





Unlock the potential of Full Stack Writer and elevate your earning potential to seven figures. Unlike typical writing courses, Full Stack Writer provides a comprehensive roadmap to acquiring, combining, and monetizing the highest-leverage skills in digital writing.
Full Stack Writer rejects the idea of forever niches, instead empowering you to pick your first topic and dominate your first niche.

Shift your focus from chasing an audience to creating a valuable library of niche-specific content that magnetizes your desired audience.
Master the art of crafting tangible offers and learn how to frame them effectively to maximize sales.

Gain lifetime access to invaluable resources:

Viral Writing
Newsletter Writing
Offer Creation
Landing Page Copywriting
Sales Email Marketing
AI Prompt Writing
7 Figure Writer Roadmap

  • 教程编号:0219069647
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:7.44GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

Full Stack Writer
  └─Full Stack Writer
      ├─00. Full Stack Writer (START HERE!)
      │      01. 6106be3bf465e90194ccb4be_EoMhy7-XIAM3Gry.png
      │      01. Full Stack Writer Onboarding Checklist.pdf
      │      01. Links.txt
      ├─01. [FSW #1] Viral Writing
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  ├─00. Welcome to Mini-Course #1 Viral Writing
      │  │  │  01. Full Stack Writer Mini-Course #1 Viral Writing.mp4
      │  │  │  
      │  │  │  
      │  │  └─Resources
      │  │          01. Links.txt
      │  │          
      │  │          
      │  ├─01. Idea Generation
      │  │      01. Idea Generation.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─02. Headlines & Hooks
      │  │      02. Resource.pdf
      │  │      Headlines Deep Dive - 1672x1080 3200K.mp4
      │  │      Mini-Course #1 Headlines Deep Dive.srt
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─03. 25 Headline Templates Anyone Can Use
      │  │      03. 25 Headline Templates Anyone Can Use.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─04. Formatting
      │  │      1 Simple Exercise To Defeat Writer’s Block Forever.mp4
      │  │      c54d54700d474787b3d0aa8bd39aaa32cae5411c6f524ed69b083a994d758f94.jpg
      │  │      Formatting.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─05. Writing On X, LinkedIn, and Medium
      │  │      1956cfecdd2b4311b10276f4b8f2913c8c10678bd19048f9bc691ab04492a804.png
      │  │      272e97f6a2b2465bb0ef7a490cd9275542345e1439034b6ebb6ec521121ebc1d-md.png
      │  │      a506cf887c5547bfa86c58a44c10e06a570539b3425c4b69be972604d1fad4ee-md.png
      │  │      b0ddd2bd38254000b86649c90937606bedccf6d4c55e426b92e01e43ccbadcd6-md.png
      │  │      
      │  │      Writing On X, LinkedIn, and Medium.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─06. Framework For Finding Your 1st Niche
      │  │      d8cde12bc23b48cdbdabfddfeb92f29f7a49cc7942924a1d98f716f0c2c0eebe-md.png
      │  │      Framework For Finding Your 1st Niche.pdf
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─07. Proven 30-Day Content Strategy
      │  │      Proven 30-Day Content Strategy.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  └─08. (BONUS) 100+ Viral Templates
      │          (BONUS) 100+ Viral Templates.pdf
      │          Mini-Course #1 (+ Bonus) 100 Viral Templates Deep Dive - 1672x1080 3200K.mp4
      │          Mini-Course #1 (+ Bonus) 100 Viral Templates Deep Dive^.srt
      ├─02. [FSW #2] Newsletter Writing
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  ├─00. Welcome to Mini-Course #2 Newsletter Writing
      │  │      01. Links.txt
      │  │      Full Stack Writer Mini-Course #2 Newsletter Writing.mp4
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─01. Crash Course- Free Vs. Paid Newsletters
      │  │      01. Crash Course- Free Vs. Paid Newsletters.pdf
      │  │      01. Links.txt
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─02. Build Email List On Autopilot
      │  │      02. 1d383e696d924899a3575cc9ef128f47ac0584c02080469daaedce4576392d3e-md.png
      │  │      02. 4c5e64067bb24f2ca7f66d8562a6ccb53005dd5dcbd643748c9e47cf71f9b10f-md.png
      │  │      02. Resource.pdf
      │  │      Mini-Course #1 Newsletter Viral Loop Strategy - 1672x1080 3200K.mp4
