并且每年超过 7 和 8 位数收益的策略。




我们将向您展示如何在道德上监视世界 500 强电子商务商店。

您的投资收益将超过 10 倍。

  • 教程编号:0176081541
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:9.44GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   │  ├─01-Start Here
   │  │      01-Powerhouse Brands.mkv
   │  │      01-Welcome Video.pdf
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─02-Choosing Your Product
   │  │      02-Blue Ocean within Red Ocean (Niching Down).mkv
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─03-Building Your Brand
   │  │      01-Scaling Beyond Ads.mkv
   │  │      02-Building a Competitive Moat.mkv
   │  │      03-Building Brand Equity.mkv
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─04-Influencer Marketing
   │  │      01-What Really Works With Influencer Marketing.mkv
   │  │      02-Intro to Influencers.mkv
   │  │      03-Strategy Behind Macro Influencers.mkv
   │  │      04-Micro Influencers.mkv
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─05-Operations
   │  │      01-Hiring Operations Systems and Processes for Building and Scaling a Brand.mkv
   │  │      02-In-House Fulfillment vs 3PL.mkv
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─06-Basic Store Set-Up
   │  │      01-Creating A Basic Brand Guide.mkv
   │  │      01.01-Creating A Basic Brand Guide.pdf
   │  │      01.02-Creating A Basic Brand Guide.pdf
   │  │      02-Choosing Your Store Theme.mkv
   │  │      03-Uploading Your Store Theme.mkv
   │  │      04-Updating Your Store Theme.mkv
   │  │      05-Basic Product Set-Up.mkv
   │  │      05-Basic Product Set-Up.pdf
   │  │      06-Writing Product Descriptions.mkv
   │  │      06.01-Writing Product Descriptions.pdf
   │  │      06.02-Writing Product Descriptions.pdf
   │  │      06.03-Writing Product Descriptions.pdf
   │  │      06.04-Writing Product Descriptions.pdf
   │  │      07-General Shopify Settings.mkv
   │  │      08-Setting Up Your Domain.mkv
   │  │      09-Navigation Menu Links.mkv
   │  │      10-Recommended Shopify Apps.mkv
   │  │      11-Basic SEO Preferences.mkv
   │  │      12-High-Converting Home Page.pdf
   │  │      12.01-High-Converting Home Page.pdf
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─07-Email-SMS Overview
   │  │      01-Email Overview.mkv
   │  │      01.01-Email Overview.pdf
   │  │      01.02-Email Overview.pdf
   │  │      01.03-Email Overview.pdf
   │  │      01.04-Email Overview.pdf
   │  │      01.05-Email Overview.pdf
   │  │      02-SMS Overview.mkv
   │  │      02-SMS Overview.pdf
   │  │      03-Segmenting.mkv
   │  │      03.01-Segmenting.pdf
   │  │      03.02-Segmenting.pdf
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─08-Email Marketing - Automations
   │  │      01-The Abandon Cart Flow (Automation).mkv
   │  │      01.01-The Abandon Cart Flow (Automation).pdf
   │  │      01.02-The Abandon Cart Flow (Automation).pdf
   │  │      02-The Customer Win-back Flow (Automation).mkv
   │  │      02.01-The Customer Win-back Flow (Automation).pdf
   │  │      02.02-The Customer Win-back Flow (Automation).pdf
   │  │      03-The Welcome Series Flow 'Opt-Ins' (Automation).mkv
   │  │      03.01-The Welcome Series Flow 'Opt-Ins' (Automation).pdf
   │  │      03.02-The Welcome Series Flow 'Opt-Ins' (Automation).pdf
   │  │      04-The Standard Post-Purchase Flow (Automation).mkv
   │  │      04.01-The Standard Post-Purchase Flow (Automation).pdf
   │  │      04.02-The Standard Post-Purchase Flow (Automation).pdf
   │  │      05-The Unique Post-Purchase Flow (Automation).mkv
   │  │      05.01-The Unique Post-Purchase Flow (Automation).pdf
   │  │      05.02-The Unique Post-Purchase Flow (Automation).pdf
   │  │      06-The Replenishment Series (Automation).mkv
   │  │      06.01-The Replenishment Series (Automation).pdf
   │  │      06.02-The Replenishment Series (Automation).pdf
   │  │      07-The Browse Abandonment Series (Automation).mkv
   │  │      07.01-The Browse Abandonment Series (Automation).pdf
   │  │      07.02-The Browse Abandonment Series (Automation).pdf
   │  │      08-The Site Abandonment Series (Automation).mkv
   │  │      08.01-The Site Abandonment Series (Automation).pdf
   │  │      08.02-The Site Abandonment Series (Automation).pdf
   │  │      09-Sunset Flow (Automation).mkv
   │  │      09.01-Sunset Flow (Automation).pdf
   │  │      09.02-Sunset Flow (Automation).pdf
   │  │      10-Email_Templates.zip
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─09-Email Marketing - Campaigns
   │  │      01-Blog-Content Email (Campaign).mkv
   │  │      02-Product Launch Email (Campaign).mkv
   │  │      03-Free Product With Purchase (Campaign).mkv
