《$400K Instagram Launches》介绍了一种简单的系统,帮助你在没有直播网络研讨会、广告或压力的情况下,轻松实现高销售。通过等待名单法,你可以在开盘前制造期待感,确保吸引到准备购买的潜在客户。
一切都经过优化,从模板到策略,让你在没有复杂设置的情况下也能轻松成功。$400K Instagram Launches introduces a simple system to generate high sales without live webinars, ads, or stress. Using the Waitlist Method, it creates excitement before your offer opens, ensuring ready-to-buy leads.
This strategy helped achieve $402,799 in three weeks with a 21.27% conversion rate.
Designed for any niche or pricing, this system delivers results without the burnout of traditional launches, letting you focus on scaling your business effortlessly.You’ll receive live weekly training for six weeks, step-by-step guidance, and lifetime access to recordings.
The program includes ready-to-use email and content templates crafted for high conversions, proven to generate millions in passive sales.You’ll eliminate burnout while using tools that create excitement and convert leads instantly.
This program works for low and high-ticket offers, with no need for live sessions or extensive planning.
Everything is streamlined, from templates to strategy, making success achievable without complex setups.
- 教程编号:1545031311
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:5.67GB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
│ └─$400K Instagram Launches
│ ├─01-Start Here
│ │ 01-Kick-Off Mindset For Launching.mp4
│ │ 01-Kick-Off Mindset For Launching.pdf
│ │ 01-Workbook -400K Instagram Launches - Kick-Off.pdf
│ │
│ ├─02-The Strategy
│ │ 01- 400K IG Launches Mastersheet 40 Template 41 .xlsx
│ │ 01-Dream Ideal Client For Your Launch.docx
│ │ 01-Dream Ideal Client For Your Launch.mp4
│ │ 01-Your ideal client avatar.pdf
│ │ 02- Content For Launch.pdf
│ │ 02-Feed Content For Your Launch.docx
│ │ 02-Feed Content For Your Launch[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ 03-Stories For Launch.pdf
│ │ 03-Stories For Your Launch.mp4
│ │ 03-Stories For Your Launch.pdf
│ │
│ ├─03-Your Launch Content
│ │ 01-Launch Week 1 - Hype Phase.docx
│ │ 01-Launch Week 1 - Hype Phase.mp4
│ │ 01-Week 1 Launch - Workbook.pdf
│ │ 02-Launch Week 2 - Realisation Phase.pdf
│ │ 02-Launch Week 2 - Realisation Phase[ aixinshou.com ].mp4
│ │ 03-Launch Week 3 - Problem Awareness Phase.docx
│ │ 03-Launch Week 3 - Problem Awareness Phase.mp4
│ │ 04-Launch Week 4 5 - Mix Sales Phase.docx
│ │ 04-Launch Week 4 5 - Mix Sales Phase.mp4
│ │
│ └─04-Launch Analysis
│ 01-Analysing Your Launch.mp4