这是由Cameron Herold设计的一项开创性的项目,专为寻求明确目标并快速实现最大目标的企业家和专业人士准备的。





A groundbreaking program designed by Cameron Herold for entrepreneurs and professionals seeking clarity and speed in achieving their biggest goals.
Through this 10-day online journey, you’ll learn to craft a crystal-clear, actionable 3-year game plan that aligns you and your team with your ultimate definition of success.

A dynamic framework that perpetually energizes you with extraordinary clarity, focus, and momentum.
With Cameron’s expert guidance, you’ll delve into the core concepts of the Vivid Vision, understand its superiority over traditional mission statements, and learn how to turn your vision into a compelling narrative that drives action.

By the end of the program, you’ll emerge with newfound clarity, focus, and momentum to turn your vision into reality.

  • 教程编号:0164946082
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:1.77GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

Vivid Vision
  └─Vivid Vision
      │  00-Vivid Vision Workbook.pdf
      │  00-Welcome to Vivid Vision.mp4
      ├─01-Part 1 - Understanding What a Vivid Vision is
      │      01-Your Actions for Today.pdf
      │      Vivid Vision - Lesson 1 - Essential Elements of a Vivid Vision - 1920x1080 2953K_2.mp4
      ├─02-Part 2 - How to Create Your Vivid Vision
      │      01-Creating Your Business Vivid Vision.mp3
      │      01-Your Actions for Today.pdf
      │      02-Cameron Herold - COO Alliance 2022.pdf
      │      02-Cameron Herold Enterprises - Vivid Vision.pdf
      │      02-Your Actions for Today.pdf
      │      03-Your Actions for Today.pdf
      │      Vivid Vision - Lesson 2 - Write a Powerful Vivid Vision - 1920x1080 2966K_2.mp4
      │      Vivid Vision - Lesson 3 - Create the First & Second Draft - 1920x1080 2845K_2.mp4
      │      Vivid Vision - Lesson 4 - The 3-Steps to Copywriting & Design - 1920x1080 2788K_2.mp4
      ├─03-Part 3 - The Importance of Sharing Your Vivid Vision
      │      01-Your Actions for Today.pdf
      │      02-Your Actions for Today.pdf
      │      03-Your Actions for Today.pdf
      │      04-Your Actions for Today.pdf
      │      Vivid Vision - Lesson 5 - Inspire Your Team With Your Vision - 1920x1080 2873K_2.mp4
      │      Vivid Vision - Lesson 6 - Inspire Clients & the Public With Your Vision - 1920x1080 2946K_2.mp4
      │      Vivid Vision - Lesson 7 - Strengthen Your Vivid Vision - 1920x1080 2914K_2.mp4
      │      Vivid Vision - Lesson 8 - Amplify Your Vision With a _Can You Imagine Wall_ - 1920x1080 2891K_2.mp4
      └─04-Part 4 - Vivid Vision for Your Personal Life
              01-Cameron Herold - Personal Vivid Vision.pdf
              01-Creating Your Personal Vivid Vision.mp3
              01-Your Actions for Today.pdf
              02-Creating Your Family Vivid Vision.mp3
              02-Your Actions for Today.pdf
              Vivid Vision - Lesson 10 - How to Write Your Family's Vivid Vision - 1920x1080 2861K_2.mp4
              Vivid Vision - Lesson 9 - How to Write Your Personal Vivid Vision~ - 1920x1080 2986K.mp4





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