**《Viral Trends Pro》**课程提供了独家的见解和经过验证的策略,帮助你让内容不断实现病毒式传播。
Viral Trends Pro为你提供了复制病毒式成功的工具和知识,课程中还包括了Vishen Lakhiani、Dr. Michael Breus和Katie Couric等成功案例。
课程内容分为清晰的模块,容易跟随,并通过简单明了的实例帮助你一步步进阶。Exclusive insights and proven strategies to make your content go viral consistently.
Deep-dive sessions with expert guidance on trends and effective content formats for maximum social media impact.
Actionable steps to apply proven content strategies, from visuals to specific phrases, for optimal reach.
Membership Include:Viral Trends Pro equips you with the tools and knowledge to replicate viral success, with case studies from Vishen Lakhiani, Dr. Michael Breus, and Katie Couric.
You’ll learn step-by-step strategies tailored to both beginners and those with experience, ensuring you can confidently apply each method.
The lessons are broken down into clear sections, so it’s easy to follow along at your own pace, with straightforward examples that build on each other.
- 教程编号:1844974085
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:15.56GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
│ └─Viral Trends
│ ├─1. Start Here
│ │ Getting Started With Viral Trends - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │
│ ├─2. Viral Content Model
│ │ │ Going-Viral-Guide-Free-Version.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ └─Viral Content Model Online Course
│ │ ├─Module 1 Introduction to the Process
│ │ │ 1. Welcome and Trainer Introduction - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 10. The Generalist Principle Part 4 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 11. The Generalist Principle Part 5 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 12. Introduction to Research & Analysis - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 13. Tactics & Effect on Viewer pt. 1 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 14. Tactics & Effect on Viewer pt. 2 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 15. Tactics & Effect on Viewer pt. 3 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 16. Format Ideation Preview - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 17. Module 1 Exercise - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 18.1 Module 1 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 18.2 Module 1 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 18.3 Module 1 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 2. Starting from Zero- A Success Story - Viral Trends[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ │ 3. Introduction to Module 1 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 4. Viral Formats v. Brand Marketing - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 5. The Predictive Viral Content Model - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 6. Visual Metaphor Format Analysis - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 7. The Generalist Principle Part 1 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 8. The Generalist Principle Part 2 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 9. The Generalist Principle Part 3 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ Which-One-Went-Viral_-Now-Add-This-.docx
│ │ │ Which-One-Went-Viral_-Now-Add-This-Answer-Key.docx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Module 2 Format Discovery
│ │ │ 1. Making Every Video Count- A Success Story - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 10. Five Red Flags- Paid Views - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 11. Search Techniques - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 12. Module 2 Exercise - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 13. Module 2 Exercise Review - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 14. Module 2 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 2. No Gambling- The Hook Point Strategy - Viral Trends[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ │ 3. Introduction to Module 2 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 4. What is a Format. - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 5. Why Formats are Important - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 6. Five Red Flags- Business to Social - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 7. Five Red Flags- Fewer than 5 Golds - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 8. Five Red Flags- Little or No Variability - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 9. Five Red Flags- No Repeatable Format - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ VCM-Assignment-2-Client-Name-.xlsx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Module 3 Research & Analysis Part 1
│ │ │ 1. Increasing Leads and Clients- A Success Story - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 10. Filling out a GSB- Key Findings Part 4 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 11. Filling out a GSB- Key Findings Part 5 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 12. What are Performance Drivers. - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 13. Performance Driver- Perspective Shift - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 14. Performance Driver- Absurdity - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 15. Performance Driver- Cleverness - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 16. Performance Driver- Tension Building - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 17. Performance Driver- Viewer Connection - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 18. Performance Driver- Dynamics - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 19. Module 3 Exercise - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 2. Number One Driver of My Business - Viral Trends[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ │ 20. Module 3 Exercise Review - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.1 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.10 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.11 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.12 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.13 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.14 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.15 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.2 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.3 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.4 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.5 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.6 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.7 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.8 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 21.9 Module 3 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 3. Introduction to Module 3 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 4. Why Our Sheets Look Different - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 5. Filling Out a GSB- Data - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 6. Filling out a GSB- Hypotheses - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 7. Filling out a GSB- Key Findings Part 1 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 8. Filling out a GSB- Key Findings Part 2 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 9. Filling out a GSB- Key Findings Part 3 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ VCM-Course-ASSIGNMENT-3-4.xlsx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Module 4 Research & Analysis Part 2
