How to start, grow, and scale a 6-figure social media marketing agency.
Over 80 consistently updated videos that teach you everything that you need to get your agency up and off the ground, deliver amazing services for your clients, and scale your agency to the moon.
We teach you everything that you need to know about setting your business up the right way – and then we teach you the most in-depth curriculum available to deliver services and scale your agency.
We are going to give you everything that we have when it comes to scripts, documents.. you name it.
- 教程编号:0426849854
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:22.83GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
│ └─The SMMA Blueprint
│ ├─01-Start Here - Welcome to The SMMA Blueprint!
│ │ ├─01-Welcome to The SMMA Blueprint + Meet Your Mentors
│ │ │ 01-Welcome to The SMMA Blueprint + Meet Your Mentors [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 01-Welcome to The SMMA Blueprint + Meet Your Mentors.rtf
│ │ │
│ │ └─02-Navigating the Course + How to Use This Program
│ │ 02-Navigating the Course + How to Use This Program.mp4
│ │ 02-Navigating the Course + How to Use This Program.rtf
│ │
│ ├─02-Mindset - Shifting our beliefs before we begin
│ │ ├─01-Inner Circle Access, how to use the Inner Circle
│ │ │ 01-Inner Circle Access [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Inner Circle Access.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─02-Creating Your Vision to Create Your Dream Life - Finding Your WHY
│ │ │ 02-Creating Your Vision to Create Your Dream Life - Finding Your Why.docx
│ │ │ 02-Creating Your Vision to Create Your Dream Life - Finding Your WHY.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ ├─03-The Social Media Marketing Agency opportunity in front of you
│ │ │ 03-The opportunity that you have in your hands.docx
│ │ │ 03-The Social Media Marketing Agency opportunity.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ ├─04-Employee to Entrepreneur Mentality - How to grow!
│ │ │ 04-Employee to CEO Mentality.docx
│ │ │ 04-Employee to Entrepreneur Mentality - How to grow [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │
│ │ ├─05-Reasons why businesses are lining up to pay you
│ │ │ 05-Reasons why businesses are lining up to pay you [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 05-Reasons why businesses will pay you - no matter your experience.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─06-Entrepreneur Time and Structure - How to Manage Your Time Like a CEO
│ │ │ 06-Time and Structure Blueprint.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─07-Entrepreneur Mind - Predisposing ourselves to success
│ │ │ 07-Entrepreneur Mind - Predisposing ourselves to success [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 07-Mind Blueprint.docx
│ │ │
│ │ └─08-Entrepreneur Health and Self - Fueling your engine for success
│ │ 08-Entrepreneur Health and Self - Fueling your engine for success.mkv
│ │ 08-Health Blueprint.docx
│ │
│ ├─03- Type of Social Media Marketing Agencies Explained
│ │ └─The 3 Core SMMA Models Explained
│ │ The 3 Core SMMA Models Explained.mp4
│ │ The 3 Core Social Media Marketing Agency Types.docx
│ │
│ ├─04-The Blueprint Program Overview
│ │ ├─01-Setting up Your Business - Overview
│ │ │ 01-Business Set-up Overview.docx
│ │ │ 01-Setting up Your Business - Overview [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │
│ │ ├─02-What the client acquisition process looks like
│ │ │ 02-What the client acquisition process looks like [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 02-What the client acquisition process looks like.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─03-What the service delivery process looks like
│ │ │ 03-What the service delivery process looks like [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 03-What the service delivery process looks like.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─04-What the ongoing SMMA business process looks like
│ │ │ 04-What the ongoing SMMA business process looks like [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 04-What the ongoing SMMA business process looks like.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─05-Scaling Beyond Yourself
│ │ │ 05-Scaling Beyond Yourself [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 05-Scaling Beyond Yourself.docx
│ │ │
│ │ └─06-One Niche vs. Many Niches
│ │ 06-One Niche vs. Many Niches [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ 06-One Niche vs. Many.docx
│ │
│ ├─05-Quick Start Essentials - Getting Your Agency Launched
│ │ ├─01-Picking a Name for Your Agency
│ │ │ 01-Picking a Name for Your Agency [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 01-Picking A Name.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─02-The Quick-start checklist
│ │ │ 02-Quick Start Checklist.docx
│ │ │ 02-The Quick-start checklist [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │
│ │ ├─03-How to Legally Start Your Business
│ │ │ 03-Establishing your agency - How to Legally Start Your Business [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 03-Starting Your Business.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─04-Creating Your Agencies Logo - Brand