      │  │      Mini-Course #1 Newsletter Viral Loop Strategy.srt
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─03. Curation Newsletters
      │  │      Curation Newsletters.pdf
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─04. The Curation Newsletter Template
      │  │      
      │  │      The Curation Newsletter Template.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─05. Original Thinking Newsletters
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      Original Thinking Newsletters.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─06. Original Thinking Newsletter Template
      │  │      Original Thinking Newsletter Template.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─07. The Digital Writing Compass Case Study
      │  │      2a1d758e3a5b4a38bd334c0e072fd4925bc256763464456da3fdf7fc03567e97-md.png
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      
      │  │      The Digital Writing Compass Case Study.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─08. Paid Newsletter Checklist
      │  │      Paid Newsletter Checklist.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─09. Idea To Newsletter In 11 Minutes
      │  │      374ebe0a83854f508c8a1153eb3240f9d4650694725f4547acf245ac2c0b0772-md.jpg
      │  │      766409033c6e409582be412debd34b7d7999b453c9be4f39baa169134663a2ed-md.jpg
      │  │      92c511c9b8f0447bad66cf32732c91449dbc65fe36644071a84834f6c0b056aa-md.jpg
      │  │      Idea To Newsletter In 11 Minutes.pdf
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─10. Newsletter Subject Line Writing 101
      │  │      364675476632427e9fa68a9518009e48e0f7b22fe593439fa9e9651a9a598f76-md.png
      │  │      Mini-Course #2 Newsletter Subject Line Deep Dive - 1672x1080 3200K.mp4
      │  │      Mini-Course #2 Newsletter Subject Line Deep Dive.srt
      │  │      Newsletter Subject Line Writing 101.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  └─11. Write Subject Lines Using ChatGPT
      │          62ac1f06ac934154969fefb97c9077d589e7a81abcc943ab8d4a0e2c8377e4e9-md.jpg
      │          Links.txt
      │          Write Subject Lines Using ChatGPT.pdf
      ├─03. [FSW #3] Offer Creation
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  ├─00. Welcome to Mini-Course
      │  │  │  Full Stack Writer Mini-Course #3 Offer Creation.mp4
      │  │  │  
      │  │  │  
      │  │  └─Resources
      │  │          00. Links.txt
      │  │          00. Resource.pdf
      │  │          
      │  │          
      │  ├─01. Offer Creation 101
      │  │      01. c9312a42ddfc4299bd3b25432d33a2f3d8b1cdd75227492c99213bde97d71249-md.png
      │  │      01. Offer Creation 101.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─02. Offer Creation Step 1
      │  │      77261852d0d54b2b891548ac7c77386461bab22eb94149dabce40559adccf389-md.png
      │  │      Mini-Course #3 Identifying Lucrative Product Opportunities - 1672x1080 3200K.mp4
      │  │      Mini-Course #3 Identifying Lucrative Product Opportunities - 1672x1080 3200K.srt
      │  │      Offer Creation Step 1.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─03. Offer Creation Step 2
      │  │      Offer Creation Step 2.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─04. Offer Creation Step 3
      │  │      Offer Creation Step 3.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─05. Offer Creation Step 4
      │  │      43e637b62afb424f8a86619a59b190da7a3657e6a8734a069fff80a6d23f4ab9-md.png
      │  │      Offer Creation Step 4.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─06. Offer Creation Step 5
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      Offer Creation Step 5.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─07. Offer Creation Step 6
      │  │      Offer Creation Step 6.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─08. 2 (Easy) Irresistible Offer Templates
      │  │      2 (Easy) Irresistible Offer Templates.pdf
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─09. The Ultimate Offer Equation
      │  │      
      │  │      The Ultimate Offer Equation.pdf
      │  │      
      │  └─10. Pricing 101
      │          Links.txt
