPT Spanish.vtt
│      │          
│      ├─4 - GPT4 Newest Version Of Chat GPT What Is GPT4 And Is There A Cost
│      │  │  22 - GPT4 Enhancements.mp4
│      │  │  23 - GPT4 Use Cases Resources.mp4
│      │  │  
│      │  └─Subtitles
│      │          22 - GPT4 Enhancements English.vtt
│      │          22 - GPT4 Enhancements Japanese.vtt
│      │          22 - GPT4 Enhancements Korean.vtt
│      │          22 - GPT4 Enhancements Portuguese.vtt
│      │          22 - GPT4 Enhancements Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          22 - GPT4 Enhancements Spanish.vtt
│      │          23 - GPT4 Use Cases Resources English.vtt
│      │          23 - GPT4 Use Cases Resources Japanese.vtt
│      │          23 - GPT4 Use Cases Resources Korean.vtt
│      │          23 - GPT4 Use Cases Resources Portuguese.vtt
│      │          23 - GPT4 Use Cases Resources Simplified Chinese.vtt
│      │          23 - GPT4 Use Cases Resources Spanish.vtt
│      │          
│      └─5 - Fun Ways You Can Use ChatGPT In Your Personal Life
│          │  24 - Ideas For Gifts.mp4
│          │  25 - Writing Music With ChatGPT Help.mp4
│          │  26 - Writing Poetry With ChatGPT Help.mp4
│          │  27 - Top 4 Action Steps Extra Step.mp4
│          │  
│          └─Subtitles
│                  24 - Ideas For Gifts English.vtt
│                  24 - Ideas For Gifts Japanese.vtt
│                  24 - Ideas For Gifts Korean.vtt
│                  24 - Ideas For Gifts Portuguese.vtt
│                  24 - Ideas For Gifts Simplified Chinese.vtt
│                  24 - Ideas For Gifts Spanish.vtt
│                  25 - Writing Music With ChatGPT Help English.vtt
│                  25 - Writing Music With ChatGPT Help Japanese.vtt
│                  25 - Writing Music With ChatGPT Help Korean.vtt
│                  25 - Writing Music With ChatGPT Help Portuguese.vtt
│                  25 - Writing Music With ChatGPT Help Simplified Chinese.vtt
│                  25 - Writing Music With ChatGPT Help Spanish.vtt
│                  26 - Writing Poetry With ChatGPT Help English.vtt
│                  26 - Writing Poetry With ChatGPT Help Japanese.vtt
│                  26 - Writing Poetry With ChatGPT Help Korean.vtt
│                  26 - Writing Poetry With ChatGPT Help Portuguese.vtt
│                  26 - Writing Poetry With ChatGPT Help Simplified Chinese.vtt
│                  26 - Writing Poetry With ChatGPT Help Spanish.vtt
│                  27 - Top 4 Action Steps Extra Step English.vtt
│                  27 - Top 4 Action Steps Extra Step Japanese.vtt
│                  27 - Top 4 Action Steps Extra Step Korean.vtt
│                  27 - Top 4 Action Steps Extra Step Portuguese.vtt
│                  27 - Top 4 Action Steps Extra Step Simplified Chinese.vtt
│                  27 - Top 4 Action Steps Extra Step Spanish.vtt





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