












No matter who you are, or what your education level, anyone can use the principles in this course to build long term wealth.
This strategy will still work for your long term success.!

Freedom from past mistakes and worry.
More confidence on my path to wealth.
I repaired my relationship to money and started earning more quite quickly.
I had a massive breakthrough on day 2 and all the cloudiness and uncertainty just lifted from my mind.
Excitement & preparedness about the opportunities soon to come.
How to find excellent business opportunities.
Deep understanding of how the World of money really works.
Feeling confident knowing all this stuff that the public doesn’t understand.
I’ll make enough money for all the things I want in life.

  • 教程编号:1118602323
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:7.56GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─The Psychology Of Wealth Accumulation
│      ├─Chapter 1 - Introduction
│      │      1.1. An Introduction to the Psychology Of Wealth Accumulation Course.mp4
│      │      1.2. My Guidance For Getting The Most Out Of This Course For Ultimate.mp4
│      │      1.3. Powerful Introductory PRINCIPLES For Wealth Accumulation - Neil.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─Chapter 10 (BONUS) - Strategic Wealth Building - (How To Earn Vast Sums) STRATEGY SESSION
│      │      10.1. An Introduction To Wealth Strategy and My System For it.mp4
│      │      10.11. Why Scale & Leverage Is Key To Compounding.mp4
│      │      10.12. The Value Of An Audience, Respecting Your Customers & Being.mp4
│      │      10.13. Understanding The Cashflow Quadrant.mp4
│      │      10.14. Why Multiple Streams Of Income Are CRUCIAL For Security.mp4
│      │      10.15. My System For Building A WINNING Business (Part 1).mp4
│      │      10.16. My System For Building A WINNING Business (Part 2).mp4
│      │      10.2. My System For Purchases-Spending - (Part 2) MEDIUM.mp4
│      │      10.3. My System For Purchases-Spending - (Part 3) LARGE.mp4
│      │      10.4. My System For Money - EXPENSES (Part 1).mp4
│      │      10.5. My System For Money - (Part 2) SAVING-DEBT & EDUCATION.mp4
│      │      10.6. My System For Money - (Part 3) FUN-LEISURE.mp4
│      │      10.7. My System For Money - (Part 4) CHARITY.mp4
│      │      10.9. Why You MUST Raise Your Profile & Publish Your Work.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─Chapter 11 - Conclusion
│      │      11.1. Course Concepts Summary.mp4
│      │      11.2. Understanding The Difference Between Investing Vs Spending.mp4
│      │      11.3. Exercise (Part 1)- The Ultimate Reframing Exercise For.mp4
│      │      11.4. Exercise (Part 2)- The Ultimate Reframing Exercise For.mp4
│      │      11.5. Examples Of People Who Started In Poverty, Yet Became RICH.mp4
│      │      11.6. My Book Recommendations For You (List Below Video).mp4
│      │      My Book Recommendations For Your Library.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─Chapter 2 - You were CREATED to be Wealthy, But PROGRAMMED To Be Poor
│      │      2.1. You Were Born Wealthy, But They Programmed You With A Poverty.mp4
│      │      2.3. The EDUCATION System Is Not What You Think It Is.mp4
│      │      2.4. The Illegality Of Income Tax (PART 1) - Neil McCoy-Ward.mp4
│      │      2.5. The Illegality Of Income Tax (PART 2) - Neil McCoy-Ward.mp4
│      │      2.6. How THEY Use Taxes To STOP You From Achieving Wealth & FREEDOM.mp4
│      │      2.7. The Illegality Of USA Taxes (& The Corruption Of The System).mp4
│      │      2.8. How The Education System Programmed You For A JOB.mp4
│      │      2.9. The Psychology Of Taxation & How It STOPS You From Creating.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─Chapter 3 - Taking Account & Cleaning Your Slate for MASSIVE Wealth Accumulation
│      │      3.1. Taking A Personal Account Of Your Income Vs Expenses - Neil.mp4
│      │      3.2. How Much Money Have You Earned In Your Lifetime (Surprising).mp4
