Ben Settle的《电子邮件销售系统音频》教你如何撰写强有力的电子邮件,获得成效并扩大你的名单。
Ben Settle的《电子邮件销售系统音频》是撰写出色电子邮件副本的完整指南。你将学会如何制作人们愿意阅读的内容,如何确定最佳长度,以及个性化的作用。
这些音频还给出了关于多久发送电子邮件、何时发送以及如何规避垃圾邮件拦截器的建议。该系列还谈到了建立名单,包括如何以诚实的方式进行,并确保人们打开你的电子邮件。Ben Settle的《电子邮件销售系统音频》将帮助你改善电子邮件技巧,使得更容易让人们阅读你的电子邮件并进行销售。
掌握Ben Settle的电子邮件销售系统音频,提升电子邮件撰写技巧,轻松吸引读者并增加销售!
The Ben Settle Email Selling System Audios teach you how to write powerful emails that get results and grow your list.
The Ben Settle Email Selling System Audios is a complete guide to writing great email copy.You’ll learn how to make content that people want to read, how to figure out the best length, and what the role of personalization is.
The podcasts give you information on whether text or HTML emails work better and how to organize your emails to get the most out of them.Find out how to pick the best email tracking tools, handle people who want to unsubscribe, and make replies faster by automating them.
The audios give advice on how often to send emails, when to send them, and how to get around spam blockers.The series also talks about building a list, including how to do it in an honest way and make sure people open your emails. The Ben Settle Email Selling System Audios will help you improve your email techniques, making it easier to get people to read your emails and make sales.
- 教程编号:0993748370
- 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
- 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
- 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
- 文件大小:94.7MB
- 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
- 压缩软件:7ZIP
- 视频播放:完美解码
│ └─The Ben Settle Email Selling System Audios
│ Ben Settle 2015 Interview.pdf
│ Ben Settle Interview.pdf
│ Ben Settle Part One.mp3
│ Ben Settle Part Three.mp3
│ Ben Settle Part Two.mp3
│ Ben Settle Writing Tips And Secrets.mp3
│ Brian Kurtz Interview.mp3
│ Brian Kurtz Interview.pdf
│ Email.pdf
│ Resources.txt
│ Senoff Email Selling System.pdf
│ Settle Senoff Email 1 MS.mp3
│ Settle Senoff Email 10 MS.mp3
│ Settle Senoff Email 2 MS.mp3
│ Settle Senoff Email 3 MS.mp3
│ Settle Senoff Email 4 MS.mp3
│ Settle Senoff Email 5 MS.mp3
│ Settle Senoff Email 6 MS.mp3
│ Settle Senoff Email 7 MS.mp3
│ Settle Senoff Email 8 MS.mp3
│ Settle Senoff Email 9 MS.mp3