


Learn how to write scripts & master spreadsheets for your agency (or business).
In this course, I’ll give you heaps of code examples, show you various use cases for scripts, how to create them using my QTS system & 2 sample spreadsheets to practice your skills working with all the formulas you’ll need.
Today’s the day to master the skill you’ll need as a marketer in the future.

  • 教程编号:0715456404
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:2.41GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

  └─Scripts & Sheets Mastery
      ├─00-Start Here
      │      A Tour of the Website.mp4
      │      Start Here.pdf
      ├─01-Get My Free Scripts (& More)
      │      01-1-Quick Walkthrough of PMAX Insights Script and Sheet.mp4
      │      01-2-Understanding Product Data Analysis.mp4
      │      01-3-Insights on PMAX Sheet for Version 34.mp4
      │      01-Video explaining the various tabs for v34 and v36.pdf
      │      02-1-MCC Script Update- Automating PMAX Insights.mp4
      │      02-2-Updating Sheets with the MCC PMax Script.mp4
      │      02-MCC Script - Training Videos.pdf
      │      03-Blank Search Categories explained.pdf
      │      04-MCC Script - ongoing use.pdf
      │      05-MCC Script - Setup.pdf
      │      06-Steal my 'Script 101' Template.pdf
      │      07-Get useful data faster.pdf
      │      08-What's new in v36.pdf
      │      08-Whats new in v36.mp4
      │      09-How to install the script (for beginners).mp4
      │      09-How to install the script (for beginners).pdf
      │      10-Google ThinkBook.docx
      │      10-My Google ThinkBook.pdf
      │      11-'Settings' tab explained.pdf
      │      12-The Product tab explained.pdf
      │      13-Looking for v36 of the PMax script.pdf
      │      14-Ad World - Italy - Oct 2023.pdf
      │      14-ADworld Experience Presentation.pdf
      │      15-Script to Chart top Search Terms.pdf
      │      15-TEMPLATE - Top Search Terms - MikeRhodes.com.au.xlsx
      │      16-Script- Geographic data from multiple time periods.pdf
      │      16-TEMPLATE - geo script - websavvy.xlsx
      │      17-MCC Script- Account Spend (an intro to iterators).pdf
      │      18-Script- Change History - by Nils Rooijmans.pdf
      │      19-Script- Get SQR data for past 91 days.pdf
      │      20-MCC Script- PMax channel split.pdf
      │      20-TEMPLATE - MCC v8.xlsx
      │      21-The Power of MCC Scripts.pdf
      │      22-Reasons Why You Should Be Using Google Ads Scripts.pdf
      │      23-Using the Console to debug scripts.pdf
      │      24-Where does the 'Channel' data really mean.pdf
      │      25-Script- Search Categories in PMax.pdf
      │      26-How to find and install my free (v28) PMax Script.pdf
      ├─02-Mindset & Learning
      │      01-Too Busy to Make Changes(Then you must do this).mp4
      │      01-Too Busy to Make Changes(Then you must do this).pdf
      │      02-Agency in a Bot.pdf
      │      02-Agency in a Bot.png
      │      03-The First 20 Hours - how to learn anything (fast!).mp4
      │      03-The First 20 Hours - how to learn anything (fast!).pdf
      │      04-Use Tim Ferriss DiSSS Method of Learning.mp4
      │      04-Use Tim Ferriss' DiSSS Method of Learning.pdf
      │      05-How to go from Novice to Expert in an topic.pdf
      │      05-Novice to Expert.png
      │      06-The 10-80-10 Method explained.pdf
      ├─03-Additional Scripts & Explanations
      │      01-PMax Placement Script.pdf
      │      02-Dealing with Cost Micros in Google Ads Scripts.pdf
      │      03-User Lists (Audiences).pdf
      │      04-Create Named Ranges in Your Script.pdf
      │      05-Steal my 'Script 101' Template.pdf
      ├─04-How to Modify Scripts
      │      01-Change the date range of your script.pdf
      │      02-Add Sheets Formatting to your Script code.pdf
      │      03-Using chatGPT to alter your Scripts.pdf
      │      04-Run the PMax script for a subset of campaigns.pdf
      ├─05-Advanced Google Sheet Formulae
      │      00-Advanced Google Sheet Formulae.png
      │      01-Things I'm going to assume you already know about Sheets.pdf
      │      02-How to get the most from the Sheets UI.mp4
      │      02-Mike Rhodes - Intermediate Sheet Formula.xlsx
      │      03-Conditional Formatting.mp4
      │      04-Using IF statements.mp4
      │      05-Using Ranges, COUNTIF, SUMIF and SUMIFS (Multiple Criteria).mp4
      │      06-Moving data around FILTER, UNIQUE and SORT.mp4
      │      07-Working with text- LEFT, RIGHT, MID, SEARCH and REGEX.mp4
      │      08-Named Ranges - Clean, easy-to-read formulae in your sheets.mp4
      │      09-Mike Rhodes - Advanced Sheet Formula.xlsx
      │      09-Pivot Tables Explained.mp4
      └─06-Query Builder Insights
              01-An introduction to Query Builder.pdf
              02-WHERE statements - how to use criteria in SQL.pdf
              03-SELECT statements - they core of all SQL.pdf
              04-Attribute or Attributed Resource Fields.pdf
              05-FROM how many different resources- Where to start.pdf





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