│      │      3.3. Assessing Your Remaining Earning Potential.mp4
│      │      3.4. Tracing Your Family History Around Money (Unbelievable).mp4
│      │      3.5. How Your Role Models Will Try To Hold You Back From The SUCCESS.mp4
│      │      3.6. Making A Detailed Study Of Your FAMILY HISTORY (Observations).mp4
│      │      3.7. Calculating Your NET Worth (and Reframing Your Worth).mp4
│      │      3.8. Understanding The Paradoxical Value Of VALUE.mp4
│      │      How Much Have You Earned In Your Lifetime_ (Excel).xlsx
│      │      How Much Have You Earned In Your Lifetime_ (Mac).numbers
│      │      Monthly Budget Planner (Excel).xlsx
│      │      Monthly Budget Planner (Mac).numbers
│      │      
│      ├─Chapter 4 - The HIDDEN Secrets of Money & How We Psychologically Realte to it
│      │      4.1. Most People Have No Idea What Money Really Is.mp4
│      │      4.10. The CRAZIEST Lesson I Ever Received On The Psychology Of Money.mp4
│      │      4.11. The Most POWERFUL Exercise You Will Ever Do For Valuing Your.mp4
│      │      4.12. Your TRUE Wealth Is Your TIME & ENERGY.mp4
│      │      4.13. The Difference Between 9-5 Workers & Dairy Cows.mp4
│      │      4.2. What Exactly Are The Metrics Of Money - (Historical, Commodity).mp4
│      │      4.3. The EIGHT Principles Of REAL Money and The Fallacy of Barter.mp4
│      │      4.4. Money Vs Currencies Vs CBDC (Understanding The Difference).mp4
│      │      4.5. Why Fiat Currency Is A Digital SLAVERY System.mp4
│      │      4.6. The THEFT Of Hyperinflation (and HIGH Inflation TAXATION).mp4
│      │      4.7. Hyperinflation Is Always Deliberate & Intentional.mp4
│      │      4.8. Hyperinflation Is NOT A Rare Phenomenon (All Events Listed).mp4
│      │      4.9. The Importance Of Personal Development.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─Chapter 5 - Breaking the Societal Mindtrap & Setting Yourself FREE To Live Life On Your Own Terms
│      │      5.1. You Don't Really Want Money, You Want THIS Instead.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─Chapter 6 - How To Raise Your Financial Thermostat (EXPLODE WEALTH)
│      │      6.1. The Reason 70 percent of Lottery Winners Go BROKE Within 4 Years.mp4
│      │      6.10. Focus On Eliminating BAD DEBT & (Leveraging GOOD Debt).mp4
│      │      6.11. Start Taking On & Looking Forward To Challenges.mp4
│      │      6.12. (PART 1)- Rich People ARE NOT Smarter Than NON Rich People.mp4
│      │      6.13. (PART 2)- Rich People ARE NOT Smarter Than NON Rich People.mp4
│      │      6.14. Don't Expect A Psychological Blockage To Remove Itself.mp4
│      │      6.15. PASSIVE INCOME - The Gold Standard Of Income Generation.mp4
│      │      6.16. (Exercise)- How Having Resentment Around Money Can STOP You From.mp4
│      │      6.17. (Exercise)- Who Do You Blame For Your Lack Of Wealth.mp4
│      │      6.18. (Exercise)- What LIES Are You Telling Yourself About Money.mp4
│      │      6.19. (Exercise)- How Do You Justify Your Spending Habits.mp4
│      │      6.2. How Emotional and or Traumatic Events As Children Can Corrupt Our.mp4
│      │      6.20. (Exercise)- Does Money Really Equal Freedom (Surprising Truth).mp4
│      │      6.21. (Exercise)- Proof That You Don't Want Money More Than Your.mp4
│      │      6.22. (Exercise)- What Are Your 3 Biggest FEARS Stopping You From.mp4
│      │      6.3. How Comfort Limits Your Level Of Income (& How You Can Leverage).mp4
│      │      6.4. Success Leaves Clues (Mapping The Patterns Of Billionaires).mp4
│      │      6.5. Raising Your Thermostat Leads to Greater Confidence, Competence.mp4
│      │      6.6. My Wealth Breakthrough (Studying Larry Ellison & Warren Buffett).mp4
│      │      6.7. Breaking the Limiting Belief of Undesirable Circumstances.mp4
│      │      6.8. Mental Exercise Questions To Shatter Your Glass Ceiling.mp4
│      │      6.9. The Correlations Between DEBT & How It Effects The Creation.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─Chapter 7 - How To EXPLODE Wealth! Using These Psychological Concepts and Constructs
