你将深入了解如何产生高质量的潜在客户并高效转化它们,确保你的引导生成活动成功而有效。标题: 掌握潜在客户生成!28节短课助你打造成功引导生成活动!
A comprehensive course designed to help you master lead generation campaigns.
With 28 short lessons, spanning about 3 hours, you’ll keep each lesson bite-sized and focused.You’ll start by learning to generate leads effectively.
This includes creating compelling calls to action, identifying and targeting your audience, and building a robust tracking system to eliminate duplicate leads and optimize future efforts.You’ll discover how to set proper expectations, define what makes a good lead, and refine your ad copy and landing pages.
You’ll have a deep understanding of generating high-quality leads and converting them efficiently, ensuring your lead generation campaigns are successful and effective.
- 教程编号:1746187799
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:2.3GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
│ ├─00-Intro
│ │ 01-Intro.mp4
│ │ 01-Intro.pdf
│ │ Resources.txt
│ │
│ ├─01-Section 1 - Generating Leads
│ │ 01-Intro Agenda - Section 1 - Generating Leads.mp4
│ │ 01-Intro Agenda - Section 1 - Generating Leads.pdf
│ │ 02-Call To Action Strategy - The Biggest Problem with Most Lead Gen Efforts .mp4
│ │ 02-Call To Action Strategy - The Biggest Problem with Most Lead Gen Efforts .pdf
│ │ 03-Call To Action Strategy - Determining What You x27 re Going to Offer.mp4
│ │ 03-Call To Action Strategy - Determining What You x27 re Going to Offer.pdf
│ │ 04-Call To Action Strategy - The Price of a Lead.mp4
│ │ 04-Call To Action Strategy - The Price of a Lead.pdf
│ │ 05-Call To Action Strategy - Building First Party Data Sets.mp4
│ │ 05-Call To Action Strategy - Building First Party Data Sets.pdf
│ │ 06-Call To Action Strategy - Designing for All Stages of the Buyer Funnel.mp4
│ │ 06-Call To Action Strategy - Designing for All Stages of the Buyer Funnel.pdf
│ │ 07-Finding Your Audience - Who Are They and How to Find Them.mp4
│ │ 07-Finding Your Audience - Who Are They and How to Find Them.pdf
│ │ 07-Paid Media Pros - Table for Call to Action Mapping to Audiences Channels.xlsx
│ │ 08-Generating Leads - Overview of 4 Main Channels for Lead Generation.mp4
│ │ 08-Generating Leads - Overview of 4 Main Channels for Lead Generation.pdf
│ │ 09-Building a Foundation - Intro to Why We Need Extensive Tracking.mp4
│ │ 09-Building a Foundation - Intro to Why We Need Extensive Tracking.pdf
│ │ 10-Building a Foundation - Excluding Duplicate Leads .mp4
│ │ 10-Building a Foundation - Excluding Duplicate Leads .pdf
│ │ 11-Building a Foundation - Creating a Database for Future Optimizations.mp4
│ │ 11-Building a Foundation - Creating a Database for Future Optimizations.pdf
│ │ Resources.txt
│ │
│ ├─02-Section 2 - Improving Lead Quality
│ │ 01-Intro Agenda - Section 2 - Improving Lead Quality.mp4
│ │ 01-Intro Agenda - Section 2 - Improving Lead Quality.pdf
│ │ 02-Words of Caution - Setting Proper Expectations When Qualifying Leads .mp4
│ │ 02-Words of Caution - Setting Proper Expectations When Qualifying Leads .pdf
│ │ 03-Defining Goals - What Makes a Good Lead.mp4
│ │ 03-Defining Goals - What Makes a Good Lead.pdf
│ │ 04-Ad Copy Landing Pages - Make Your Boundaries Clear.mp4
│ │ 04-Ad Copy Landing Pages - Make Your Boundaries Clear.pdf
│ │ 05-Lead Gen Form Strategy - Understanding Form Impacts on Performance.mp4
│ │ 05-Lead Gen Form Strategy - Understanding Form Impacts on Performance.pdf
│ │ 06-Lead Gen Form Strategy - CASE STUDY- B2B Employee Management.mp4
│ │ 06-Lead Gen Form Strategy - CASE STUDY- B2B Employee Management.pdf
│ │ 07-Lead Gen Form Strategy - Tips to Improve Lead Quality with Forms.mp4
│ │ 07-Lead Gen Form Strategy - Tips to Improve Lead Quality with Forms.pdf
│ │ Resources.txt
│ │
│ ├─03-Section 3 - Converting Down the Funnel
│ │ 01-Intro Agenda - Section 3 - Converting Down the Funnel.mp4
│ │ 01-Intro Agenda - Section 3 - Converting Down the Funnel.pdf
│ │ 02-Data Prep - Defining Metrics Requirements for Section 3 .mp4
│ │ 02-Data Prep - Defining Metrics Requirements for Section 3 .pdf
│ │ 03-Retreiving Your Data - Creating a Workable File for Optimization.mp4
│ │ 03-Retreiving Your Data - Creating a Workable File for Optimization.pdf
│ │ 04-Paid Media Pros - Table for Lead Stage Time Frame Analysis.xlsx
│ │ 04-Timing Your Optimizations - Don x27 t the Gun.mp4
│ │ 04-Timing Your Optimizations - Don x27 t the Gun.pdf
│ │ 05-Attribution Matters - Understanding Why Lead Creation Touch is Imperative.mp4
│ │ 05-Attribution Matters - Understanding Why Lead Creation Touch is Imperative.pdf
│ │ 06-Defining an MQL - Intro to Lead Scoring.mp4
│ │ 06-Defining an MQL - Intro to Lead Scoring.pdf
│ │ 07-Campaign Movement Strategies - Using Paid to Move Users Down Funnel.mp4
│ │ 07-Campaign Movement Strategies - Using Paid to Move Users Down Funnel.pdf
│ │ 08-Developing Cost Per Lead Goals - How CRM Data Influences Top of Funnel Efforts.mp4
│ │ 08-Developing Cost Per Lead Goals - How CRM Data Influences Top of Funnel Efforts.pdf
│ │ Resources.txt
│ │
│ └─04-Conclusion & Recap - Customer Generation
│ 01-Conclusion Recap - Customer Generation.mp4
│ 01-Conclusion Recap - Customer Generation.pdf
│ Resources.txt