      │          Mini-Course #3 Pricing Deep Dive - 1672x1080 3200K.mp4
      │          Mini-Course #3 Pricing Deep Dive.srt
      │          Pricing 101.pdf
      ├─04. [FSW #4] Landing Page Copywriting
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  ├─00. Welcome to Mini-Course #4 Landing Pages
      │  │      00. Links.txt
      │  │      00. Mini-Course #4 Landing Pages.pdf
      │  │      Full Stack Writer Mini-Course #4 Landing Page Copywriting.mp4
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─01. Your Landing Page 101 Section
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      
      │  │      Your Landing Page 101 Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─02. Your Niche Section
      │  │      524717e0734642108b674fcb7b5e0c1553e05359c3864ebc9fe7df4b87986dbf.png
      │  │      
      │  │      Your Niche Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─03. Your Main Offer Section
      │  │      469cfe34cf2f49788c8aca0e5569b3c0c5c020714a6b49648dd1ac4b4d9f0a97.png
      │  │      
      │  │      Your Main Offer Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─04. Your Who It's For Section
      │  │      4c40a3c9b42245f4a5c9902d06d89eccc6cb787f260f489b96d05d986c172040.png
      │  │      
      │  │      Your Who It's For Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─05. Your Testimonials Section
      │  │      b16162ace2fc45d6ace982190ca0f0a2b27e44dcb04f486fbe9c0585bb40a9cb-md.png
      │  │      b2c1d29895574f33ba3d0329f158d3bf92bf877456c24520a315503cdfd41efe-md.png
      │  │      d8c04bc561c74018a9e93ed92192a14ba9807cb76fe54958b3e19c113ff13a78-md.png
      │  │      
      │  │      Your Testimonials Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─06. Your Pain Points Section
      │  │      1a9963f2b9b64034b81dbcfdc0da1ec2b098358d17d542248363f48cb550a071-md.png
      │  │      3302c34f8cbd47ce98d30361cb8e5db4bac87b03b8ba4655a4eadcc6f875fe42-md.png
      │  │      
      │  │      Your Pain Points Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─07. Your Benefits Unlocked Section
      │  │      385a2ae2dc9b434fae657de1eaa30a3f501cd15f47d146fd9ca416f9c41d320a.png
      │  │      
      │  │      Your Benefits Unlocked Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─08. Your How It Works Section
      │  │      4f492dc75e7c4d8c81caea928148625175ba505ab0fb4b26bb830126699f124e-md.png
      │  │      abc2b08dcfe3411aa1a62c4fcaae367680d13512b3e44f87a77f9ed9f33c6802-md.png
      │  │      
      │  │      Your How It Works Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─09. Your Sneak Peek Section
      │  │      8520358a08074ea0a8be539cec145632a0ed44398dfd497585e019dfd85cef3d-md.png
      │  │      
      │  │      Your Sneak Peek Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─10. Your Credibility Section
      │  │      b95fdbc7292b4777a269bba1bb06345c13eb6c6d0dbe45bd8a37720aa9f14335-md.png
      │  │      
      │  │      Your Credibility Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─11. Your 'What You Get' Section
      │  │      bd2f489c5fa44f96a5e446bd020945c7ed82a0b307d847c6af667fbfa65397af-md.png
      │  │      
      │  │      Your 'What You Get' Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─12. Your Bonuses Section
      │  │      0ef0a5857d884aa3903213d84142b46df39ad67271c94ccab74454ccd67a2bc5-md.png
      │  │      
      │  │      Your Bonuses Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─13. Your Pricing Section
      │  │      76fcfe2a72b3424b89164e32896fd6a30f71c7fd373946b5b95cf8b48d24343b-md.png
      │  │      
      │  │      Your Pricing Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─14. Your FAQ Section
      │  │      e7a8166e99f1404f87054cd6ab9b574c6365e9a868994af0b40595d59e712bf7-md.png
      │  │      
      │  │      Your FAQ Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─15. Your Refund Policy Section
      │  │      
      │  │      Your Refund Policy Section.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─16. Product Landing Page Mistakes
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      Product Landing Page Mistakes.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  └─17. Landing Page Tech Stack
