
GMB框架是一个一步步的指南,专为提升你的Google My Business(GMB)可见性设计。
GMB框架将Google My Business的SEO分解成清晰的步骤,帮助你直接从本地搜索中获得更多电话和客户。



The GMB Framework is a step-by-step guide for boosting your Google My Business visibility.
By using this framework, you’ll learn how to rank higher, attract more leads, and save on agency costs.
The GMB Framework breaks down Google My Business SEO into clear steps that bring more calls and customers straight from local searches.

Through four phases, The GMB Framework covers everything from optimizing your Google listing to creating engaging, local landing pages.
You’ll learn ways to boost relevance with photos, improve engagement, and build a stronger local presence.
Each part of the framework is crafted to increase your monthly calls and overall conversions.

This framework also includes tools for long-term growth, like managing multi-location listings and writing content that search engines understand.

  • 教程编号:1885269884
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:48MB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─The GMB Framework
│      ├─Local Seo Checklist
│      │  ├─1. How to use the Local SEO Checklist
│      │  │      1. How to use the Local SEO Checklist.pdf
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─2. Checklist Documents
│      │  │  ├─DOC
│      │  │  │      Fail Checklist Doc.docx
│      │  │  │      Google Business Profile Checklist.docx
│      │  │  │      Local Optimizations _ Citations.docx
│      │  │  │      Location _ Service Area Pages Checklist.docx
│      │  │  │      Multi-Locations Checklist.docx
│      │  │  │      Technical SEO Checklist Doc.docx
│      │  │  │      Website Checklist Doc.docx
│      │  │  │      
│      │  │  ├─PDF
│      │  │  │      GBP Suspension Road Map.pdf
│      │  │  │      Google Business Profile Checklist.pdf
│      │  │  │      Local SEO Checklist.pdf
│      │  │  │      
│      │  │  └─PNG
│      │  │          Google Business Profile Checklist.png
│      │  │          Local SEO Checklist Page 1.png
│      │  │          Local SEO Checklist Page 2.png
│      │  │          Local SEO Checklist Page 3.png
│      │  │          Local SEO Checklist Page 4.png
│      │  │          Local SEO Checklist Page 5.png
│      │  │          
│      │  ├─3. Local SEO Checklist Bundle 2023
│      │  │      2.0 Local SEO Checklist Bundle 2023.pdf
│      │  │      Local SEO Checklist 2.0.xlsx
│      │  │      
│      │  └─4. Bonuses
│      │          Master the Art of Attracting Local SEO Clients.pdf
│      │          The Local SEO Pricing Blueprint.pdf
│      │          The Sales Script Success Formula.pdf
│      │          VA Hiring 101.pdf
│      │          
│      └─The GMB Framework - Dalton Luka
│          │  The GMB Framework.pdf
│          │  the-gmb-framework.jpg
│          │  
│          ├─1. The Basics
│          │      1. Local Ranking Factors - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      2. Local Keyword Research - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      3. Tracking Performance - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      4. SEO Checklist - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─2. Google My Business Optimization (Relevance)
│          │      1.1 GMB Audit & Optimization - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      1.2 GMB Audit & Optimization - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      2. Local Justifications - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      3. Add Products _ Services - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      4. Creating A GMB Site - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─3. Google My Business Optimization (Engagement)
│          │      1. Photo Optimization - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      2. Enabling Messaging - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      3. Create An Offer - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      4. Adding FAQs - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      5. Reporting Spam - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─4. Landing Page Optimization
│          │      1. Local Landing Pages - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      2. On-page Optimization - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      3. LocalBusiness Schema - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─5. Grow Prominence
│          │      1. Social Media - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      2. Local Listings & Citations - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      3. Press Releases & Media - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─6. Review Generation
│          │      1. Review Generation Strategy - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      2. Maximize Reviews - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      3. Review Management - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─7. CTR Optimization
│          │      1. Crowdsourced Clicks - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      2. Rich Results - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─8. Content Creation
│          │      1. Improve Topical Relevance - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      2. GMB Posts - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      3. Promote New Offers - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─Bonus #1 Multi-location  Service Areas
│          │      1. Site Structure - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      2. Ranking Unverifieds - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─Bonus #2 Create Powerful Copy
│          │      Creating Powerful Copy - Dalton Luka.pdf
│          │      
│          └─Bonus #3 Maximizing SERP Features
│                  1. Local Service Ads - Dalton Luka.pdf
│                  2. Google Ads - Dalton Luka.pdf
│                  3. Closing Notes - Dalton Luka.pdf





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