│ │ │ 04-Creating Your Agencies Logo - Brand [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 04-Creating Your Agencies Logo.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─05-Creating your agencies website
│ │ │ 05-Setting up Your Website + Business Email.docx
│ │ │
│ │ └─06-Setting up Your Business Bank Account
│ │ 06-Business Banking + Taking Payment.docx
│ │ 06-Setting up Your Business Bank Account and Taking Payment From Clients.mp4
│ │
│ ├─06-Fast Path to Cash
│ │ ├─01-Fast Path To Cash Overview
│ │ │ 01-Fast Path To Cash Overview [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 01-The Fast Path To Cash Methodology.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─02-7 Day Case Study explained
│ │ │ 02-7 Day Case Study explained [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 02-7 Day Case Study explained.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─03-Creating the Campaign
│ │ │ 03-Creating the Campaign.mp4
│ │ │ Creating the Giveaway Campaign.docx
│ │ │ Creating the Lead Gen Campaign.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─04-Land your first Case Study Client
│ │ │ 04-Land your first Case Study Client [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Land Your first Case Study Client.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─05-7 Day Case Study Legal Agreement
│ │ │ 05-7 Day Case Study Legal Agreement [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 7 Day Case Study Trial Legal Agreement.docx
│ │ │
│ │ └─06-How To Create Case Study From The 7 Day Trial
│ │ 06-How To Create Case Study From The 7 Day Trial [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ How To Create Case Study From The 7 Day Trial.docx
│ │
│ ├─07-The 3-Step Close
│ │ ├─00-Intro to Client Acquisition
│ │ │ Intro to Client Acquisition.docx
│ │ │ Introduction to Client Acquisition [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │
│ │ ├─01-Part 1 - Keeping the Top of Funnel Full
│ │ │ │ Lead Generation - How we find, approach, and qualify potential agency clients [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─01-Lead Generation
│ │ │ │ Lead Generation - How we find, approach, and qualify potential agency clients [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Top of Funnel and Lead Generation(1).docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─02-The Pick 2 Method
│ │ │ │ 02-The Pick 2 Method [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ The Pick 2 Method to rapid client acquisition.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─03-Your Ideal Client
│ │ │ │ 03-Your Ideal Client [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Your Ideal Client.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─04-How to Predictably Achieve Success
│ │ │ │ 04-How to Predictably Achieve Success [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ How to Predictably Achieve Success.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─05-How to Talk the talk and quickly build authority
│ │ │ 05-How to Talk the talk and quickly build authority in front of prospects.mkv
│ │ │ How to “talk the talk” - (Quick Authority Topics + the CMG).docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─02-Part 2 - Discovery Call and The Client Meeting Guide
│ │ │ ├─01-Preparing for The Discovery Call Meeting
│ │ │ │ 01-Preparing for The Discovery Call Meeting.mp4
│ │ │ │ The Discovery Call + Meeting Prep.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─02-The Client Meeting Guide Explained
│ │ │ 02-The Client Meeting Guide Explained.mp4
│ │ │ Client Meeting Guide 2.0 - Reference Guide.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─03-Part 3 - Creating your marketing strategy and pricing
│ │ │ Creating Your Marketing & Pricing Strategy.docx
│ │ │ Creating your marketing strategy and pricing [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │
│ │ ├─04-Part 3 - Proposal Review, Closing the Deal, and Next Steps
│ │ │ ├─01-Handling the Proposal Review Call
│ │ │ │ 01-Handling the Proposal Review Call.mp4
│ │ │ │ 01-The Proposal Review Call.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─02-The SMMA Legal Agreement to Send to Clients
│ │ │ │ 02-SMMA Legal Agreement.docx
│ │ │ │ 02-The SMMA Legal Agreement to Give to Clients.docx
│ │ │ │ 02-The SMMA Legal Agreement [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─03-Creating The Perfect SMMA Proposal
│ │ │ 03-Creating The Perfect SMMA Proposal.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ └─05-Part 4 - Lead Generation Methods
│ │ ├─01-Important Watch this first
│ │ │ 01-Important Watch this before watching videos below [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │
│ │ ├─02-Using Video's & Direct Messages on Social Media to Get Clients
│ │ │ 02-Using Videos and Direct Messages on Social Media to Get Clients.mkv
│ │ │ 02-Video DM's.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─03-Using UpWork to Find Clients
│ │ │ 03-Getting Clients on UpWork.docx
│ │ │ 03-Using UpWork to Find Clients [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │
│ │ ├─04-Sending E-mails + Automating the Process
│ │ │ 04-Cold Email Strategy.docx
│ │ │ 04-Sending E-mails + Automating the Process.mp4
│ │ │
│ │ ├─05-Using Yelp and Groupon to Find Clients
│ │ │ 05-Using Yelp and Groupon to Find Clients [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 05-Using Yelp or Groupon to find clients.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─06-Using LinkedIn to Get Clients
│ │ │ 06-Using LinkedIn to Find Clients.docx
│ │ │ 06-Using LinkedIn to Get Clients [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │
│ │ ├─07-Using Facebook Groups to Find & Get Clients
│ │ │ 07-Using Facebook Groups to Find and Get Clients [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 07-Using Facebook Groups to Find Clients.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─08-Going Door to Door to Get Clients
│ │ │ 08-Going Door to Door (or In-Person).docx
│ │ │ 08-Going Door to Door to Get Clients [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │
│ │ ├─09-Using Networking Events & Meet-ups to Find Clients
│ │ │ 09-Going to Networking Events to Generate Prospects.docx
│ │ │ 09-Using Networking Events and Meet-ups to Find Clients [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │
│ │ ├─10-Using Video Audits to Land Clients
│ │ │ 10-Making Video Audits to Land Prospect Meetings.docx
│ │ │ 10-Using Video Audits to Land Clients [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │
│ │ ├─11-Cold Calling Method
│ │ │ 11-Cold Calling Method.mp4
│ │ │ 11-Cold Calling Strategy.docx
│ │ │
│ │ └─12-Paid Advertising and the SC Funnel
│ │ 12-Paid Advertising - SC Funnel.docx
│ │ 12-Paid Advertising and the SC Funnel [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │
│ ├─08-Fulfilling Services
│ │ ├─01-Fulfilling Services
│ │ │ ├─01-Part 1- Starting the engagement on the right foot
│ │ │ │ 01-Part 1- Starting the engagement on the right foot [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Starting The Engagement.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─02-Part 2- The Services Explained
│ │ │ │ 02-Part 2- The Services Explained [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ The Services Explained.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─03-Part 3- Paid Social Advertising
│ │ │ 03-Part 3- Paid Social Advertising [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Paid Social Advertising.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─02-Facebook Advertising Masterclass
│ │ │ ├─01-Facebook Advertising 101 (Part 1)
│ │ │ │ 01-Facebook Advertising 101 (Part 1) [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Facebook Ads 101 - Part 1.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─02-Facebook Advertising 101 (Part 2)
│ │ │ │ 02-Facebook Advertising 101 (Part 2).mp4
│ │ │ │ Facebook Ads 101 - Part 2.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─03-Campaign Objectives
│ │ │ │ 03-Campaign Objectives [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Campaign Objectives.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─04-Targeting
│ │ │ │ 04-Targeting [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Targeting.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─05-Winning Ad Formula
│ │ │ │ 05-Winning Ad Formula [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Winning Ad Formula.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─06-The Pixel
│ │ │ │ 06-The Pixel [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ The Pixel.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─07-Custom Audiences
│ │ │ │ 07-Custom Audiences [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Custom Audiences.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─08-Lookalike Audiences
│ │ │ │ 08-Lookalike Audiences [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Lookalike Audiences .docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─09-Facebook Ad Launch Guidelines
│ │ │ 09-Facebook Ad Launch Guidelines [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Facebook Ad Launch Guidelines.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─03-Google Advertising Masterclass
│ │ │ ├─01-Google Ads 101
│ │ │ │ 01-Google Ads 101 [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Google Ads 101.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─02-3 Core Google Ads Strategies
│ │ │ │ 02-3 Core Google Ads Strategies [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ 3 Core Google Ad Strategies.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─03-3 Core Google Ads Set-up (Part 1)
│ │ │ │ 03-3 Core Google Ads Set-up (Part 1) [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ 3 Core Google Ad Set up - part 1.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─04-3 Core Google Ads Set-up (Part 2)
│ │ │ │ 04-3 Core Google Ads Set-up (Part 2) [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Core Google Ad Set up - part 2.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─05-3 Core Google Ads Set-up (Part 3)
│ │ │ │ 05-3 Core Google Ads Set-up (Part 3).mp4