   │  │      04-Best Seller Email (Campaign).mkv
   │  │      05-Flash Sale Email (Campaign).mkv
   │  │      06-Referral Email (Campaign).mkv
   │  │      07-Email_Campaign_Templates.zip
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─10-SMS Marketing
   │  │      01-The Abandon Cart Flow (Automation).mkv
   │  │      01-The Abandon Cart Flow (Automation).pdf
   │  │      02-The Welcome Series Flow (Automation).mkv
   │  │      02-The Welcome Series Flow (Automation).pdf
   │  │      03-The Customer Win-back Flow (Automation).mkv
   │  │      03-The Customer Win-back Flow (Automation).pdf
   │  │      04-Sales (Campaign).mkv
   │  │      04-Sales (Campaign).pdf
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─11-PowerHouse Ads
   │  │      01-Intro - PowerHouse Ads.mkv
   │  │      02-Ad Creatives - UGC.mkv
   │  │      03-Facebook BM Setup.mkv
   │  │      04-Account Structure.mkv
   │  │      05-Creating your AD BIN and Custom Audiences.mkv
   │  │      05-Creating your AD BIN and Custom Audiences.pdf
   │  │      05.01-TEMPLATE CTRL SHEET.xlsx
   │  │      06-Creating your Retargeting Campaigns.mkv
   │  │      07-Cold Campaign Creation with Low Slow ABOs.mkv
   │  │      08-Making - Implementing Lookalike Audiences.mkv
   │  │      09-CBO Combo Stacks.mkv
   │  │      10-Scaling With Bid Strategies.mkv
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─12-YouTube Advertising
   │  │      01-Google Crash Course Intro.mkv
   │  │      02-Google Campaign Types Overview.mkv
   │  │      02-Google Campaign Types Overview.pdf
   │  │      02.01-#PHC YouTube & Google Fundamentals.docx
   │  │      03-The YouTube Ad Formula.mkv
   │  │      03-The YouTube Ad Formula.pdf
   │  │      03.01-#PHC YouTube Ad Formula.docx
   │  │      04-Google Ads Account Creation.mkv
   │  │      05-Conversion Setup Audience Creation.mkv
   │  │      05-Conversion Setup Audience Creation.pdf
   │  │      06-ADBIN Ad Template Creation.mkv
   │  │      06-ADBIN Ad Template Creation.pdf
   │  │      06.01-TEMPLATE CTRL SHEET.xlsx
   │  │      07-Understanding the Ads Interface.mkv
   │  │      07-Understanding the Ads Interface.pdf
   │  │      08-Creating Your Template Campaigns.mkv
   │  │      09-Duplicating Campaigns with Ads Editor.mkv
   │  │      10-Retargeting Campaign Rules.mkv
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─13-Google Shopping
   │  │      01-Compliance Checklist.mkv
   │  │      01-Compliance Checklist.pdf
   │  │      01.01-Google_Shopping_Compliance_Checklist.pdf
   │  │      02-Merchant Center Setup.mkv
   │  │      02-Merchant Center Setup.pdf
   │  │      02.01-Merchant_Center_Setup_Guide.pdf
   │  │      03-Ad Account Setup.mkv
   │  │      03-Ad Account Setup.pdf
   │  │      03.01-Ad_Account_Setup_Guide.pdf
   │  │      04-Standard Shopping Campaign Setup.mkv
   │  │      04-Standard Shopping Campaign Setup.pdf
   │  │      04.01-Shopping_Campaign_Setup.pdf
   │  │      05-Long-Tail Branded Shopping.mkv
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─14-Additional Resources
   │  │      01-Working With A Merchant Processor At Scale.mkv
   │  │      01-Working With A Merchant Processor At Scale.pdf
   │  │      02-FB Ad Compliance (IMPORTANT!).mkv
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  ├─15-Holiday Marketing
   │  │      01-Part 1- Overview.mkv
   │  │      02-Part 2- Email.mkv
   │  │      03-Part 3- SMS.mkv
   │  │      04-BFCM- Example Marketing Plan.mkv
   │  │      05-BFCM- Segmenting.mkv
   │  │      06-BFCM Templates.pdf
   │  │      06.01-screencapture-mail-google-mail-u-0-2020-11-03-09_13_35.png
   │  │      06.02-screencapture-mail-google-mail-u-0-2020-11-03-09_13_03.png
   │  │      06.03-screencapture-mail-google-mail-u-0-2020-11-03-09_13_15.png
   │  │      06.04-screencapture-mail-google-mail-u-0-2020-11-03-09_12_15.png
   │  │      07-BFCM Example Giveaway Funnel.pdf
   │  │      07-BFCM- Example Giveaway Funnel.mkv
   │  │      08-BFCM Example Giveaway Email Follow-Up.pdf
   │  │      08-BFCM- Example Giveaway Email Follow-Up.mkv
   │  │      08.01-BFCM Example Giveaway Email Follow-Up.pdf
   │  │      08.02-BFCM Example Giveaway Email Follow-Up.pdf
   │  │      09-Building Your Holiday Offer(s).mkv
   │  │      说明.txt
   │  │      
   │  └─16-Bonuses
   │          01-Top 500 Shopify Stores.mkv
   │          01-Top 500 Shopify Stores.pdf
   │          02-Bonuses.pdf
   │          说明.txt
   └─02-Accelerator Call Replays
       │  说明.txt
       └─Group Calls
               01-Access to Bi-Weekly Calls.pdf





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