      │          3c808b38e3f04ce6b753e9e4d2a12c557806c457c1154ed2941ae5057933ffc7-md.png
      │          5c0127772325499ab6e6dd0664b593aef3955fae62004f79bffa735c99652d4c-md.png
      │          f38fdeacb7104adfb36e86e0ccd4e4793ad5a4add639455489c21d4f994d8256-md.png
      │          Landing Page Tech Stack.pdf
      │          Links.txt
      │          Mini-Course #4 Landing Page Tech Stack Deep Dive - 1672x1080 3200K.mp4
      │          Mini-Course #4 Landing Page Tech Stack Deep Dive.srt
      ├─05. [FSW #5] Sales Email Marketing
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  ├─00. Welcome to Mini-Course #5 Sales Email Marketing
      │  │      Full Stack Writer Mini-Course 5 Sales Email Marketing.mp4
      │  │      Resource.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─01. Email Marketing 101
      │  │      Email Marketing 101.pdf
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─02. Our 7 “FOMO” Email Campaign
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      Our 7 “FOMO” Email Campaign.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─03. The 7 “FOMO” Email Templates
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      Mini-Course #5 7 _FOMO_ Emails Template Breakdown - 1672x1080 3200K.mp4
      │  │      Mini-Course #5 7 _FOMO_ Emails Template Breakdown.srt
      │  │      
      │  │      The 7 “FOMO” Email Templates.pdf
      │  │      
      │  └─04. How To Write Irresistible Subject Lines
      │          How To Write Irresistible Subject Lines.pdf
      │          Mini-Course #5 Step 5 Naming & Claiming Ideas Deep Dive - 1672x1080 3200K.mp4
      │          Mini-Course #5 Step 5 Naming & Claiming Ideas Deep Dive.srt
      ├─06. [FSW #6] AI Prompt Writing
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  ├─01. AI Prompt Writing Modules
      │  │  │  
      │  │  │  
      │  │  ├─00. Welcome to Mini-Course #6 AI Prompt Writing
      │  │  │      00. Welcome to Mini-Course #6 AI Prompt Writing.pdf
      │  │  │      Full Stack Writer Mini-Course #6 AI Prompt Writing.mp4
      │  │  │      Links.txt
      │  │  │      
      │  │  │      
      │  │  ├─01. The Future Of Digital Writing
      │  │  │      
      │  │  │      The Future Of Digital Writing.pdf
      │  │  │      
      │  │  └─02. Curating vs Creating Frameworks
      │  │          Curating vs Creating Frameworks.pdf
      │  │          Links.txt
      │  │          Mini-Course #6 Technique For Writing ChatGPT Prompts - 1672x1080 3200K.mp4
      │  │          Mini-Course #6 Technique For Writing ChatGPT Prompts.srt
      │  │          
      │  │          
      │  └─02. [Bonus] ChatGPT Prompts
      │      │  
      │      │  
      │      ├─01. Viral Writing
      │      │      882a1fc6eea24f80b82f12524ebceeaceae9e81e371a477497f293ee450c03c6-md.jpg
      │      │      99e46c83c9254c3c8a50b5098f97fa87b3971a639a2a49e192df195a03735de1-md.jpg
      │      │      e81d9606281d42eba3424ff325234d351b2783cd7e354b5c97a515a32a7c684d-md.png
      │      │      Links.txt
      │      │      
      │      │      Viral Writing.pdf
      │      │      
      │      ├─02. Newsletter Writing
      │      │      33379e8b95754615a81f68ebad04005d9c4ad051acb842c09318fcb50fd3e7e7-md.jpg
      │      │      5a7e514640864d5b89d975bc6e343886fea50b814ce74121841b8b13a212a081-md.jpg
      │      │      c9088e53e33e43a48e436d1e436529c2d3a73dc31aef45f489a011314b9cb60e-md.jpg
      │      │      Links.txt
      │      │      Newsletter Writing.pdf
      │      │      
      │      │      
      │      ├─03. Offer Creation
      │      │      5331a68a38b14b938921554ac34ed36bde00a7f553404768842a2fdad9a5f67d-md.jpg
      │      │      547c6897145b4d40ade41ec7a6ecc2b67c15803138644da98e9915a1fb5d4d10-md.png
      │      │      57d4a9bd4c3c475bbffae9bc272b6caa7363698877194c8dbec51a510eb7d4b1-md.jpg
      │      │      7fc54d5066784896846cf2fd896e12d54736f95b900844d988fa64c3c3b6e100-md.png
      │      │      e47c1728fbb44e1f8e71db817eafc96e2b0bff002fd74395b4095a0e5e75420d-md.jpg
      │      │      Offer Creation.pdf
      │      │      
      │      │      
      │      ├─04. Landing Page Copywriting
      │      │      4bb83f80e74d440c88179a7f9c4ce4e88830ffe4683a4f46983fb77646ee4d27-md.png
