





A comprehensive course tailored for both beginners and seasoned developers.
Whether you’re a WordPress user or exploring alternatives like Webflow and Wix, our course caters to your needs.

Delve into case studies focused on optimizing WordPress sites, discovering the best plugins for scalable post creation, and enhancing layouts and internal links.
Non-WordPress users can benefit from basic examples for Webflow and Wix, showcasing techniques adaptable to various content management systems.

Learn proven strategies, from cluster optimization to efficient caching with plugins like Cloudflare.
Witness the impact of programmatic SEO through a live WordPress site gaining traction.

  • 教程编号:0442001320
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:8.27GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

  └─Practical Programmatic SEO
      │      1110487cdce646a0960cebe08a0cb8fa-1672818624756.mp4
      │      3d75e74c571e4dbe8a6c41effe662a71-1672651790340.mp4
      │      ca6fa003916740339d87bd4a31986f64-1672733515896.mp4
      │      db37b680c25548b6b9e571bf3aabfd7f-1674023132712.mp4
      │      How to scrape data from Craigslist easily.mp4
      │      How to scrape product information from eBay?.mp4
      │      Images.mp4
      │      Images_2.mp4
      │      Indexing your site.mkv
      │      link.txt
      │      Programmatic SEO in Webflow.mkv
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-11-11 What is programmatic SEO.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-13-19 Developing the programmatic SEO mindset.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-15-00 What you can do with it.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-15-59 Use case scenarios.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-17-18 Keyword research.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-42-38 Finding datasets.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-46-32 Page templates.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-47-37 Automation program.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-49-11 Images.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-50-20 Technical SEO.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-51-30 Indexing your site.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-52-08 Common pSEO problems.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-52-42 pSEO for SaaS.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-53-12 pSEO for affiliate marketing.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-56-12 Programmatic SEO in WordPress.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-57-10 Programmatic SEO in Wix.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 06-57-54 Programmatic SEO in Webflow.png
      │      video.mkv
      │      Web Scraping to CSV - Multiple Pages Scraping with BeautifulSoup.mp4
      │      Web Scraping Tutorial - Scape Data from Website to Excel using Octoparse Web Scraper.mp4
      ├─2.No Code Case Study
      │      201 - Introduction and Keyword Research.mp4
      │      202 - Setting Up Import.mp4
      │      203 - Writing the Template.mp4
      │      204 - Building the Site.mp4
      │      205 - Indexing Tips.mp4
      │      206 - Caching WordPress.mp4
      │      207 - Non-WP Example.mp4
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-01-45 Introduction and keyword research.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-02-45 Setting up the import.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-03-19 Writing the template.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-03-50 Building the site.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-04-23 Indexing tips.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-04-55 Caching WordPress.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-05-24 Non-WordPress Example.png
      ├─3.Low-Code Case Study
      │      01 - Introduction.mp4
      │      02 - Keyword Research.mp4
      │      03 - Data Cleaning.mp4
      │      04 - Importing Courses.mp4
      │      05 - Importing States.mp4
      │      06 - Designing Site.mp4
      │      07 - Indexing.mp4
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-06-59 Case study introduction.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-07-26 Keyword research.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-07-58 Data cleaning.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-08-27 Importing golf courses.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-08-53 Importing states.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-09-20 Designing the site.png
      │      Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-09-49 Indexing the site.png
      ├─4.Building a Programmatic SEO Website with Webflow
      │      1-Research-1a-Intro.mp4
      │      1-Research-1b-Overview.mp4
      │      1-Research-1c-Headterms.mp4
      │      1-Research-1d-Modifiers.mp4
      │      2-DataCollection-1a-Octoparse-Intro.mp4
      │      2-DataCollection-1b-Octoparse-Main.mp4
      │      2-DataCollection-1c-Octoparse-Pagination.mp4
      │      3-WebflowSetup-1a-SignUp.mp4
      │      3-WebflowSetup-1b-Style-Guide.mp4
      │      3-WebflowSetup-1c-Homepage-Design.mp4
      │      4-DataPrep-1a-Sync-Setup.mp4
      │      4-DataPrep-1b-App-Data-Import.mp4
      │      4-DataPrep-1c-DataCleanup.mp4
      │      4-DataPrep-1d-OpenAI-Summary.mp4
      │      4-DataPrep-1e-App-Cat-Database.mp4
      │      5-CMSPageCreation-1a-CMSTemplate.mp4
      │      5-CMSPageCreation-1b-CategoryPage.mp4
      │      5-CMSPageCreation-1c-AppSpecificPage.mp4
      │      6-SEO-Op-1a-MobileOp.mp4
      │      6-SEO-Op-1b-SearchConsole.mp4
      │      6-SEO-Op-1c-GoogleIndexing.mp4
      │      6-SEO-Op-1d-GoogleAnalytics.mp4
      │      7-Bonus-ChatGPT-Part-1.mp4
      │      7-Bonus-ChatGPT-Part-2.mp4
      ├─5.Affiliate Products
      │      1.mp4
      │      2.mp4
      │      3.mp4
      │      4.mp4
      │      5.mp4
      │      6.mp4
      │      link.txt
      │      marketingsoftwarehq.zip
      │      pseo-framework-chatgpt.pdf
      ├─6.Using AI
      │      4e0c4c80e2a24efc8453ae2543722134-1672825762653.mp4
      │      Google Sheets ChatGPT API.png
      │      Google Sheets GPT4 API.png
      │      link.txt
      ├─7.Setup Showcase
      │      301 - Car Specs Overview.mp4
      │      80813e3543ec4ec3b3160c356ac04f31-1681115293573.mp4
      │      Overview of CarSpecs.org.png
      ├─8.Programmatic SEO Masterclasses
      │      Advanced WordPress with Sam Partland.mp4
      │      Build beautiful dynamic websites with Next.js.png
      │      link.txt
      │      pseo-nextjs-codebase.zip
      │      pseo-nextjs-masterclass.mp4
      └─9.Information Library
              Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 07-45-00 Information Library.png





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