│ │ │ │ 3 Core Google Ad Set up - part 3.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─06-Google Conversion Tracking
│ │ │ │ 06-Google Conversion Tracking [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Conversion Tracking.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─07-Negative Keyword Sweets for Ad Optimization
│ │ │ │ 07-Negative Keyword Sweets for Ad Optimization [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Negative Keyword Sweeps for Ad Optimization.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─08-Google Ads First Launch Guidelines
│ │ │ 08-Google Ads First Launch Guidelines [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Google Ads First Launch Guidelines.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─04-Part 4- Social Media Management
│ │ │ ├─01-Social Media Management 101
│ │ │ │ 01-Social Media Management 101 [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ What is Social Media Management - Social Media Management 101.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─02-Content Creation + Types of Content
│ │ │ │ 02-Content Creation + Types of Content [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Content Creation and content types.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─03-Leveraging Influencers
│ │ │ │ 03-Leveraging Influencers [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Leveraging Influencers.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─04-Managing Content and Content Calendar Tools
│ │ │ │ 04-Managing Content and Content Calendar Tools [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Batch Editing Content and Content Posting.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─05-Scaleable Social Media Management - Batch Editing and Advanced Scheduling
│ │ │ 05-Batch Editing and Advanced Scheduling [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Batch Editing Content and Content Posting.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─05-Part 5- Funnels, Landing Pages, and Websites
│ │ │ ├─01-Part 5 Landing Pages, Funnels, and Websites Overview
│ │ │ │ 01-Part 5 Landing Pages, Funnels, and Websites Overview.mkv
│ │ │ │ Part 5 - Landing Pages, Funnels and Websites.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─02-Landing Pages and Funnels Set-up Overview
│ │ │ 02-Landing Pages and Funnels Set-up Overview.mp4
│ │ │ Part 5 - Landing Pages, Funnels and Websites (Part 2) .docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─06-Email Marketing Masterclass
│ │ │ ├─01-Email Marketing 101
│ │ │ │ 01-Email Marketing 101.mp4
│ │ │ │ Email Marketing Overview.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─02-A-Z Email Campaign Creation and Set-up
│ │ │ 02-A-Z Email Campaign Creation and Set-up [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ A-Z SOAP Sequence Example.docx
│ │ │
│ │ └─07-Niche specific strategies and simple ad templates
│ │ ├─01-Real Estate
│ │ │ 01-Real Estate.mp4
│ │ │ Real Estate.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─02-Martial Arts Studios
│ │ │ 02-Martial Arts Studios [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Martial Arts.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─03-Gyms - Fitness Studios
│ │ │ 03-Gyms - Fitness Studios [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Gyms & Fitness Studios.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─04-Chiropractors
│ │ │ 04-Chiropractors [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Chiropractors.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─05-Auto Dealerships
│ │ │ 05-Auto Dealerships [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Auto Dealership.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─06-B2B Technology
│ │ │ 06-B2B Technology [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ b2b technology.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─07-Day Spas - Hair Salon - Nail Salon
│ │ │ 07-Day Spas - Hair Salon - Nail Salon [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Day Spa _ Massage _ Hair .docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─08-Med Spa - Cosmetic
│ │ │ 08-Med Spa - Cosmetic [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Med spa _ cosmetic surgery.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─09-Dental - Ortho
│ │ │ 09-Dental - Ortho [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Dental _ ortho.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─10-Blue Collar Services
│ │ │ 10-Blue Collar Services [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Blue Collar Services.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─11-eCommerce
│ │ │ 11-eCommerce [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ ecommerce.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─12-Coaching
│ │ │ 12-Coaching [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ coaching.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─13-Yoga - Fitness Studios
│ │ │ 13-Yoga - Fitness Studios [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Yoga.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─14-Legal - Lawyers - Atttorneys
