




  • 教程编号:1862079759
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:1.13GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

  │  1-Intro -Cold Email Clients.avi
  │  10 B2B Cold Intro Emails.docx
  │  10-Script 3- Congratulations Cold Email Template.avi
  │  11-Script 4- Replace or Assist Open Position Cold Email Example.avi
  │  12-Script 5- Bold Bribe Cold Email Template.avi
  │  13-Script 6- Something of Interest Cold Email Example.avi
  │  14-Script 7- Shook Your Hand Cold Email Template.avi
  │  15-Script 8- Video Demo with Free Trial Cold Email.avi
  │  16-Script 9- QVC Cold Email Template.avi
  │  17-Script 10- Benefits List Cold Email Example.avi
  │  2-Part 1- Is Cold Email Spam or Illegal-.avi
  │  3-Part 2- How Not to Get Marked as Spam Checklist.avi
  │  4-Part 3- Start Researching the Prospect.avi
  │  5-Part 4- Find Their Email.avi
  │  6-Part 5- 6 Parts to a Perfect Cold Email.avi
  │  7-Part 6- Best Time to Send Cold Email.avi
  │  8-Script 1- Referred By Cold Email Example.avi
  │  9-Script 2- Common Acquaintance Cold Email Example.avi
  │  Cold Intro Emails Product.pdf
  │  说明.txt
  └─Cold Email Clients Platinum
          1-Intro Cold Email Clients Platinum.avi
          10 B2B Cold Intro Emails.docx
          10-Script 7- Reference Their Content Follow Up Email.avi
          11-Script 8- Congrats on Your Promotion Follow Up Email.avi
          12-Script 9- Congratulations Follow Up Email.avi
          13-Script 10- Interesting App or Product Follow Up Email.avi
          14-Script 11- Case Study Follow Up Email.avi
          15-Script 12- Are You Still Follow Up Email.avi
          16-Script 13- Bump Follow Up Email.avi
          17-Script 14- Meeting Time Follow Up Email.avi
          18 B2B Follow Up Email Templates.docx
          18-Script 15- Find the Decision Maker Follow Up Email.avi
          19-Script 16- Get a Gift Idea Follow Up Email.avi
          2-Part 1- Why Follow Up.avi
          20-Script 17- Prospect Travel Follow Up Email.avi
          21-Script 18- After Sales Call Where Prospect Said Yes Follow Up Email.avi
          3-Part 2- Follow Up Email Timing.avi
          4-Script 1- Deadline Follow Up Email.avi
          5-Script 2- Checking In on Deadline Follow Up Email.avi
          6-Script 2- Checking In on Deadline Follow Up Email.avi
          7-Script 4- Learnings from an Event You Attended Follow Up Email.avi
          8-Script 5- Upcoming Event You're Attending Follow Up Email.avi
          9-Script 6- Offer to Fix a Problem Follow Up Email.avi





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