
Uncover the secrets of thriving on Amazon with this comprehensive guide.
earn to generate $4.5M+ in revenue through proven Print On Demand strategies.
Elevate your brand recognition, optimize listings, and ace FBA scaling. Dive into niche research, design tactics, transparent error solutions, and strategic PPC campaigns.
Access invaluable insights for account health, inventory, and customer service. Benefit from lifetime access, refund options, and expert-exclusive tactics.

  • 教程编号:1839541287
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:5.22GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─Ultimate Guide To Succeed with ShineOn and Amazon
│          01-Amazon + ShineOn.pdf
│          01-Intro.mp4
│          02-Why Amazon is a great opportunity for your business.mp4
│          03-Setup Needed For Success.mp4
│          04-Organic vs Sponsor Rank.mp4
│          05-How To Use Helium10 - Part 1.mp4
│          06-How To Use Helium10 - Part 2.mp4
│          07-Niche and Product Research.mp4
│          08-The Correct Way To Create Designs On Canva.mp4
│          09-How To Fix The Transparent Error.mp4
│          10-Getting UPC-EAN Exemption.mp4
│          11-The Correct Way To Create Your Listings - Part 1.mp4
│          12-The Correct Way To Create Your Listings - Part 2.mp4
│          13-How To Add New Variations.mp4
│          14-How To Remove Variations.mp4
│          15-Configure Your Shipping Template.mp4
│          16-How To Sell Custom or Personalized Products.mp4
│          17-Getting Brand Registry.mp4
│          18-Creating Your A+ Content.mp4
│          19-Video Shopping & Customer Reviews.mp4
│          20-Creating Your Amazon Store.mp4
│          21-Get FREE Traffic with Posts.mp4
│          22-Virtual Bundles & Brand Analytics.mp4
│          23-Amazon Attribution & Brand Referral Bonus.mp4
│          24-AUTO Campaigns - Part 1.ts
│          24-Negative Keyword List.xlsx
│          25-AUTO Campaigns - Part 2.mp4
│          26-Phrase-Broad Campaigns - Part 1.ts
│          27-Phrase-Broad Campaigns - Part 2.mp4
│          28-Sherlock Holmes Mode Overview.mp4
│          29-Brand Defense Overview.mp4
│          30-[SP-PT] DEFENSE Campaigns.mp4
│          31-[SD-PT] DEFENSE Campaigns.mp4
│          32-[SBV-PT] DEFENSE Campaigns.mp4
│          33-Ranking Mode & [SP-EXACT] Campaigns.mp4
│          34-[COLLECTION-EXACT] & [SBV-EXACT] Campaigns.mp4
│          35-Awareness Campaigns Overview.mp4
│          36-Brand Attack Overview.mp4
│          37-Analyze Your Profit Report.mp4
│          37-Sample Profit Report.xlsx
│          38-Budgets and Placements.pdf
│          38-PPC LOGIC.pdf
│          38-PPC Management - Daily Budgets.mp4
│          39-PPC Management - Guides.ts
│          40-Inside My Amazon Campaigns.mp4
│          41-Creating Your FBA Listings.mp4
│          42-Analyze Your Inventory Report.mp4
│          42-Sample Inventory Report.xlsx
│          43-Account Health Hacks.mp4
│          44-Customer Service Hacks.mp4
│          45-How To Remove Negative Feedbacks.mp4
│          46-Expand To Canada and Mexico.ts
│          47-Mindset.mp4





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