│ │ │ 1. 100 Million Views Award Winner- A Success Story - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 2. Introduction to Module 4 - Viral Trends[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ │ 3. Module 4 Exercise - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 4. Module 4 Exercise Review - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 5.1 Module 4 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 5.2 Module 4 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 5.3 Module 4 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 5.4 Module 4 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 5.5 Module 4 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ VCM-Course-ASSIGNMENT-3-4.xlsx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Module 5 Ideation Part 1
│ │ │ 1. Solopreneur- A Success Story - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 2. Helping Creatives Create More - Viral Trends[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ │ 3. Introduction to Module 5 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 4. Ideation Template WalkThrough - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 5. Fill in the Blanks - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 6. How to Come Up with Format Ideas - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 7. Format Ideation - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 8. Module 5 Activity Part 1 - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 9. Module 5 Activity Part 2 Ranking Formats - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ VCM-IDEATION-ASSIGNMENT-5-Client-Name.xlsx
│ │ │
│ │ ├─Module 6 Ideation Part 2
│ │ │ 1. Large Business- A Success Story - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 2. Introduction to Module 6 - Viral Trends[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ │ 3. Run the Tap - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 4. Variation Chain - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 5. Speed Limit Theory - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 6. Module 6 Activity - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 7. Module 6 Activity Review - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 8.1 Module 6 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ 8.2 Module 6 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ │ VCM-IDEATION-ASSIGNMENT-5-Client-Name.xlsx
│ │ │
│ │ └─Module 7 Ready for Your First Viral Video
│ │ 1. This Stuff Really Works! A Success Story - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ 10. Titles and thumbnails - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ 11. Effect-Based Production Choices - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ 12. Production Threshold - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ 13. Production Tips - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ 14. Congratulations! You Made It - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ 15. Module 7 Bonus - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ 2. Introduction to Module 7 - Viral Trends[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ 3. Idea Development Document - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ 4. What is a Format Blueprint. - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ 5. What is a Script Template. - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ 6. Filling out a Script Template - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ 7. Developing a Script Template from Scratch - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ 8. What is a Performance Driver Checklist. - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ 9. How to Use a Performance Driver Checklist - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Lesson-Guide-7-Video-Production-Roadmap.pdf
│ │
│ └─3. Resources
│ ├─Books
│ │ Hook-Point_3-Second-World-final.pdf
│ │ OneMillionFollowers-2020v2.pdf
│ │
│ ├─Expert Interview
│ │ Alex Stemp - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Bill Gladstone - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Craig Clemens - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ David Oh - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Dean Sheremet - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Erick Brownstein - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Jill Wesley - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Jon Jashni - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Jovian Wade - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Phil Ranta - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Stuart Mitchell - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Tanner Leatherstein - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │
│ ├─Top Viral Formats
│ │ 2 Characters, 1 Lightbulb - Viral Trends.xlsx
│ │ 2 Characters, 1 Lightbulb - Viral Trends[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ Can I Take Your Photo. - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Can I Take Your Photo. - Viral Trends.xlsx
│ │ Designer Reacts - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Designer Reacts - Viral Trends.xlsx
│ │ Don't Say That, Say This - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Don't Say That, Say This - Viral Trends.xlsx
│ │ Extreme Sports Reacts - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Extreme Sports Reacts - Viral Trends.xlsx
│ │ Lawyers React - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Lawyers React - Viral Trends.xlsx
│ │ Man on the Street- Guitar Solo - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Man on the Street- Guitar Solo - Viral Trends.xlsx
│ │ Stories From a Stranger - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Stories From a Stranger - Viral Trends.xlsx
│ │ Visual Metaphors - Viral Trends.mp4
│ │ Visual Metaphors - Viral Trends.xlsx
│ │
│ └─Viral Insight
│ Chubbyemu and Coyote Peterson - Viral Trends.mp4
│ Communication Algorithm- A Deeper Look - Viral Trends.mp4
│ Davis Diley & Emily Hackett - Viral Trends.mp4
│ Dr. Julie Smith Communication Breakdown - Viral Trends.mp4
│ Getting Started With Viral Trends - Viral Trends.mp4
│ Got Advice. - Viral Trends.mp4
│ Man on the Street - Viral Trends.mp4
│ Performance Driver Masterclass- Cleverness - Viral Trends.mp4
│ Performance Driver Masterclass- Cleverness - Viral Trends.xlsx
│ Pixar Communication Algorithm Breakdown - Viral Trends.mp4
│ Planet Money and Luke Hanna - Viral Trends.mp4
│ Progressive Insurance - Viral Trends.mp4
│ Successful Brands - Viral Trends.mp4
│ Successful Brands - Viral Trends.xlsx
│ The Communication Algorithm Essential Primer - Viral Trends.mp4
│ The Derm Doctor & Financial Advisors - Viral Trends.mp4