

10,000 美元的网站的流程,
是我从 17 年的网页设计师经验中建立的确切的方法,
并应用有效的方法从网页设计项目中产生超过 200,000 美元的年收入。

价值 10,000 美元的网站流程课程包括 66 个视频(超过 12 小时的视频内容),

我将更深入地向您全面介绍我用于在自己的业务中设计 1 万美元(以及 2 万和 3 万美元)网站的确切流程、最佳实践和方法。

  • 教程编号:0738058189
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:1.36GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   │  1 Welcome  how to make the best of this course.mkv
   │  10 Aligning on the visual direction.mkv
   │  11 How to conduct the strategy session.mkv
   │  12 Defining content architecture The Site Map.mkv
   │  13 Strategy outcomes content architecture project timeline  final cost.mkv
   │  14 Real client strategy example.mkv
   │  15 Helping your clients understand their story (1).mkv
   │  15 Helping your clients understand their story.mkv
   │  16 The 15 seconds rule.mkv
   │  17 Tips for Writing Website Copy Yourself.mkv
   │  18 Working with a content writer.mkv
   │  19 Whats your call to action.mkv
   │  2 Do people actually pay 10k for a website.mkv
   │  20 Getting Texts  Images from clients.mkv
   │  21 The Process from low fidelity to high fidelity wireframes.mkv
   │  22 Which wireframing tool should you use.mkv
   │  23 When  how to use a UI kit.mkv
   │  24 Avoiding common UX mistakes.mkv
   │  25 Understanding Best Practices.mkv
   │  26 How to design a good navigation.mkv
   │  27 How to make the home page awesome.mkv
   │  28 Planning for mobile responsiveness.mkv
   │  29 Usability Testing without a huge budget.mkv
   │  3 Having the right mindset for success.mkv
   │  30 Real Client Wireframes Example.mkv
   │  31 The Process Building a coherent design language.mkv
   │  32 What tools to use when designing the website.mkv
   │  33 Visual Communication Fundamentals.mkv
   │  34 Creating Memorable Visuals.mkv
   │  35 How to Use Color Effectively.mkv
   │  36 Using Type Choosing the right fonts and using them correctly.mkv
   │  37 Creating a good Layout  making and breaking the grid.mkv
   │  38 Working with other creatives.mkv
   │  39 Working with Photography.mkv
   │  4 The 10k process overview.mkv
   │  40 Using Icons.mkv
   │  41 How to use interaction  motion to add value and delight.mkv
   │  42 Avoiding common UI mistakes.mkv
   │  43 Breaking out of the boring template look.mkv
   │  44 Putting it all together real client examples.mkv
   │  45 Managing the development process.mkv
   │  46 Exporting  Optimizing assets.mkv
   │  47 Working with a Developer.mkv
   │  48 Building your website with Webflow.mkv
   │  49 Thoughts about website builders Wix Squarespace WP page builders.mkv
   │  5 The purpose of strategy.mkv
   │  50 Staying up to date with Technology.mkv
   │  51 Helping your clients setup Analytics  SEO.mkv
   │  52 Launching the Website  Client CMS training.mkv
   │  53 Concluding the project.mkv
   │  54 Gaining Confidence.mkv
   │  55 Selling 10k Websites.mkv
   │  56 10k Website Proposals.mkv
   │  57 Managing Client Relationships During The Project.mkv
   │  58 Managing Revisions  Feedback.mkv
   │  59 Supporting Clients PostLaunch.mkv
   │  6 Brand strategy VS Website strategy.mkv
   │  60 Managing Multiple Projects.mkv
   │  61 Join Our Private Community.mkv
   │  62 How To Design a Winning Portfolio Website.mkv
   │  63 Templates  Docs.mkv
   │  64 Student Work Review Part 1.mkv
   │  65 How To Find  Close Amazing Clients Webinar Recording.mkv
   │  66 Final Thoughts.mkv
   │  7 Deciding on Website Goals.mkv
   │  8 Conducting Market Research.mkv
   │  9 Discussing content.mkv
   │  说明.txt
           Project Profitability.xlsx
           StoryBrand Workshop Template.pptx
           Strategy Session Template.pptx





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