      │      │      6577abae71224cc6af60291252f3ec58d90f5e8932784f6da39b252264e2a737-md.jpg
      │      │      9caf29f5c48e41609c5a2c95ca2c799266b388a718e34734abe1e6af0404af4f-md.png
      │      │      9d5f78f066dc437fab27d9b2764dc304e9482c806f75414b8b15427d3df5d0b5-md.jpg
      │      │      a8f2aeceec30474693c6d710eb489d873c6b983a5b6d4650806a543c5128eaf8-md.png
      │      │      d4f28cee27e24459822d94c9b69530416f3db699e2ea43eea73cf4b9c5aa701e-md.png
      │      │      Landing Page Copywriting.pdf
      │      │      Links.txt
      │      │      
      │      │      
      │      ├─05. Sales Email Marketing
      │      │      4cd2bd7e0abb4f369ad537ea5b79d0d7a88e6161dcbd492e813f5c6020b4795c-md.jpg
      │      │      6888330ced104a91b038ea6e22f9a44908ab9caf2ff14c078d35a58e8262dcfd-md.jpg
      │      │      6a84f98c5d8e4b549e6dea2d0b9eb3df170b0154bb754c7d95697e2d8a02d8e7-md.jpg
      │      │      
      │      │      Sales Email Marketing.pdf
      │      │      
      │      ├─06. Ghostwriting
      │      │      306d40d060d54b7081bf7251229dc32904fe85e37eaf4b3aab87510153d82c07-md.png
      │      │      664479efd99c4f4694255d5780237303dd6d3e9b30cf406f8d6918debc07f7d9-md.png
      │      │      75fa8a2e0aa645c699dc15f5b01b289526c47405b6ca4078be4526455f5773c5-md.jpg
      │      │      82124d29c92e4967a4e746def26d08d244c829b3ae714547aa18c468fbda83d2-md.jpg
      │      │      864897c0160e4404a470040273774ef4a82edc9fbfff4afc85a8d1dd6d06f2fc-md.jpg
      │      │      904380994c3b402893196c653bcfe32a90ad2168008d477fb5ad79e87d7b8bb8-md.jpg
      │      │      bc343e2bd57341989d852b6604f1f29cb93f0e1e58ff45d29b8de1993b26714a-md.jpg
      │      │      Ghostwriting.pdf
      │      │      Links.txt
      │      │      
      │      │      
      │      ├─07. Niching Down
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      │      │      622acb00f9ea4084b99874c909cbb76db51b4fa0795f4eafaa1152bcadc983db.png
      │      │      64db054319a641c9b80f354df2f16db29022ed98d57649b59fc0c30c028a3d8c.png
      │      │      8912d0df27db496fb4001dfd0ada4c7314b3322ca1d040d189e0b660a9414616.png
      │      │      a0df344e6c114b8bab52502f72926db20c525e73da8a4d28bd015f28576faaa8.png
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      │      │      Links.txt
      │      │      Niching Down.pdf
      │      │      
      │      │      
      │      ├─08. Bio Writing
      │      │      05db7d4c30354e10af2b6f35eb329eb9f388d657a7124f629f8bec29797eb7bc.png
      │      │      15da7ab24ee243f1a292f02ec54de85e9ce30e00afe544aab6b12cc2cb0f8634.png
      │      │      2b0d668f76df40c6af2d4e55c625df7f8f26f362471d4219b1d1d18b7ce45064.png
      │      │      5bb900532703499fb7be766169089abc71aecaed13364640a0980633316e3550.png
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      │      │      a414beb9692f4d8b91b823741793b233bbc26581f0e54b90a7c886e3987e7e41.png
      │      │      Bio Writing.pdf
      │      │      e4d91881cec84c3bb53a0af65cedb11d6d883254610f4db1841f4c95c6482d21.png
      │      │      eb879339ef9f4de89c2bc966abbf0e41fe7047820e6a484893bda764a667c5ff.png
      │      │      f523c44b2c80446b84b8b2dd56d3c950c991dfd6af1a498599a06ff2d00d6d97.png
      │      │      Links.txt
      │      │      
      │      │      
      │      ├─09. LinkedIn Post Hooks
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      │      │      ac86ea2a6bba47829ac9da5c0e85c9d4f238657e37c646678c8bb686a45fc828.png
      │      │      dead5e43ab1c421caad82dffb317f49fb2209741f7244711b524ade3b4e408f5.png
      │      │      LinkedIn Post Hooks.pdf
      │      │      Links.txt
      │      │      
      │      │      
      │      └─10. Social Media Engagement
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      │              accaaf1910bb41289a5d3e64e9b95535ea4a266f411041048181a7824df2b505-md.jpg
      │              b069e3619c4e42e1b90ee2dc2277ae4f8722d411ce8345b7890cb2d5b8a245b7.png
      │              bc2ab6719e8a4a2182b57a9d30d2d17f7f0666c29807436db2acebc43316222a-md.jpg
      │              Social Media Engagement.pdf
      ├─07. [FSW #7] Ghostwriting
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  ├─00. Welcome to Mini-Course #7 Ghostwriting!
