标题:学习专业人士如何使用 #NoCode 构建和销售有利可图的技术,开启你的创业之旅!

通过 #NoCode 打造你自己的科技创业公司,无需编写代码。
作为自由职业者赚取 6 位数的收入(或者作为机构赚取更多的收入)。
使用 #NoCode 的超能力提升你现有的业务。


Learn how the pros use #NoCode to build & sell profitable tech.

Build your own tech startup. No code required.
Earn 6-figures as a freelancer (or more as an agency)
Enhance your existing business with the #NoCode superpower

It’s a new, visual way of programming. One where you don’t actually have to write a foreign language.
Is there a learning curve? Yep. But that’ll take weeks or months, not years (like code typically does).

  • 教程编号:0821835128
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:10.57GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─NoCode Advantage
│      ├─01-Introduction
│      │      01-Fb Group [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-What is [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-What is.mp4
│      │      03-My NoCode Journey [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04- Advantages.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─02-Ensuring Stratup Success
│      │      01-Wht this section [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      02-Evaluating the problem [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      03-Evalauting myself [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      04-Evalauating the solution [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      05-Evaluating the momentum potentail [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      07-Pivk an Ideas [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      08-Conduct Inteviews [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      09-Identifying the red Ocean [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      10-Creating your Blue Ocean.mp4
│      │      11-Planning your app Functionality [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      12-Chossing a business name [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      13-The Intro- [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      14-Wireframe the UX [imjmj.com].mkv
│      │      
│      └─03-Bubble Essentials
│              01-Why the Bubble [imjmj.com].mkv
│              02-NoCode Yes Programming [imjmj.com].mkv
│              03-The App- Restuarant Analogy [imjmj.com].mkv
│              04-Tasktacular [imjmj.com].mkv
│              05-Bubble Overview [imjmj.com].mkv
│              06-Design the landing page [imjmj.com].mkv
│              07--Desing the sigup page.mp4
│              08-Deaign the Login page [imjmj.com].mkv
│              09-DEsign the app [imjmj.com].mkv
│              10-Responsive the landing page [imjmj.com].mkv
│              11-Responsive the Sign up-login [imjmj.com].mkv
│              12-Responsive the app [imjmj.com].mkv
│              14-Workflow and Logic [imjmj.com].mkv
│              15-Design Tweaks [imjmj.com].mkv
│              16-WL in the app 02.mp4
│              17-WL in the app 03 [imjmj.com].mkv
│              18-WL in the app 04 [imjmj.com].mkv
│              19-WL in the app 05 [imjmj.com].mkv
│              20-WL in the app 06 [imjmj.com].mkv
│              21-Backend Workflow [imjmj.com].mkv
│              22-Inrtro to API's [imjmj.com].mkv
│              23-Backend Workflows 02 [imjmj.com].mkv
│              24-Loose Ends [imjmj.com].mkv
│              26-Loosed Ends 03.mp4





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