│      │      7.1. Changing Decades Old Belief Systems (Within TIME).mp4
│      │      7.10. -That Will Never Happen - (Until It Does) - A Lesson On The Low.mp4
│      │      7.11. Fake It Until You Make It - Why You Probably Don't Need To.mp4
│      │      7.12. My Thoughts On Leverage, Taking On Debt For Investment & Get.mp4
│      │      7.13. The Craziest Story Of Leverage Stupidity You Will Ever Here.mp4
│      │      7.14. Money & Wealth Does NOT Discriminate.mp4
│      │      7.15. The Fallacy Of Working Longer & Harder, Just To Spend-Waste.mp4
│      │      7.16. (Part 1) FALSE Beliefs Which Are Passed Down From Generation To.mp4
│      │      7.17. (Part 2) FALSE Beliefs Which Are Passed Down From Generation To.mp4
│      │      7.2. Why Most People Simply Can't Relate To Or Even Manage Their Money.mp4
│      │      7.3. How Your AGE Will Dictate How You Relate To Money.mp4
│      │      7.4. Wealth Through Value Creation - Why Marketing & Sales Are.mp4
│      │      7.5. How I Became A TOP UK Salesperson.mp4
│      │      7.6. How Mistakes Will Get You To Success Faster.mp4
│      │      7.7. Massive Successes & Massive Failures (Mindset Management).mp4
│      │      7.8. How This Technology Can Accelerate Your Path To GREAT Wealth.mp4
│      │      7.9. Why You MUST Become Your Own Financial Advisor.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─Chapter 8 - The Rules & Principles Of Wealth (Break Them At Your PERIL)
│      │      8.1. Why You Must Make Yourself Irreplaceable & Pleasing.mp4
│      │      8.10. How To Leverage Other People's Skills & Time To Explode Your Own.mp4
│      │      8.11. Why You Must Remove Your EMOTIONS From Your Investment-Investing.mp4
│      │      8.12. The POWER Of The 'Mastermind' Principle.mp4
│      │      8.2. You Can Re-Create Yourself Into Anyone You Want To Be.mp4
│      │      8.3. The Fallacy Of Saving To Save (WRONG) plus always Wanting Instant.mp4
│      │      8.4. It's Time To Take Back Your POWER In Your Personal Finances.mp4
│      │      8.5. The Important Of Good Health & The Impact Of Energy Levels.mp4
│      │      8.6. Why LAZY People Can't Get Wealthy.mp4
│      │      8.7. NO, Don't Cut Out Your Daily Luxuries, Instead Focus On.mp4
│      │      8.8. Why You Must Get The Best Help Possible In Order To Maintain Your.mp4
│      │      8.9. Getting Wealthy On Your Own Is VERY VERY TOUGH.mp4
│      │      
│      └─Chapter 9 (BONUS) - The Metaphysical World Of Wealth Accumulation
│              9.1. An Introduction To The World Of Metaphysics... (ADVANCED Lessons).mp4
│              9.10. Creating The Bridge From Thought To Reality, The Importance Of.mp4
│              9.11. The Power Of GOALS Compounding - Living In Small Actions.mp4
│              9.12. How Visualisations Will Change Your Life (1 Top Accelerator).mp4
│              9.13. The Power Of AFFIRMATIONS (Language In Creation).mp4
│              9.14. The Power Of The VISION BOARD (With My Unbelievable Personal).mp4
│              9.15. My Personal Vision Board For The Next 2 Years.mp4
│              9.2. The POWER Of Desire (The Energy Behind Creation).mp4
│              9.3. The Importance Of Having POWERFUL & Targeted GOALS.mp4
│              9.4. The Unlimited Wealth Power Of Having A Niche & Unique Specialised.mp4
│              9.5. An Example Of Having Unique Specialised Knowledge & Designing.mp4
│              9.6. Visualisations Without Action & Planning - Leads People To.mp4
│              9.7. The Incredible Life Changing Power Of Imagination.mp4
│              9.8. The Mind Boggling TRUTH About Reality, Empty MATTER.mp4
│              9.9. The Incredible Power Of GRATITUDE.mp4
│              AFFIRMATIONS.docx
│              AFFIRMATIONS.pdf.encrypted
│              Visualisations To Reality.docx
│              Visualisations To Reality.pdf.encrypted





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