如何打造并扩展你自己的软件即服务(SaaS)公司,从月收入为 0 增长到 6 万美元甚至更多……
快速将每月经常性收入(MRR)从 0 提升到 1000 美元的 4 个秘密技巧(这些我可不随便告诉别人哦)。
从 0 到 1 万美元 MRR 的完整实操蓝图 —— 简直可以照搬照抄(这就是我在第一家软件公司时,仅用 12 个月就从 0 做到 30 万美元营收所使用的精确蓝图)。
打造成功 SaaS 公司应遵循的正确方法(我目前正用此方法扩展两家不同的 SaaS 公司呢!)。How to build and scale your own SaaS company from $0 to $60k/month and beyond…
The secret 4 tips to scale from $0-$1k in MRR as fast as humanly possible (I don’t share these with everyone).
My full blueprint to realistically go from $0-$10k MRR— it’s literally copy and paste (this is the exact blueprint I used to go from $0-$300k revenue in only 12 months in my first software company).
The proper methodology to follow when building successful SaaS (I’m using this right now to scale 2 different SaaS companies!).
- 教程编号:0747442181
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:6.27GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
│ └─SaaS Marketing Mastery
│ ├─01-Intro to SaaS Growth
│ │ 01-Noise Product.mp4
│ │ 02-Coming Up with Great SaaS Ideas[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ 03-Growing Through LTDs 40 the good and the bad 41 .mp4
│ │ 04-Get 1-on-1 Support.pdf
│ │
│ ├─02-The First Steps
│ │ 01-How to Validate Your SaaS Idea.mp4
│ │ 02-Case Study Validating 7k Worth of Sales in 30 Days[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │
│ ├─03-Free Client Acquisition Methods
│ │ 01-Equipment and Software for YouTube Domination.mp4
│ │ 02-Making On-trend Videos[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ 03-Overview of my YouTube Marketing Strategy.mp4
│ │ 04-The 3 CTAs for YouTube Content.mp4
│ │ 05-Email Syndication with Blasts.mp4
│ │ 06-YouTube Thumbnail Theory.mp4
│ │ 07-Thumbnail Suppliers.pdf
│ │ 08-Ranking Videos 1 on YouTube.mp4
│ │ 09-Ranking Videos 1 on Google.mp4
│ │ 10-Nailing a Video Description.mp4
│ │ 11-Video SEO 40 Off-page and On-page 41 .mp4
│ │ 12-YouTube Off-page SEO Supplier List.pdf
│ │ 13-Video Best Practices 40 nail these or you-ll fail 41 .mp4
│ │ 14-Leveraging Short-form Content.mp4
│ │ 15-Repurposing Content 40 do this 41 .mp4
│ │ 16-Multi-platform Repurposing.mp4
│ │ 17-Automating multi-platform Repurposing.mp4
│ │ 18-Building in Public Documenting the process.mp4
│ │ 19-SaaS SEO 40 part 15 41 .mp4
│ │ 20-Complete AI SEO Course 40 Full Beginne.mp4
│ │ 20-Full AI Blogging Course To Make 100-Day Ranking 1.mp4
│ │ 20-Full SEO Course for Beginners- Learn to Rank 1.mp4
│ │ 20-Full SEO Link Building Course - How To Build Backlinks.mp4
│ │ 20-How I Build Unlimited Backlinks using AI.mp4
│ │ 20-Resources to Learn SEO.pdf
│ │ 21- 30M Online Tool SEO Strategy - SmallPDF Case Study.mp4
│ │ 21-A 7M SaaS SEO Strategy 40 copy this 41 .mp4
│ │ 21-A Brilliant 2.1M Programmatic SEO Strategy.mp4
│ │ 21-Airbnb x27 s Programmatic SEO Strategy.mp4
│ │ 21-AppSumo x27 s 80M-year SEO Strategy.mp4
│ │ 21-Brilliant 60M SEO Strategy 40 Copy This 41 .mp4
│ │ 21-Case Studies SEO for Internet Software Companies.pdf
│ │ 21-Fiverr SEO Strategy - A Billion Dollar Company.mp4
│ │ 21-Nomad List Programmatic SEO Strategy 40 by Levelsio 41 .mp4
│ │ 21-Programmatic SEO From a 2 000 000-mo Site.mp4
│ │
│ ├─04-Paid Client Acquisition Methods
│ │ 01-YouTube Ads 40 Part 1 41 .mp4
│ │ 02-YouTube Ads 40 Part 2 41 [ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │
│ ├─05-Hiring & Management
│ │ 01-11. Intro to Hiring Creators.mp4
│ │ 02-11.1 My SOP to Finding Creators on Upwork[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ 03-12. How to Hire Content Creators.mp4
│ │ 04-12.1 The Creator Persona and Motivating.mp4
│ │
│ ├─06-Technical & Optimizations
│ │ 01-Tracking Organic Sales.mp4
│ │ 02-Get 850k in Startup Grants 40 free money 41 [ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ 03-Increasing Client LTV.mp4
│ │ 04-Reducing Churn Effectively.mp4
│ │ 05-The Nuances of Churn.pdf
│ │
│ └─07-Whats Next
│ 01-Taking Action.mp4
│ 02-Refer a Friend[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ 03-What x27 s Next.mp4
│ 04- x27 SaaS Growth Accelerator x27 Program Access.pdf