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  • 教程编号:0082387191
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:2.65GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文

   ├─Module 1 - Content Marketing
   │      1 – How to Brainstorm Ideas.mkv
   │      2 – Using Social Proof to Validate Good Ideas Examples of Good Use of Social ProofExamples of Bad Use of Social Proof.mkv
   │      6 – SEO Driven Article Best Practices.mp4
   │      7 – Infographics for Link Building Best Practices How to Create Highly Engaging InfographicsAnimated Infographics.mp4
   │      8 – Long-form Content Best Practices How to Create Guides People Actually Read.mp4
   │      9 – Survey Content Best Practices How to Blow People Away with Data.mp4
   │      Resources.rar
   ├─Module 2 - Outreach
   │      1 – What is Link Building.mkv
   │      2 – What Makes Something Linkable.mkv
   │      3 – Improving Outreach with AIDA Anatomy of a Perfect Pitch Template.mkv
   │      4 – Tried and Tested Prospecting Methods Google Search OperatorsChecking Backlinks.mkv
   │      5 – How to Vet a Prospect in Seconds Last Publish DateGuest Posting PoliciesOnly.mkv
   │      6 – How to Get the Huffington Post, Fast Company and More to Cover You Pitch Tips.mkv
   │      7 – How to Get Influencers and Bloggers to Cover You How to Find Blogger Prospe.mkv
   │      8 – How to Conduct Broken Link Building (BLB) What is a Resource Page.mkv
   │      9 – Leveraging Reddit for Links and Traffic Avoiding Reddit PenaltiesFinding the Best Sub.mkv
   │      Resources.rar
   └─Module 3 - SEO
           1 – Beginner Keyword Research for Content Marketers.mkv
           2 – Can I Rank For This- Keyword Difficulty.mkv
           3 – How SERPs Can Inform Your Content User IntentTransactional.mkv
           4 – How to Rank for “How-to” Keywords Use ordered lists, “step” H2s and verbsOptimize.mkv
           5 – How to Rank for “Ideas” Keywords Pick the right top.mkv
           6 – How to Rank for “Best” Keywords.mkv
           7 – Single Page SEO Auditing for a Content Marketer SERP AuditContent Audit.mkv
           8 – Single Page SEO Auditing for a Content Marketer SERP AuditContent Audit.mkv
           9 – How to Use SEO & Content.mkv





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