      │  │      Full Stack Writer Mini-Course #7 Ghostwriting.mp4
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      
      │  │      Welcome to Mini-Course #7 Ghostwriting!.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─01. Freelance Writing vs Ghostwriting
      │  │      (Session 0) Ghostwriting As A Career Crash Course - 1672x1080 3200K.mp4
      │  │      (Session 0) Ghostwriting As A Career Crash Course.srt
      │  │      Freelance Writing vs Ghostwriting.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─02. Mistakes Ghostwriters Make
      │  │      Mistakes Ghostwriters Make.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─03. Who Needs A Ghostwriter
      │  │      
      │  │      Who Needs A Ghostwriter.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─04. Most Lucrative Ghostwriting Services
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      Most Lucrative Ghostwriting Services.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─05. Least Profitable Ghostwriting Services
      │  │      Least Profitable Ghostwriting Services.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─06. Scale Yourself As A Ghostwriter 2 Ways
      │  │      
      │  │      Scale Yourself As A Ghostwriter 2 Ways.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─07. Pricing Your Ghostwriting Service
      │  │      Pricing Your Ghostwriting Service.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─08. Ballpark Price Of Ghostwriting Services
      │  │      Ballpark Price Of Ghostwriting Services.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─09. How To Get Clients As A Ghostwriter
      │  │      How To Get Clients As A Ghostwriter.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─10. 3 Skills You Need To Master
      │  │      3 Skills You Need To Master.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  └─11. Where You Go From Here
      │          Links.txt
      │          Where You Go From Here.pdf
      ├─08. The 7-Figure Writer Roadmap
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  ├─00. The 7-Figure Writer Roadmap
      │  │      Full Stack Writer BONUS Module Roadmap.mp4
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      
      │  │      The 7-Figure Writer Roadmap.pdf
      │  │      
      │  ├─01. Your 7-Figure Roadmap
      │  │      Links.txt
      │  │      
      │  │      Your 7-Figure Roadmap.pdf
      │  │      
      │  └─02. Common Mistakes
      │          Bonus Module Mistakes Deep Dive - 1672x1080 3200K.mp4
      │          Bonus Module Mistakes Deep Dive.srt
      │          Common Mistakes.pdf
      └─09. Full Stack Writer BONUSES
          ├─01. (BONUS) 100+ Viral Templates
          │      (BONUS) 100+ Viral Templates.pdf
          │      Mini-Course #1 (+ Bonus) 100 Viral Templates Deep Dive - 1672x1080 3200K.mp4
          │      Mini-Course #1 (+ Bonus) 100 Viral Templates Deep Dive^.srt
          ├─02. Viral Writing
          │      882a1fc6eea24f80b82f12524ebceeaceae9e81e371a477497f293ee450c03c6-md.jpg
          │      99e46c83c9254c3c8a50b5098f97fa87b3971a639a2a49e192df195a03735de1-md.jpg
          │      e81d9606281d42eba3424ff325234d351b2783cd7e354b5c97a515a32a7c684d-md.png
          │      Links.txt
          │      Viral Writing.pdf
          └─03. The 7 “FOMO” Email Templates
                  Mini-Course #5 7 _FOMO_ Emails Template Breakdown - 1672x1080 3200K.mp4
                  Mini-Course #5 7 _FOMO_ Emails Template Breakdown.srt
                  The 7 “FOMO” Email Templates.pdf





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