│ │ │ 14-Legal - Lawyers - Atttorneys [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Legal.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─15-Roofing Companies
│ │ │ 15-Roofing Companies [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Roofing Companies.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─16-Restaurants - Bars
│ │ │ 16-Restaurants - Bars [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Restaurants.docx
│ │ │
│ │ └─17-Coffee Shops
│ │ 17-Coffee Shops [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ Coffee Shops.docx
│ │
│ ├─09-Advanced Marketing Methods
│ │ ├─01-YouTube Advertising
│ │ │ ├─01-YouTube Ads 101
│ │ │ │ 01-YouTube Ads 101 [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ YouTube Ads 101.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─02-YouTube Ad Creation
│ │ │ │ 02-YouTube Ad Creation [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ YouTube Ad Creation.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─03-YouTube First Launch Guidelines
│ │ │ │ 03-YouTube First Launch Guidelines [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ YouTube Ad First Launch Guidelines.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├─04-YouTube Ad Targeting
│ │ │ │ 04-YouTube Ad Targeting [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ YouTube Ad Targeting.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─05-YouTube Conversions
│ │ │ 05-YouTube Conversions [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ YouTube Conversions.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─02-LinkedIn Advertising
│ │ │ ├─01-LinkedIn Ad Creation
│ │ │ │ 01-LinkedIn Ad Creation [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ LinkedIn Ad Creation.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─02-LinkedIn Insight Tag + Conversions
│ │ │ 02-LinkedIn Insight Tag + Conversions [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ LinkedIn Insight Tag & Conversions.docx
│ │ │
│ │ └─03-Advanced Facebook Ad Strategies
│ │ ├─01-Advanced Facebook Ad Strategies
│ │ │ 01-Advanced Facebook Ad Strategies [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Advanced Facebook Strategies.docx
│ │ │
│ │ └─02-How to run compliant ads
│ │ 02-How to run compliant ads [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ How To Run “Compliant” Ads.docx
│ │
│ ├─10-Scaling Your Business Beyond Yourself
│ │ │ 02-Lead List Generator [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 03-Executive Assistant - JOTA Assistant [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ 04-Lead Generator - Inside Sales Representative [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │
│ │ ├─01-Scaling Your Business
│ │ │ ├─01-Team Based Scaling - How and When to Start Building a Team
│ │ │ │ 01-How and When to Start Building a Team [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ │ Team Based Scaling.docx
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─02-Finding Team Members and Assembling a Simple Team
│ │ │ 02-Finding Team Members and Assembling a Simple Team [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ Where to find team members + Assembling a Simple Team.docx
│ │ │
│ │ └─02-The Power 3 Agency Team + Your 1st Hires
│ │ ├─01-The Power 3 Agency Scaling Dream Team
│ │ │ 01-The Power 3 Agency Scaling Dream Team [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ │ The Power 3 Agency Scaling Dream Team.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─02-Lead List Generator
│ │ │ Your First Team Members - Lead List Generator.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─03-Executive Assistant - JOTA Assistant
│ │ │ Your First Team Members - Versatile Executive Assistant.docx
│ │ │
│ │ └─04-Lead Generator - Inside Sales Representative
│ │ Your First Team Members - Lead Generator.docx
│ │
│ └─11-Ongoing Client Relationships + Tools to Increase Success
│ ├─01-The Importance of Keeping Clients
│ │ 01-The Importance of Keeping Clients [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ 01-The Importance of Keeping Clients.docx
│ │
│ ├─02-3 ways to keep clients for life
│ │ 02-3 ways to keep clients for life [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ 3 Ways to Keep Clients Onboard.docx
│ │
│ ├─03-Weekly Communication + Client Communication Channels
│ │ 03-Weekly Communication + Client Communication Channels [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ Weekly Meetings + Communication Channels.docx
│ │
│ ├─04-Asking for a Testimonial
│ │ 04-Asking for a Testimonial [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ Asking for a Testimonial.docx
│ │
│ ├─05-Forecasting
│ │ 05-Forecasting [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ 6-Figure Agency Forecasting.xlsx
│ │
│ ├─06-Task Management
│ │ 06-Task Management [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ 06-Task Management.rtf
│ │
│ ├─07-Facebook Ads Library
│ │ 07-Facebook Ads Library [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ Facebook ads library.docx
│ │
│ ├─08-Leads Delivery Automation
│ │ 08-Leads Delivery Automation [imjmj.com].mkv
│ │ Lead delivery automation.docx
│ │
│ └─09-85 Agency Niches List
│ 09-85 Agency Niches List.pdf